Gung Ho - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Gung Ho" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Gung Ho (disambiguation).

The Gung Ho is a Maximal starship from the Beast Wars Neo portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.


The Gung Ho (ガンホー Gan Hō) is the Maximal starship commanded by Supreme Commander Big Convoy.


Beast Wars Neo cartoon

The Gung Ho was used by Big Convoy and his Maximal new recruits to hunt down the Angolmois Capsules scattered all across the galaxy. It was a powerful craft, capable of warp travel, and could stand up to the firepower of the Predacon ship, the Dinosaur.

The Gung Ho's on board computer was the sweet-natured NAVI.

Beast Wars Neo comic

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Beast Wars: Uprising

The Gung Ho was on patrol near the edge of the Allowed Zone the last time someone tried to run the Terran blockade before the Grand Uprising began, and got a front-row seat to the inevitable result. The crew passed the news along to the Dinosaur. Intersectionality

Once the Uprising began, the Gung Ho wound up becoming a Resistance ship. Six stellar cycles into the war, it was used to take out all the satellites in orbit around Cybertron. Safe Spaces

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