Sword of Primus - Transformers Wiki


"For the honor of GREYSKULL!"

The Sword of Primus is the weapon used by the Cybertronian Creator-God. It can also be used by those chosen by Primus.


Regeneration One

Hot Rod was being chased through the underground tunnels of Cybertron by horrific creatures who were screaming after him "CREEE-AAAYYY-TORRR". After jumping a gorge, he found himself in a secret room containing the Sword of Primus and the Covenant of Primus. Natural Selection, Part Three As the Demons drew closer, Hot Rod began to suspect that he was supposed to choose between the Covenant or the Sword. He chose the Covenant in order to gain answers as to what was happening. After being taken on a tour through history by the Covenant, showing Primus' creating the Demons, then subsequently destroying most of them when they developed free will and began destroying each other. Hot Rod realized that Primus intended for him to finish off the Demons that had escaped Primus. He picked up the Sword, and turned to engage a Demon that had burst into the room... Natural Selection, Part Four But decided to spare the creatures, concluding that Primus' decision to wipe them out was wrong. He took both the Sword and the Covenant, and proceeded to exit the tunnels, with all of the Demons parting for him to pass and kneeling in fear before him as his wounds inflicted by them miraculously healed. Natural Selection, Part Five

The Sword of Primus would not be called upon again until Hot Rod had become Rodimus Prime and succeeded in bringing down the Hub Network of Jhiaxus. Returning to a dead Cybertron inhabited by shadow-leeches, Rodimus called for Jetfire to retrieve the Sword for him, as conventional weapons had little effect against the leeches. He would later take the Sword with him to Zero Space to confront the Dark Matrix creature that was responsible. In order to stop the creature from spreading across the multiverse, Rodimus used the Sword to close the cracks in Zero Space and seal off his universe from the rest of the multiverse. The War to End All Wars, Part 5


War for Cybertron: Kingdom


"And then it's like, sparkle, sparkle, dolphin, sparkle. I get these shoes that are, like, better than my normal shoes. There's probably another dolphin."

  • Rodimus Prime (Commander Class, 2021)
    • TakaraTomy ID Number: KD-12
The Sword of Primus is an accessory included with Kingdom Commander Class Rodimus Prime. The sword itself features two 5 mm posts; one for holding the weapon (though the pommel prevents it from being held by figures without open or articulated hands) and the other for attaching it to the back of any figure with a 5 mm port. Like the rest of the accessories that come with Rodimus, it is able to store on the underside of Rodimus's stand-alone vehicle mode or in several places within the trailer.