Vrobian - Transformers Wiki


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Vrobians are psychic vampires from the planet Vrob. In order to sustain themselves, they feed off of the living essence of other beings until they waste away into nothingness. Vrobians normally have massive orb-like eyes and squirming tentacles over their mouths, yet they can appear basically human if they choose to. They pacify their prey by mentally enthralling them with a combination of induced amnesia and confusion, along with their more non-threatening humanoid appearances.

Also, if you're a little kid reading comic books, they'll scare the CRAP out of you.


Marvel The Transformers comics

After being banished from their home planet by the Zargons, one Vrobian family settled down on the planet Cheyne, a little outside Osaplam's borders. Despite their gentle appearances, the locals figured out that the Vrobians were connected to the disappearances that began plaguing the town some time after their arrival. The locals did not, however, kill the Vrobians or drive them off, but allowed them to live on their farm as long as they didn't get near the town ever again.

The young son of the family disobeyed the order one day and was nearly killed by the townsfolk, though his appearance as a harmless child made some of his would-be killers a little hesitant. In the end, the choice was not up to them as the Triggerbots happened to pass by and were quick to save the child. The Vrobian family saw in them a trio of permanent bodyguards, so they invited them under the guise of gratitude to stay the night. The Triggerbots accepted, and the next day, they had been hypnotized to think they wanted to stay forever.

Dogfight accompanied Hud to town, where the Vrobian could now walk around unworried due to his bodyguard's reputation. What the Vrobians hadn't counted on was the arrival of more Transformers. Thunderwing's group of Decepticons also visited Osapalm, their words and actions triggering Dogfight's consciousness. As Hud fled to escape the townsfolk now that his bodyguard was preoccupied, Thunderwing decided the Autobot was useless in his current state and let him be. After this, the townsfolk convinced Dogfight of the Vrobians' evil intentions.

Dogfight confronted the Vrobians on their farm. They didn't bother to keep up the lie and assumed their true appearances, meaning to destroy the Triggerbots. The Triggerbots killed each of them in self-defense, ending the threat to Cheyne. Kings of the Wild Frontier.