Transformers Comic-Magazin issue 11 - Transformers Wiki
Transformers in Action: He Who Laughs Last ...
The Decepticons are once again performing attacks on oil refineries and similar targets around the globe.
The Autobots, under Optimus Prime's lead, have anticipated this and launch their counter-attack.
Focusing on separating the Decepticons and protecting their targets, the Autobots engage on several fronts: The Sparkabots are joined by the Triggerbots in their pursuit of the Triggercons while trying to clean up the cities.
Cloudburst, Landmine, and Waverider chase Bomb-Burst and Skullgrin into a dead-end, where the latter are ambushed by a group of Autobots.
Finally, Superion faces Bruticus while Defensor engages Menasor. Each time, the Autobots manage to damage a crucial control unit within the Decepticon Gestalt, deciding the battle.
As Optimus Prime watches the Decepticons retreat, he suspects that they'll be back. (source)
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
Autobots | Decepticons |
Articles and features
- There are a number of puzzles and fact pages, none of which feature Transformers. Not even the model (a helicopter) is tangentially Transformers-related this issue!
- The comic reprints skip "Wanted: Galvatron — Dead or Alive!" to go straight into the Ultra Magnus part of the drama.
- The title given to the reprint is disappointingly close to the original: "Flames in the Sky".
- Some sentences in the text story, such as the ones about Horsehead and the Decepticon Pretenders, are identical to those in the text story in issue #2. Why Robert Mann, why? Did you really save a few precious seconds doing that?
- The Aerialbots are part of the Autobots in this continuity too. Which is odd, since "A Big Day for Powermaster Optimus Prime" states quite clearly that no Autobot would even consider having a flight alternate mode, since it 'provokes a demonstration of power'.
- The story is also the first of its kind to recognize and use the Combiner concept properly. And Mann even makes up a new form of combiner in a brief aside. Those mysterious Decepticons link up to form some kind of power generator.
- Text story writer Robert Mann seems to be confused as to who is a Triggerbot and who is a Triggercon
- An astonishingly weird advert for the Action Force Comic-Magazin featuring Optimus Prime leading a squad of Buzzsaws.
- A one page advert showing the glory that is the Action Masters.
- A one page advert showing a selection of Micromaster Combiners.