The Transformers Universal Studios Tour - Transformers Wiki


Spare a buck for a cup of coffee?

Imagine the look on your children's faces as they meet real live Transformers in our new base camp.


Me Grimlock am going to propose when Jaws pops out of water.


And so, the final round of the First Official Intraformers Limbo Competition began.

The Transformers Universal Studios Tour was an attraction at California's Universal Studios Hollywood theme park, running from summer 1985 to an indeterminate date in 1986. The reclining figure of Megatron (upon which children could clamber and pose for photographs) denoted the entrance to the attraction, which involved park visitors queuing for their turn to walk up onto a raised "stage" area. There, waiting to caper for their amusement amid computer banks and energon cubes, were actors dressed as Jazz, Grimlock and Starscream, wearing costumes very similar, if not identical, to those seen in the commercial for the Prizes in Disguise promotion.

We're pretty sure for a quite a while this was about the most awesome thing that ever existed.



Get him, Jazz! Before he transforms into a White Ford Bronco and escapes!

  • A coupon booklet for the Transformers Base Camp and the Universal Studios Tour was offered as a promotional tie-in from Pioneer fried chicken restaurants circa July, 1985. These promotions were sponsored by the most wholesome celebrity the '80s could offer, O. J. Simpson. [1]


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