June Chung - Transformers Wiki


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June Chung is a comic book colorist. She is related to Jae Lee, and when she started out in 2003, it was coloring his work on Witchblade, Transformers/G.I. Joe, Batman: Gotham Knights, and Hulk. In 2005, they worked together on Batman: Jekyll and Hyde before Chung became primary colorist on Marvel Zombies and has since become a major force at Marvel Comics. In a relatively short period of time, she has worked on most of their major titles, including Thor, Spider-Man, Civil War, and Iron Man. She and Jae Lee are doing the covers for the current Wolverine comic.

Coloring work


  • DW GIJoe Issue5.jpg

  • Starscream gijoe ww2 weakspot.jpg

  • TheLine-Destro.jpg

Extended June Chung gallery