Spirit - Transformers Wiki
- Spirit is a human and member of G.I. Joe from the G.I. Joe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Charlie Iron-Knife, better known as Spirit, is a Native American "mystic warrior" and a skilled tracker. He's got a pet eagle named Freedom.
Marvel Generation 2 comic
Following a tip that Cobra had set up a base of operation in the town of Milleville, Spirit had Freedom scope out the place. The eagle came back to him with news confirming that Cobra Commander was in town. Spirit conveyed the news to Mutt, who in turn contacted Hawk and the rest of their unit. The team then sent in two squads to infiltrate the Cobra headquarters. Goin' South Spirit met the Ninja and Recon teams when they exited the city. When the Joes learned that the higher-ups were pulling the plug on the whole operation, he and Storm-Shadow were sent back in to pull out Snake-Eyes, who had stayed behind to take on Cobra’s Night Creeper Leader. Sucker Punch Before they managed to find Snake-Eyes, Spirit and Storm Shadow decided to help out the Autobots return to their ship, the Ark. Once that was done, they came upon Snake-Eyes, now in the company of Scarlett and Doctor Sidney Biggles-Jones. Taking them aboard their commandeered Cobra transport, they headed back out of town. In order to safely escape however, Dr. Biggles-Jones had to allow herself to be captured by Megatron. Final Transformations
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
Spirit was one of G.I. Joe's earliest recruits. After learning from Wheeljack the location of Cobra Island, the Joes planned to launch an attack against the terrorists on their home turf. Before they took off, however, Hawk received new orders from his superiors: to disable their Autobot allies and take them to Area 51, while Cobra Island was to be dealt with by a nuclear strike. When they learned that a nuclear weapon would react with the energon stockpile on Cobra Island and blanket half the Earth in a nuclear winter, the Joes decided to go against orders and rescue the Autobots held captive by the terrorists themselves. G.I. Joe vs. The Transformers #4 During G.I. Joe's attack on Cobra Island, Spirit gunned down Cobras and Decepticons as part of Hawk's squad. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6
Two years later, Spirit was part of a team of Joes sent to stop the Dreadnoks from illegally selling alien technology in Boston. After first dealing with the buyers, Spirit jump-kicked straight through the windshield of an escaping truck. The Joes weren't done in Boston, however, as they learned that Cobra were also experimenting with teleportation technology there. Spirit and the others were sent to deal with it, but ended up being teleported to Cybertron alongside the Cobras. There, they learned from Ultra Magnus and Perceptor that Cobra had caused Teletran 3 to sent various Transformers into different point in Earth's timeline, which would cause an apocalypse if they weren't brought back to the present. To prevent the destruction of their home planet, G.I. Joe and Cobra called a temporary truce, and Spirit was sent time-traveling alongside Barbecue, Doctor Mindbender, Tomax and Xamot. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #1 The five were rather taken aback when they ended up on a post-apocalyptic Earth that had been successfully conquered by the Decepticons years ago. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2
They soon came under attack from Sweeps, but were saved by the Dreadnoks, now acting as the local anti-Decepticon resistance. The Dreadnoks brought the time travelers to their leader, a crippled Duke, and Spirit explained their situation to his fellow Joe. Unfortunately, all Duke cared about was more troops for his resistance, and when Spirit and Barbecue refused to help him, they were chewed out and told to get out of his face. Torch didn't mind a chance to "undo" his future, however, and helped Spirit and the others find the single time-lost Autobot he knew of. After making their way through a swarm of Insecticons and a pack of Ravages, the team found Ratchet, who agreed to come with them if they helped him free some human slaves first. The mission was a success, but Ratchet changed his mind and decided to stay in the future after all, despite Spirit's arguments against it. Eventually, Barbecue ran out of patience and forcibly returned Ratchet and the others to present-day Cybertron, where they were immediately captured by Shockwave. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #3 They were soon saved by the Dinobots, and Spirit returned to Earth. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4
Transformers/G.I. Joe
Spirit was training Alpine, Barbecue and Cover Girl in wilderness survival and reconnaissance when he and his protegees were sent to investigate a crash site in Oregon. After meeting up with Flint's team, the Joes learned that Cobra was already on the scene, attempting to steal whatever had crashed there. After a shootout with the snakes, during which Spirit took out a few Cobra troopers with his knife skills, they found that the crashed object was a spaceship containing two alien robots. Upon returning to base, Spirit and Flint were taken to see Duke, Stalker and Scarlett, who revealed that they had met similar alien robots back in the 1930s. Targets of Opportunity
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
Spirit hopes nobody realises he's just checking the cybertronix page on TF Wiki.
Spirit was G.I. Joe's lead cryptographer. When the planet Cybertron was detected, heading towards the Earth, Spirit began working on deciphering the transmissions emenating from the incoming sphere. Both he and Dial-Tone were on stand-by when Cybertron's envoys came to meet with Hawk, acting as representative for the human race. Dial-Tone compared the Cybertronians' arrival both to Columbus's arrival to America and The War of the Worlds. Spirit was uneasy with both comparisons. The Joes had to evacuate their base when it became clear that the Decepticons had hostile intentions, and regrouped off-shore to plan a counter-attack against the Cybertronians. I Saw Three Ships
Aboard the USS Flagg, Spirit took part in General Hawk's mock-funeral, an elaborate set-up meant to draw Cobra into the open. The plan worked, though the Joes were faced with not only their human enemies, but the combined might of the Decepticobra alliance! After a hard-fought battle, the Joes were able to repel their opponents. Funeral for a Friend
Spirit was present when Shipwreck took a report from Polly regarding the progress of U.S.7's mission. Form Follows Function Later, the pair of them watched in horror as Cybertron edged its way ever-closer towards the Earth. Everybody Hates Metroplex
When Optimus Prime forced his way into T.H.E. P.I.T., Spirit suggested reasoning with him, as he had heard that Duke had fought alongside the Autobot. There really wasn't time to discuss it in the pandemonium that ensued; the fight spilled out into the open, where it was joined by Cobra troops, GIJONIN ninjas, the elder god Koh-Buru-Lah, and a couple of Decepticons. Optimus wound up taking off after he had taken back from the Joes Bumblebee's remains. Spirit still held fast onto the belief that Optimus could make for a great ally as the Autobot made his way back to Cybertron. Expelled from the Garden
Following a collision between Earth and Cybertron, the Earthbound Joes enacted the "Atlas Protocol", retrieving from a envelope coordinates that Spirit identified as leading to a remote jungle. After Cobra and the Decepticons had been defeated and the Joes on Cybertron returned home, he celebrated with the others at a bar. The War Never Ends
2005 IDW continuity
Charlie was recruited for the G.I. Joe team with the codename Spirit. At some point he became good friends with Rock 'n Roll. G.I. Joe vol. 5 #6
Years later, following G.I. Joe being shut down and then rebuilt as an international peacekeeping force, Spirit was brought back on to the team to put his tracking skills to use on the mission to head underground and take out the gigantic monsters that were attacking the surface. Noticing something was wrong with his old friend Rock 'n Roll, Spirit approached him and warned that he needed to find a way to exorcise whatever his demons were before they consumed him and shared a Predator-style handshake with him. Once underground, Spirit used a tracking device to aid his leading of the team and soon came across what he believed would be a monster but turned out to be a pair of small, adorably fluffy creatures instead. Calling Doc out to come investigate them, Spirit's initial assessment of the trail he was following eventually panned out when the smaller creatures suddenly transformed into the larger monsters! Having gotten knocked away by the Fluffies as they grew, Spirit was awoken by Doc just in time to see Rock 'n Roll transform into a monster as well! G.I. Joe vol. 5 #6 Assuring her he was okay, Spirit asked Doc to go see what she could do for Rock instead of worrying about him. After everything was said and done, Spirit continued scouting ahead and eventually came across the hatchery the monsters were being born from. Though he was certain he could lead the team to the mysterious altar at the center of the hatchery, the team having lost the remote detonator for their explosives meant setting the bombs off would be a suicide mission. G.I. Joe vol. 5 #7 Spirit saw Rock 'n Roll off as he and Skywarp prepared to go off on that suicide mission, assuring Rock that his sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. G.I. Joe vol. 5 #8
Following the conclusion of Shipwreck's mission to fight off V.E.N.O.M. forces in New York City, Spirit enjoyed one of the real beef hamburgers Dial-Tone ordered in Shipwreck's absence. M.A.S.K.: First Strike
Spirit's tracking skills earned him a place on Roadblock's mission to attack Cobra's arctic temple. Though in the lead up to the mission he spent some time reading up on the local environment, that wouldn't do him much good once the team actually arrived and discovered that the ice had melted away to reveal a primordial jungle filled with dinosaurs! Scarlett's Strike Force #1 Since he didn't bring a gun, Spirit wasn't much help fight the Velociraptor hordes off, as he refused to harm an endangered species with his survival knife. After a mysterious neanderthal scared off the Ankylosaurus who had damaged the team's transportation, Spirit was shocked at how he was able to essentially just scold it like a dog.
While Cover Girl fixed up her jeep, Spirit and Roadblock scouted ahead, looking for any Cobras patrolling the area they might be able to interrogate. While he had Roadblock leave his gatling laser behind for stealth purposes, the loud arguing behind Croc Master and Raptor meant they didn't need to be too sneaky. After the two Cobra animal trainers summoned another pair of dinosaurs to fight the Joes, Spirit dealt with Croc Master's Triceratops by destroying the dino's mind control device. Scarlett's Strike Force #2 Picking up on a trail of strange, almost snake-like footprints, Spirit was able to lead the Joes to the Cobra temple, which they promptly began their assault on. Scarlett's Strike Force #3
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Spirit was one of the many heroes who was transported to the Apex when the evil Lord MindWaveZ merged many universes within the multiverse into one chaotic realm. He, Minerva, and Tommy Oliver assisted a group of heroes as they battled Lord MindWaveZ and attempted to restore their worlds to normal. Worlds Collide: Battle for the Multiverse
- Spirit has been voiced by several Transformers alumni including Gregg Berger, Maurice LaMarche and Marc Thompson.