Predacon Alliance - Transformers Wiki

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The Predacon Alliance is the political unit that governs the Predacon race. It is headed by the Tripredacus Council.

The Predacon Secret Police maintains their own special brand of law and order in service of the Alliance.

In one universe, it is instead known as the Tripredacus Alliance.


Beast Wars cartoon

As a consequence of the Autobots defeating the Decepticons at the end of the Great War, the Autobots' descendants, the Maximals, came to rule Cybertron. The Agenda (Part III) While the Decepticons' descendants, the Predacons, were governed by the Predacon Alliance, they remained subordinate to the Maximal government The Agenda (Part 2) in an unstable peace. Beast Wars (Part 1) Despite this status quo, the Tripredacus Council secretly held the long-term goal of one day seeing the Alliance overthrow the Maximals and take Cybertron for the Predacons. The Agenda (Part 1) However, the Predacon criminal Megatron viewed the Council's cooperative relations with the Maximal Elders as a sign of weak leadership, and rebelled against the Alliance by taking more extreme measures against the Maximals: With a small band of like-minded Predacons, Megatron stole the prized Golden Disk and fled Cybertron to incite the Beast Wars, The Agenda (Part 2) leaving the Tripredacus Council to deem him a rogue element acting outside the Predacon Alliance's best interests. The Agenda (Part 1)

During the Beast Wars, a flying fortress of alien design was discovered. When Megatron seized control of it, he reasoned that, with this new weapon in his possession, along with the captured Optimus Primal as a trophy, he could convince the Predacon Alliance to follow his agenda of all-out conquest of Cybertron. When Primal's Maximal allies staged an attack on the vessel, Optimus commented that Megatron should cancel his plans for meeting with the Alliance. Other Visits (Part 2)

When the Tripredacus Council's agent Ravage arrived on Prehistoric Earth, he extended the Maximal crew of the Axalon the apologies of the Predacon Alliance for Megatron's renegade actions. Once Megatron was captured, Ravage arrested him in the name of the Pax Cybertronia and the Predacon Alliance. The Agenda (Part 1) Once in custody, Megatron figured that Ravage was under orders from the Alliance to leave no living witnesses of his presence. With help from a secret message from the original Megatron that had been hidden within the Golden Disk, Megatron was able to sway Ravage to betray the Alliance and join his side. The Agenda (Part 2)

3H comics

A series of terrorist attacks climaxed with an explosion at New Cybertropolis spaceport. The ensuing chaos spread all the way to the Predacon Alliance, upsetting the Tripredacus Council enough to demand the Maximals declare martial law. Chaos

Fun Publications comics

The Predacon Alliance was preceded by the Predacon Empire. The Razor's Edge It was started by the Decepticon Predacon Razorclaw and rose to power after the Great War. The empire went to war against both the Autobots BotCon 2009 Razorclaw toy bio and the Maximals, but ultimately lost said war. Once the empire's new leaders, the Tripredacus Council, had surrendered to the Maximals, the two factions began drafting a formal peace treaty, the Pax Cybertronia. During this time, the Predacon Empire was succeeded by the Predacon Alliance, with the Tripredacus Council still in command. The Razor's Edge In this new age of the Alliance's reign, the Decepticon Flamewar served as one of the Council's agents, hoping to help steer the Predacon Alliance towards the goal of, one day, defeating the Autobots and Maximals for good. BotCon 2005 Flamewar toy bio Conversely, several field generals refused to lay down arms and continued to directly skirmish with the Maximal Imperium. The Razor's Edge

During an undercover mission on Ceti Alpha Seven, Flamewar briefly broke her cover to assist the Decepticon Deathsaurus in dealing with a team of Autobots that had been sent to stop the former Emperor of Destruction from raising a new army of Insecticons. The ungrateful Deathsaurus spoke in defiance of her help and the Council she represented, the latter of whom he considered "weak politicians". Unfazed, Flamewar merely brushed his words aside, stating he could never understand the true complexities of the Predacon Alliance. Descent into Evil When the Pax Cybertronia was nearly at hand, various Predacon insurgents continued to act in defiance of both it and the Predacon Alliance. One such group of renegades was led by Flamewar herself, who was now wanted by the Predacon Alliance The Razor's Edge after a falling out with the Tripredacus Council. Descent into Evil Her team had invaded the planet Nibari, but was defeated and apprehended by a small unit of Maximals, who threatened to hand Flamewar over to the Predacon Alliance. The Razor's Edge

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

The Predacon Alliance first came about after the Great War between the Maximals and Predacons. Beast Wars Glossary: Tri-Predacus Council entry Beast Wars Glossary: Pax Cybertronia entry The war reached its end when the Predacon government surrendered Beast Wars Glossary: Destron entry and the Predacon Empire subsequently collapsed. Beast Wars Sourcebook #3 Scorponok profile After the signing of the Pax Cybertronia, the remaining Predacon factions came together and formed the Predacon Alliance. At the heart of this coalition was the Tri-Predacus Council, whose secret long-term goal was to, one day, unite the disparate factions of the Alliance into a single unified army. Beast Wars Glossary: Tri-Predacus Council entry In the meantime, the Council, and the Alliance by extension, had to maintain a peaceful coexistence with the Maximal Imperium, with any and all Predacons who openly defied the terms of the Pax Cybertronia (like Megatron) deemed renegades and criminals. The Gathering #1

Beast Wars: Uprising



  1. "Yes Megatron and his original band(which he did handpick) are considered renegades by the Predacon Alliance, but they are not merely petty criminals."—Larry DiTillio (in a message shared by Grrrlgoyle),, "Info about BW Megatron [NO SPOILERS]", 1997/12/08
  2. プレダコン同盟 Predacon Alliance:<9,33,37> プレダコンの勢力は代表的な統治機関を持たず、トライプレダカス・カウンシルやスターコンクレイヴ(Star Conclave)、ギャラクティコンオーダー(Galacticon Order)その他の、いくつもの異なった組織によって率いられている。これは単一の権威を信頼しないプレダコンの混沌とした性質に起因し、その結果、彼らは自分達に合った独自の政治システムを作り上げている。
    Predacon Alliance: <9,33,37> The Predacon forces have no central governing body, but are led by a number of different organizations, including the Tripredacus Council, Star Conclave, the Galacticon Order, and others. This is due to the chaotic nature of the Predacons, who do not trust a single authority, and as a result have created their own political system that suits their needs.
  3. プレダコン同盟に属する最も強力な議会組織の一つ。
    One of the most powerful parliamentary organizations in the Predacon Alliance.