Team Bullet Train - Transformers Wiki

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Team Bullet Train is an Autobot subgroup from the 2001 Robots in Disguise continuity family.


I hear them trains a comin'. They's rollin' 'round the bend...
Left to right: Rapid Run, Midnight Express, Railspike

Team Bullet Train is a trio of... well, bullet trains. Deep-cover Autobot protectors sent to Earth, they shuttle human passengers around until duty calls. When called into battle, the trio is capable of holding their own against the best of them.

The members of Team Bullet Train are...

The three can also combine to form the mighty Rail Racer.


Cartoon continuity

2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon


I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Team Bullet Train were first called on when the Linear RFG bullet train was under threat from the Predacons. Dumping their carriages, some of which contained indignant commuters, the trio caught up with the Linear RFG. With the train out of control thanks to Dark Scream's sabotage, they set about working out a way to stop it. They used their single file link-up maneuver and, with Optimus Prime's help, brought the train to a halt just short of a bridge that the Predacons had destroyed. When Megatron arrived to show his men how it was done, the team combined into Rail Racer and battered him into a retreat. The train saved, Team Bullet Train returned to their regular civilian duties. Bullet Train to the Rescue

SecretoftheRuins RapidRun Railspike thumbsup.jpg

The team was called in to Metro City when Megatron and his three goons attacked it. Though they found the streets difficult to negotiate in their large robot modes, the team located the Predacons and started battling them. Megatron eventually joined the fight as well, and the Autobots combined into Rail Racer, at which point Megatron simply left. The fight had only been a diversion while Sky-Byte investigated the Payuma ruins. The Secret of the Ruins

When the aging steam train "Grandpa" needed protecting, Team Bullet Train was the obvious choice, though Midnight Express seemed to believe the train was sentient. They successfully fended off a series of attacks from Sky-Byte and his three Predacon cohorts, but once the train reached its destination, the Predacons successfully snatched it. Team Bullet Train gave chase, and Midnight Express snatched the train back right before Megatron could grab hold of it. Secret Weapon: D-5

Team Bullet Train was standing idle at Autobot headquarters when Koji voiced his concern that the Predacons would attempt to steal the world’s largest ruby, currently on display in the city. Mirage's Betrayal

In an attempt to track down the rogue Autobot Skid-Z, Team Bullet Train entered the International Grand Prix, but their contribution to the mission came to a halt when a Predacon-induced rock slide blocked their path. Skid Z's Choice Tow-Line, another new Autobot, was corrupted by a Predacon disk, and began towing away the other Autobots including Rapid Run. After Rapid Run suffered the indignity of being scraped along buildings and was dumped down a hole with X-Brawn and Side Burn, Tow-Line was brought to his senses, and the three bots rescued in time to enact some revenge on the Predacons. Tow-Line Goes Haywire

Ultimate Robot Warrior Railspike Rapidrun.jpg

Rapid Run caught Slapper interfering with a Buddhist statue, leading the Autobots to discover the Predacons believed that the Cave of the Dragon harbored a statue that transformed into a dragon. In an attempt to scare the Predacons off, Rapid Run and Railspike disguised themselves as a dragon, while Optimus and Midnight Express played the part of the statue, but it all went a bit topsy turvy when Midnight fell over. The plan succeeded nonetheless. The Ultimate Robot Warrior

After practising their link-up manoeuvre, Team Bullet Train returned to the Autobot base to review footage of previous adventures in an attempt to find the Predacon base. Hope for the Future After the creation of the Decepticons by Megatron, the team was sent to Sherman Dam, where they combined into Rail Racer and fought Ruination. Commandos When the Predacons were following Side Burn around in an attempt to find the Autobot base, Team Bullet Train took part in an ambush at Pier 7B, though they largely stood back while Optimus fought Scourge. Attack from Outer Space In their Rail Racer form, they fought off the Decepticons at Crestline power plant. The Fish Test


Got bad grades?
I like trains!
Awkward date?
I like trains!
Don't like trains...?
I like trains!

Due to a Global Space Bridge malfunction engineered by the Decepticons, Team Bullet Train accidentally ended up on a busy city street. Rapid Run later got into a fight with Wedge over whose fault it was, and the other team members had to restrain him. A later attempt to use the bridge resulted in the three trains ending up in similarly unlikely places. Once the Global Space Bridge was fixed, they accompanied the Build Team and other Autobots to the north energy research facility to fight the Decepticons, though they allowed Landfill to deal with Megatron as a matter of honor. Landfill


"They must be somewhere in this completely empty field."

On one occasion, Rail Racer kept Ruination busy while Landfill stole back the energy which the Decepticons had been pilfering. The Decepticons were mighty angry at the Build Team and began attacking construction sites, promptly fleeing whenever the other Autobots, including Team Bullet Train, turned up. After the whole matter was sorted, the Autobots enjoyed a hot oil bath on an island. A Test of Metal The team helped the rest of the Autobots test the Global Space Bridge. Lessons of the Past They were also sent looking for the Autobot Brothers, who had disappeared while tracking Ultra Magnus, a recent arrival to Earth. They were approached by Magnus himself, who informed them that Optimus was being led into a trap, and the three trains rushed to help the Autobot leader. The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus

When the Autobots were on the verge of locating Fortress Maximus, Team Bullet Train were dispatched to the location under Metro City to protect the Build Team. While Midnight Express became disorientated in the tunnels, Rapid Run and Railspike faced Ro-Tor and Movor. Ultra Magnus's misguided attempt to help unleashed a flood which washed all three Team Bullet Train members into the huge cavern housing Maximus. They formed Rail Racer to defend the giant robot from the Decepticons. Fortress Maximus They later battled Ruination while the Build Team concealed Maximus. Koji Gets His Wish

FortressMaximus Rail Racer stockfootage.jpg

Team Bullet Train also attempted to defend Maximus from the Decepticons once his location was exposed. Scourge managed to successfully activate Maximus, but proved unable to control him. Maximus Emerges When Scourge magnified the human portion of his bio-signature in another attempt to control Maximus, Team Bullet Train was sent into the desert with Build Team and a thousand children to halt the titan. The Human Element

Gathering at a predetermined location, the Bullet Trains and the rest of the Autobots ambushed the Decepticon forces. The team combined into Rail Racer to fight Galvatron's Megastar, but the battle station was eventually felled by Fortress Maximus. Surprise Attack! After Galvatron used cyber-bats to gain control of the world's children, the Autobots were forced to retreat into the space bridge and were followed by the Decepticons. Galvatron ruptured the tunnel during the battle which followed, flooding it with molten lava which the Autobots were only narrowly able to escape. They were prompt seized by a powered-up Galvatron. Galvatron's Revenge Team Bullet Train reformed Rail Racer in order to protect Optimus Prime, and were subsequently held in a paralysed state by Galvatron until the Decepticon leader's defeat at the hands of Omega Prime. The Final Battle

Dreamwave Robots in Disguise comic

Rail Racer was seen via T-AI's viewscreen, presumably on a mission since the Autobots had spread their forces thin. Ultra the Rescue?

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The events of the Robots in Disguise cartoon occur in Japanese continuity as noted above, except that they take place in the world of the original Generation 1 cartoon where the Transformer cast are time travelers from the Beast Era to Tokyo in the year 2000.

As a member of the Dimensional Patrol, the members of Team Bullet Train were brought to the Legends World by Skids and Sky-Byte to defend it against the attack of Majin Zarak and the Zamojin. Targetmaster Chapter Finale: Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One

Rail Racer's adventures with the Dimensional Patrol continued under the command of Devil God Fire Convoy. Epiloge

Ask Vector Prime

In some universal streams, such as Viron 704.31 Epsilon, the members of Dominus Trannis were the result of Team Bullet Train being reformatted by the Robo-Smasher. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/30


Robots in Disguise (2001)




Midnight Express

  • Team Bullet Train (Mega, 2000/2001)
The Team Bullet Train members were only sold separately in Hasbro markets, whilst in Japan they were also available as a box set.


  • The box bios for the Hasbro toys of the individual Team Bullet Train members refer to the group as the "Bullet Train team".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Team Shinkansen (チーム新幹線)
  • Italian: Turbotreni