Monsterbot (G1) - Transformers Wiki
- The Monsterbots are a team of Autobots from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Twenty *hic* twenty five years of Transforp...Transmorph... *hic* changey robots, and NOW you want us? Well...well...screw you Furman...and your dad...what?
The Monsterbots are a team of Autobots that transform into strange and powerful (not to mention monstrous) beasts. Among their other abilities, all three are capable of shooting a destructive stream of fiery sparks from some part of their anatomy in beast form.
As a group, they tend towards the rabble-rousing, trouble-making, order-flaunting, morally gray end of the Autobot morality spectrum. They've also been known to have a drink or two.
The team is composed of:
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
The three Monsterbots were among the dozens of Autobots who joined Fortress Maximus's crew aboard the Steelhaven, as the Autobot commander sought to lead his people away from the war on Cybertron. The Autobots planned to resettle on the planet Nebulos. Steelhaven was parked in orbit above the planet, and Grotusque and Doublecross both using their flight abilities to ferry other Autobots to the planet's surface. Ring of Hate!
But their peace was short-lived; Scorponok's Decepticons followed them and waged war anew against the Autobots. The Monsterbots were subsequently among a squad of Autobots who attempted to stop a Decepticon takeover of the Mercury Gardens of Melanossus. Though they fought fiercely against Scorponok and his crew, the Decepticon Headmasters were too powerful. Grotusque realized the Gardens were being destroyed by the battle, and—over Repugnus's protests—ordered a retreat. The three were the only Autobot survivors of the battle; at least four other anonymous soldiers died there. The Monsterbots returned to the Autobots' swamp base and reported to their comrades, who were eager to avenge the losses. Brothers in Armor!!
The Monsterbots, along with the surviving Autobots, traveled to Earth. Trial by Fire! Grotusque was counted among Fortress Maximus's top officers when the commander met with Earth Autobot leader Grimlock aboard the Ark. Doublecross was also seen among the participants in the great battle with the Decepticons on Earth's Moon. Totaled!
Regeneration One
Grotusque and Repugnus were deactivated during Starscream's attack and kept in stasis aboard the Ark, but lost life support when the ship crashed into the Earth for the second time. Sometime around 1994 their bodies were reanimated and lobotomised by Megatron and pressed into service as part of a zombie army used to devastate the Earth. Loose Ends, Part 3 When Megatron was defeated by Optimus Prime, all the now-inactive zombies were gathered up by the Autobots, thrown into a huge pit, and vaporized from orbit by Ultra Magnus aboard the Valiant. Natural Selection, Part One
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Headmasters cartoon
Alongside the Trainbots, the Monsterbots were sent to the planet Beast, where the Decepticons were enslaving the natives. They helped free the slaves, and once the Decepticons were driven off the planet, Rodimus Prime ordered the Monsterbots to stay there in case the enemy returned. They didn't mind, as it seemed like a nice enough place. Rebellion on Planet Beast
The Monsterbots got new orders later on, being called in as reinforcements to fight the Decepticons on planet Paradise. Together they used their fire-breath to attack Abominus and destroy the energon cubes that the Decepticons had amassed. Head Formation of Friendship
Doublecross was later seen by himself on Earth, defending an Autobot energy facility in Miami against the Horrorcons. Ultra Magnus Dies!!
The Monsterbots returned to Beast to aid the Beastformers in their war against the Laser Beasts, only to have their heads torn off when the Laser Beasts took control of the Head Hunters. LG51 Doublecross Prologue Doublecross ended up a living but mindless puppet under Laser Beast control, Bonus Edition Vol. 51 while Repugnus survived as a severed head that he converted into a small Headmaster body. Bonus Edition Vol. 48 He went to the Legends World in search of a new transtector body, but had to settle for a small mech suit based on his old monster mode. Doublecross was brought there by Tigerburn to defeat White Leo, but turned on him after Leo was able to restore the Monsterbot's mind by merging with his severed head and becoming a Headmaster for him. Bonus Edition Vol. 51
Transformers in 3-D
The three Monsterbots and Kup composed Ultra Magnus's team during the search for Metascan Alpha. The group ended up on a desolate moon, confronted by Cyclonus and the Terrorcons. Ultra Magnus insisted they ignore the Decepticons and continue with their mission. They flew down to the planet below, only to find it under attack by the Destructons, and engaged the new enemy in combat, only to find themselves quickly overwhelmed. Thanks to Kup's heroic sacrific, Magnus and the Monsterbots made it back to the moon, only to find that the Destructons had followed them there and were attacking the Decepticons. Magnus and Doublecross aided the Decepticons' retreat, leading to the forming of a truce between the two factions. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3
3H comics
A week after the Great Transformation on Cybertron, the Monsterbots were seen staggering from the bar on Spaceport CSSB-16. Of the three, Doublecross appeared the least visibly inebriated. Wreckers: Finale Part I
2005 IDW continuity
The Monsterbots, led by Repugnus, were self-proclaimed outcasts who will do nasty, brutish and short acts seemingly for payment rather than for fun. And also for fun. Maximum Dinobots #2
Repugnus was incarcerated on Garrus-9 for unspecified crimes Spotlight: Arcee and apparently served out his sentence.
Needing help from some unsavory types to fix his ship, Grimlock sent out a message to the Monsterbots. Maximum Dinobots #1 When they arrived and didn't find him there, Maximum Dinobots #2 they tracked him to the battleground of Fallon, Nevada and merrily massacred their way through hordes of Sunstreaker clones... while threatening that Grimlock better have something good to offer them for the help. Maximum Dinobots #3
After some threats, Grimlock promised to give them data downloaded from Shockwave's ship, so they helped blast Scorponok's Machination defenses. Maximum Dinobots #4 After the clones were disabled, Sludge was shot by Scorponok and Grimlock remained to avenge him. Repugnus offered the remaining Dynobots a lift away from Earth, but they chose to remain and help Grimlock once again. The Monsterbots apparently were good to their word because the Dynobots were later seen repairing their ship. Maximum Dinobots #5
Grotusque eventually returned to the Autobot army only to be caught up in an attack on Kimia Facility. Lamentations Doublecross was among the Transformers who repopulated Cybertron after the war. Night and the City Grotusque had also returned home in time to help defend the planet against Shockwave's Ammonite army. Black Planet After the battle all three Monsterbots joined the Lost Light on its journey to find the Knights of Cybertron. They could frequently be found carousing in Swerve's bar. Words Hang in the Air The Road Not Taken
Commercial appearances
The Monsterbots were created accidentally during an attempt to create new Autobots. Kup raced to warn Rodimus Prime and Blurr of the accident, as the wild Monsterbots trashed the lab where they were born. Thankfully, the Decepticons attacked just then and the Monsterbots burst out of the building through the wall to fight them. Rodimus expressed relief that, though they were monsters, at least they were Autobot monsters. Nice show of logic there, Rodimus.
Transformers Roleplaying Game
The Monsterbots were a rowdy group of commandos who operated outside the usual Autobot military structure. Although rebellious and prone to over-fuelling on energon, they were loyal to the Autobot cause and sworn enemies of the Decepticons. Technorganic Secrets
The Transformers
- Monsterbots (1987)
- The Monsterbots were sold boxed at the $15-20 price point. True to their name, the Monsterbots transform into bizarre monsters. All three have a mechanism that allows them to shoot "cold" sparks from parts of their bodies (the mouths of Repugnus and Grotusque, and the collarbone of Doublecross).
Titans Return
- 30 years later, the Monsterbots return as part of the Titans Return line. Unfortunately, the "cold" sparks are no longer included, thanks to certain reasons. Instead, Doublecross and Grotusque have become Titan Master-compatible in the Deluxe format, while poor Repugnus is reduced to just a Titan Master head with a vehicle/gun accessory resembling his old toy. Also, Doublecross has been renamed Twinferno, likely for trademark reasons.
- One year later, Repugnus finally gets his own Deluxe Class iteration, being an extensive retool of Titans Return Twinferno. The included Titan Master Dastard gives Repugnus a head sculpt very much based on the G1 toy, unlike the animation-based Repugnus Titan Master.
- Wave 22 (October 28, 2017)
- Wave 23 (November 25, 2017)
- LG-EX (January 26, 2019)
- Redecoes of the original Titans Return releases to better match their animated The Headmasters incarnations, these Legends figures also include accessories not included with their Hasbro counterparts. Or, in the case of Repug, are split across two releases to be accessories to Gong and Broadside. Meanwhile, The Deluxe Repugnus & Grotusque are re-released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive 2-pack, with both figures' paint sheens being swapped.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Firebot (ファイアーボット Faiābotto)
- Mandarin: Guàishòu Zhànshì (怪兽战士, "Monster Fighter")