Project Lazarus - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Lazarus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Lazarus (disambiguation).


...with mixed results.

Project Lazarus is a scientific endeavor initiated by a group of Nebulan scientists, led by Borx, to rebuild the bodies of the Autobot Headmasters, whose original heads had been left behind on Nebulos. They are based out of the Technodrome.


Regeneration One

Chromedome stylor project lazarus.jpg

In the Project Lazarus team's attempts to access Lord Zarak's files from the Grax Communications Facility, they triggered a ghost protocol that revived Scorponok's original head, and he was able to gain control over the Nebulans. Natural Selection, Part One

Hiding his revival, Scorponok had public records state that the initial tests proved disastrous, but the results were encouraging enough that the Nebulans continued with their research. Grimlock reviewed Borx's report on his approach to Nebulos. Loose Ends, Part 2 He was soon captured by Scorponok. Loose Ends, Part 5

The project's research, with Scorponok's help, restored the bodies of the Autobots Highbrow, Brainstorm, and Hardhead, who had all lost their original bodies (and Nebulan partners) in the battle with Unicron. He also provided Grimlock with a new, Nucleon-free, body. Natural Selection, Part Two

Following Scorponok's defeat on Cybertron, contact with Nebulos was re-established and Project Lazarus was started up again, with Chromedome's head being restored to his original body and Stylor rejoining Nebulan society. At the same time, preparations were being made to create a new body for Fortress Maximus though unbeknownst to the Project Lazarus team, his head had already been corrupted by the Dark Matrix creature. The War to End All Wars, Part 1 Upon Borx reattaching his head at the Technodrome, Fortress Maximus screamed in agony before apparently recovering, the only indication that something was wrong being a dark glint in his eyes. The War to End All Wars, Part 2