Sidney Biggles-Jones - Transformers Wiki

  • ️Wed Jul 08 2015
Sidney Biggles-Jones is a Cobra-aligned human from the Generation 1 continuity family.


Here I go, here I go, here I go again. Girls, what's my weakness? Men!

Doctor Sidney Biggles-Jones is a Cobra scientist. The designer of an electromagnetic rail gun, Doctor Biggles-Jones's dedication to technology has given her uncanny bravery even in the face of seemingly insurmountable threats. She knows that science can level all playing fields; if one side is more advanced, victory for the other side is a simple matter of understanding the opponent's technology. Far from a shut-in, Biggles-Jones is in peak physical condition and knows how to carry, aim, and fire a weapon half her size.

She also wears knee-high boots, tights, and a stunning, contour-hugging one-piece under her open, flowing lab coat.


Marvel Generation 2 comic


If she was a president, she'd be Babe-raham Lincoln.

Biggles-Jones and fellow Cobra recruit Scarlett (actually a G. I. Joe spy, sshhh!) were off hunting enemies of Cobra in the Silent Castle, which unfortunately led to Scarlett getting injured by Snake-Eyes. Things got worse when a half-dead Megatron showed up at the castle Unfoldings! and Cobra Commander managed to piss him off! During Megatron's attack, an admirably confident Biggles-Jones declared that just because his technology was alien, didn't mean it was better than hers and even trash talked it as non-energy efficient!

She proved this by injuring the Decepticon with a rail gun of her own design. An impressed Megatron made a deal with Cobra Commander. He would trade Cybertronic technology from the Ark for a new body which would incorporate the rail gun. Realignments When given her first glimpse of the wonders of the Ark, the doctor was rapturous with delight. Goin' South

However, she was not a typical Cobra member—or, indeed, truly a Cobra at all. She cared about the welfare of the injured Scarlett and concealed the fact that she knew Scarlett to be an undercover agent for G.I. Joe. In fact, she herself was a double agent, sent by some unknown force to infiltrate and undermine Cobra.

Unbeknownst to the doctor, the Commander had already betrayed her and offered her to Megatron as part of the deal. Megatron decided to extract and freeze her brain for transport to Cybertron. Scarlett, repaying Biggles-Jones for saving her life, confronted Megatron to save her. Sucker Punch


That's right, a captured woman is going to get lobotomized in an issue called "Sucker Punch." Larry Hama, you clairvoyant, you.

Scarlett's bold challenge allowed a squad of Autobots, led by Hot Spot, to intercept the reborn Decepticon Leader and free Biggles-Jones. The Autobots soon found that they were no match for Megatron's newly enhanced body, and the encounter eventually led to the deaths of Steeljaw, Chase, Brawn and Override. After dispensing with them, Megatron relentlessly chased the Joes, who were attempting to escape with Biggles-Jones. Having witnessed the nobility of the slain Autobots, the scientist willingly surrendered to Megatron, who reclaimed her and stowed her aboard the Ark before departing.


I've got your back, girlfriend.

While on the Ark, Megatron revealed that he knew that the rail gun was infected with a computer virus designed to render it inoperable. Megatron explained that he'd transferred the virus to the technology he'd given to Cobra, making it all useless. Megatron and his prisoner blasted off for Cybertron. Final Transformations

However, Spike Witwicky had snuck onto the Ark during Megatron's battle with Cobra and combined with Fortress Maximus, his old Headmaster body, whom he had abandoned there years before. Soon after, Fortress Maximus confronted and battled Megatron, allowing his fellow stowaway, Skydive, to free Biggles-Jones. Unable to defeat Megatron in combat, Fortress Maximus decided to destroy the reactor core of the Ark and asked Spike to leave and escape with Skydive and Biggles-Jones. Spike declined and instead sacrificed himself along with Fortress Maximus, destroying the Ark for good. However, not only had Skydive escaped with Dr. Biggles-Jones, but Megatron too had escaped to plague the Autobots another day.

Skydive returned Biggles-Jones to G.I. Joe, where she was welcomed by Scarlett with a warm hug. All or Nothing!

Animated cartoon continuity

A Sidney Biggles-Jones Memorial Solar Fusion Plant existed. The AllSpark Almanac

Ask Vector Prime

In a different reality, Megatron decided not to remove her brain but instead binary bonded to her as a Headmaster. Ask Vector Prime, 07/08/2015

Island Revolution!


I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Island Revolution!


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Dr. Biggles-Jones was once a leading scientist studying electromagnetism and cybernetics, and it is for this reason that she drew the attention of Cobra. Although the villains first sought to force her to join them by kidnapping her, she willingly lent her skills to the cause shorty afterwards. She became the youngest member of Cobra’s SciTech division, and the preeminent specialist in their burgeoning robotics division.

When Cobra cut a deal with the Decepticons, Dr. Biggles-Jones wound up assigned to The Joint, an experimental cybernetics laboratory hidden somewhere in the Pyrenees. With the assistance of a team of Techno-Vipers, she developed an experimental Energon purifier, and worked alongside the Decepticon Avia and a group of Insecticon drones as part of a project to construct an experimental drone prototype code-named “Fusion”. When a team of G.I. Joe members and Autobots crashed the facility, Dr. Biggles Jones attempted to stop them with the assistance of the Insecticons and her prototype rail pistol. Cobra/Con Fusion


G.I. Joe and the Transformers


"So, what do you think of the new girl?"
"To be quite honest, she seems a bit overly concerned with cold cuts, sir."

  • G.I. Joe featuring Ninja Force and Transformers (2017)
    • Accessories: lab coat, rifle, display stand
Dr. Sidney Biggles-Jones makes her action figure debut in this Marvel Generation 2-themed box set exclusive to the Transformers Collectors' Club and the G.I. Joe Collectors' Club stores. She is constructed from the head of the previous G.I. Joe club 2013 figure subscription service Kim Arishikage, the torso of 2016 membership exclusive Pythona, the waist and lower legs of 2010's Resolute "G.I. Joe Battle Set" Scarlett, the upper legs and feet of 2009 The Rise of Cobra Agent Helix, and the arms of that same line's Cover Girl. She comes complete with a bronze-coloured rifle and an hilariously oversized lab coat repurposed from the trenchcoat included with Snake-Eyes in the 2012 Amazon exclusive "G.I. Joe Renegades Pack".
Also included in the box set were the Joe figures Ninja Force: Scarlett and Cobra Commander, the Transformers Ratbat and Megatron, a figurine of Autobot Black Cat, and accessories of gun mode Megatron, Autobot Toaster, and three Crusticons.



"Okay, I'll join Cobra, and I'll trade in my skirt for a leotard, but I get to keep my labcoat, all right?"

  • Dr. Sidney Biggles-Jones is introduced in G.I. Joe #135 ("Ninjas Own the Night", for seriously) as head of the "Rail Gun Project" for Amalgamated Super-Conductor Corp. in New Jersey. After she is abducted by Cobra, she and Scarlett are convinced by Cobra Commander to join their terrorist organization so that their accomplishments will not be overlooked due to their gender. Part of the "becoming a terrorist" process is apparently trading in one's sensible skirt and slippers for a leotard and boots. Labcoats are still permitted.
  • Dr. Biggles-Jones' first name is only given in the G.I. Joe issues prior to the Transformers' involvement.
  • In G.I. Joe #140, we learn that the United States Department of Defense has 'a pipeline into Cobra.' Odds are good that this was supposed to be Dr. Biggles-Jones, though we never learn for sure that this was who she was working for.
  • Dr. Biggles-Jones has since been subject to continuity divergence, though strictly in non-Transformers-related stories. In Devil's Due's post-Marvel G.I. Joe comics, she was mentioned as being held in a Cobra prison and in a coma. She was later listed on a computer screen as having been killed. However, in IDW Publishing's continuation of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (which disregards the Devil's Due continuity altogether), Biggles-Jones is still active in Cobra, furthering research in Battle Android Trooper technology and participating in the creation of a new giant robot.

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