Windblade (Cyberverse) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Windblade" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Windblade (disambiguation).

Windblade is a Camien Autobot from the Cyberverse continuity family.


Windblade has put herself in charge of keeping her best friend Bumblebee out of trouble, which isn't easy now that he's lost his memories on Earth. It's lucky that this Camien has the skills to back up her stubborn determination and give the Decepticon Seekers a fly for their money!


Cyberverse cartoon

Voice actor: Jessica DiGiovanni (English), Aoi Yūki (Japanese), Alice Bauer (German, first voice), Melanie Isakowitz (German, second voice), Cristiana Rossi (Italian), Andrea Makay (Hungarian), Ludivine Deworst (French), Amalia Cantarero (Castilian Spanish), Jahel Morga (Latin-American Spanish), Carla Martelli (Brazilian Portuguese), Seon-yeong Park (Korean)

An immigrant to Cybertron from Caminus, Windblade's Cityspeaker talents gave her the ability to telepathically contact and communicate with other Transformers through her mind. Cube Windblade was good friends with Chromia before she left Caminus, Maccadam's and upon arriving on Cybertron she initially fell in with the egotistical Starscream and his Seeker friends. The group attended a cube match in Iacon, where Windblade first met Bumblebee after the yellow 'bot disguised himself to get into the stadium. After Bumblebee ran afoul of stadium security, Windblade contacted him telepathically and helped him sneak back into the stadium. After helping Bumblebee foil Starscream's plan to ruin the game with a tampered cube, Bumblebee invited her to meet some of his friends at his favorite bar, Maccadam's. Cube After rubbing shoulders with both Optimus and Megatron, Windblade met the bartender, who baffled both her and Bumblebee with some cryptic advice. Maccadam's During these early times on Cybertron, Windblade came to see Mount Helix as one of her favorite places to be. Ghost Town

Some time later, following the rise of Megatron and his Decepticons and the start of the war, Megatron Is My Hero Windblade—now an Autobot—visited Maccadam's, where Chromia unsuccessfully tried to convince her to return to Caminus. Windblade was skeptical when Bumblebee introduced her to a potential Decepticon deserter, though the conversation was cut short when Megatron broke into the bar. Maccadam's

At some point after the loss of Bumblebee's voice, it became clear that Megatron sought to seize control of the AllSpark. Windblade was one of the Autobots who took part in the battle to eject the artifact from Cybertron, taking down both Starscream and Shadow Striker and opening the path for Bumblebee to activate the space bridge that would take the AllSpark offworld. Allspark Optimus soon announced his intention to leave Cybertron and recover the artifact and, though Windblade tried to persuade Bumblebee to stay with her on Cybertron, he too joined the crew of the Ark. Memory On the day of Bumblebee's departure, the two friends visited the ruins of Maccadam's, and were surprised to find that the bar was still open. Maccadam poured them a drink and told the pair that, although they would be separated, they would always remain friends... and informed them that, one day in the future, they would need to find "the king of the dinosaurs". Maccadam's Feeling reassured about her friendship with Bumblebee, she then joined him when Grimlock called the yellow 'bot to the Ark's launch site. There, Windblade finally bade her friend farewell. Memory However, she remained in touch long enough to learn that Ratchet had been able to repair Bumblebee's damaged voice box.


In Optimus Prime's absence, Windblade and the other Autobot stragglers fought on, though it soon became clear that the heroes were outnumbered by the Decepticons. Eventually, it became clear that the Ark itself had been lost, and, when Megatron realized that the Ark had tracked the AllSpark to the distant world of Earth, the Autobots soon caught word of this revelation. Perceptor was eventually able to repair Cybertron's space bridge, and Windblade travelled to Earth to search for the Autobot starship—a one-way trip, as the space bridge exploded behind her.

Windblade spent a long time on Earth, fruitlessly searching for the AllSpark or the Ark, until she eventually chanced across Bumblebee on Earth, rescuing him from almost falling off a cliff. Fractured Through this, Cheetor noticed the presence of Transformers on Earth. Dark Birth She soon learned that Bumblebee had suffered damage, and was unable to remember her or his mission on Earth. The Decepticon Thundercracker soon showed up to rain on their parade, and bested Windblade with ease. The Seeker then tried to kill Bumblebee using Windblade's sword, but failed thanks to Bumblebee momentarily paralyzing him with his stinger. Windblade then blew the Decepticon off to parts unknown with her fans. She then attempted to connect with Bumblebee's mind and jog his memories with a cortical psychic patch, but this procedure failed and left the two Autobots unconscious after subjecting them to severe pain. Fractured


I will tolerate no reenactment, whether it's ironic or sincere, of the Patrick Swayze/Demi Moore pottery scene in Ghost.

The cortical psychic patch also released a powerful energy pulse, alerting the Decepticons Thundercracker and Nova Storm to their location. Windblade, after coming to, immediately took to the skies to engage Nova Storm in a dogfight. She then instructed the stinger-deprived Bumblebee to retreat to a nearby mineshaft, after which she used her detachable turbines to bury both Decepticons under a large pile of rubble. She then set off to found the Decepticons' ship, which she thought could be used as additional computing power for the cortical patch procedure, but discovered that Bumblebee had rushed in without listening to her carefully detailed plan about how to infiltrate the ship. Entering the bridge, she set up the cortical patch again to enter Bumblebee's memories, using her Cityspeaker skills to guide him through the process. While Windblade hoped to recover the current location of the Ark, Bumblebee only managed to recover a small fragmented memory detailing the ship's launch... and memories of Windblade herself, finally recognizing her as his old friend. The happy moment was unexpectedly cut short when Starscream contacted the ship to know how his scouts were doing... only for Bumblebee to immediately seize the communicator and blow their cover, to Windblade's chagrin. Memory

Windblade and Bumblebee hijacked the Decepticon scout ship to get away, setting a course through a nearby mountain range. Bumblebee's piloting skills were so bad that the scout ship nearly crashed into two mountains and caused the decapitation of a tree so Windblade told Bumblebee to land near some radio towers, even though there was only one visible. She also told Bumblebee that she would do all of the flying which made the little scout a bit sad. Later, she once again set up the cortical patch. She told Bumblebee to access the memory of the Allspark to help him remember what it was. Windblade confirmed Bumblebee's assessment that the Allspark contained infinite life before directing him to a memory which showed how they lost the Allspark. After the memory ended, Windblade reminded Bumblebee that the "awesome guy" was Optimus Prime. Windblade commented on how Bumblebee's memory was repairing itself. Allspark

After the memory had ended, Windblade and Bumblebee had a chat about the other Autobots. Windblade told Bumblebee that they might not have woken up and were still on the Ark. The Journey


"We want your lunch money!"

After going through Bumblebee's memory, Windblade noticed the mountains in the background. Tracking the mountains to the Himalayas, Windblade found Bumblebee's abandoned stasis pod and blaster before she was ambushed by Thundercracker, Nova Storm and Slipstream. Though briefly interrogated, she managed to escape and return to Bumblebee, giving him back his blaster. Whiteout

When Bumblebee began to remember the peaceful revolutionary Megatron was, Windblade began directing him to the hints that Megatron had never been altruistic before the scout found the memory of Megatron destroying his voice box. Though shaken, Bumblebee found his optimism soon enough, happy that he could talk in his mind. Megatron Is My Hero When Windblade was trying to datamine the Decepticon shuttle, Bumblebee found a Cube, and Windblade helped him regain his memories of the sport. Though he was eager for a round, both had forgotten the rules. Cube

After failing to track a Decepticon signal, Windblade returned to the shuttle to find Acid Storm and Thrust attempting to board. As she forced them off the ship, she found Bumblebee was using the patch. Leading the Seekers on a merry chase, aided by some remotely controlled weapon systems, Windblade shook off her pursuers, returning to find Bumblebee had woken up. Terminal Velocity After failing to help Bumblebee rediscover some of his wartime prowess the physical way, Windblade decided to help him by jogging his memory. After looking through two memories, the two friends returned to their sparring. Shadowstriker

After a space battle, Windblade was surprised when Bumblebee mentioned visiting Maccadam's. After landing in a cave that looked like Bumblebee, Windblade plugged into her friend's mind, discovering that his memories were beginning to self-repair. Reviewing Bumblebee's memories of Maccadam, the two realized that the barkeep was giving them helpful prophecies, setting them on the path to find the "king of the dinosaurs". Maccadam's


"Just pretend my hand's a chestburster, I'll use some CGI during post-production to make my hand look like a chestburster."

As the two tried to figure out what a dinosaur was, Windblade was remotely ejected from the patch by Shockwave who had likewise taken remote control of the ship and guided it towards Slipstream's forces. After outsmarting the Seekers, Windblade told the now awake Bumblebee to press the red button, activating its self-destruct. Though now trapped on Earth with no way to repair Bumblebee's memories, the Autobots counted themselves lucky to be alive. Sabotage

As the duo struggled to blend in to Earth, Windblade suggested splitting up to find the Ark before Bumblebee detected an Autobot distress beacon. Following it, the two found Teletraan-X, a backup system for the Ark's computer. Unfortunately this turned out to be a trap by the Seekers only for their torture of Bumblebee to trigger the drone's security protocols. As the two Autobots fled through the labyrinthine structure, Windblade noted that Teletraan-X was their first priority before they were separated in the winding corridors. After briefly being separated, Teletraan-X revealed that he had a map. As the Autobots headed for the exit, the Seekers caught up with them, Windblade choosing to stay behind and hold them off so Bumblebee could escape. Teletraan-X Four and half hours and some self-reflection later, Bumblebee turned back and charged to save Windblade. Matrix of Leadership


"Hey Acid Storm, wasn't that stuff around her eyes red before?"

Captured, Windblade was subjected to a cortical psychic patch though its slow speed angered Slipstream. To speed up the process, Acid Storm and Thundercracker jacked up the power, causing a burst of energy that knocked every Seeker unconscious. Freeing herself, Windblade resumed data mining and found an Autobot signal. When the Seekers began to reboot, Windblade fought her way out of the complex only to be grabbed by Slipstream as she climbed the ladder to freedom. Before she could be captured again, Bumblebee showed up at just the right time to lend a hand. After a quick reunion, the two set off for the Autobot signal. Siloed

After Teletraan-X had been reprogrammed to accept instructions from Windblade (though he still called her "not crew"), the three found the immobile Autobot buried outside a human city. As the Autobot was excavated and identified as Grimlock, Windblade recognized that he was Maccadam's prophesied "king of the dinosaurs". Out of energon, the Autobots redirected the humans' power grid to revive Grimlock. Operating on instinct and vague memories, Grimlock set off for the base he'd built for himself. When he entered it, his logs triggered Grimlock's higher functions, allowing him to revert to robot mode and greet his old friends. King of the Dinosaurs

Thanks to Grimlock's base, the Autobots detected the arrival of a new Decepticon ship armed with a magnetic disruptor. Needing only to disable one-half of the ship, the Autobots travelled to the North Pole. As Windblade drew the attention of the Seekers, Grimlock and Bumblebee managed to destroy the ship, saving Earth. The Extinction Event


Nothing could ruin this moment, except maybe a group of decepticons.

Back at Grimlock's base, the Dinobot revealed a map of Pangaea which Teletraan used to place the Ark at Mount St. Hilary. When the quartet arrived, they were ambushed by the Seekers, Windblade managing to down Slipstream. When the group recovered, Teletraan-X revealed that the Decepticon fleet was approaching Earth. Their resolve strengthened, the Autobots breached the volcano where they found the Ark. Awaken Sleeping Giants

Their joy was short-lived as the Decepticons returned, now revealed to have been tracking them via Shockwave's drones. Fighting with the Seekers again, Windblade quickly found herself outnumbered only for the tide to turn when Shockwave reactivated the volcano and Teletraan-X managed to upload himself into the Ark. Covered by the turrets, Windblade retreated inside the ship just before Teletraan raised its shields, protecting it from the volcano. Teletraan then reactivated the slumbering Autobots just before the Decepticon fleet arrived. Eruption

Over the next decades, the Autobots and Decepticons continued their war across Earth. Initially they fought in secret, though Windblade was captured on video, transforming into her jet mode on a public road in attempt to hide. When the war later become known to humanity, Windblade fought Megatron at a power plant, a battle that captured a blooper of the Decepticon leader tripping over power lines. During or after 2007, the Decepticons had erected a Planet Smasher on the moon, Windblade saving Bumblebee during a moment of distraction. When the Decepticons retreated behind a force field, the Autobots had to wait for Wheeljack to disable it. After destroying the Planet Smasher, the Autobots followed the Decepticons into the moon. Sea of Tranquility After fighting their way to the Decepticon control room, it blew up in their face. Discovering that the Decepticons were using planetary engines to slam the moon into the Earth, the Autobots managed to reverse the engines and then made a broadcast to Earth. Bad Moon Rising


A typical day on the Ark.

When Grimlock drank some of Wheeljack's Hyper Fuel, the overcharged Dinobot ran through the Ark. After a failed attempt to ground him with the Mega Magnetizer, Optimus warned all Autobots to keep their distance. Ignoring this, Windblade tried to use her fans to stop Grimlock only to wind up stuck to him and Hot Rod. Nonetheless, she was able to direct him to go outside to not wreck everything. At the exit, Bumblebee fired an untested weapon at them creating a black hole. While Hot Rod was pulled free, Windblade was left stuck to the Dinobot as Optimus contained both him and the black hole with shots from the the force shield blaster. Trapped within the forcefield for a day, Windblade was forced to wait until Grimlock finally burnt through his energy. The Visitor

When the Autobots later learnt that the AllSpark had created a series of GroundBridge portals across Earth, Windblade was part of the mapping effort, allowing them to find the AllSpark. The portal to it however accepted only Optimus, leaving the Autobots to do nothing but wait. Optimus eventually returned with the AllSpark's guardian, Cheetor, saying that the AllSpark had been taken by Starscream. Trials

After everyone got to know Cheetor, they launched an attack on the Nemesis. As the two sides fought in the warship's main hangar bay, Cheetor revealed that the AllSpark was not present, forcing Megatron to admit that Starscream had gone rogue. To retrieve the artifact, the two sides agreed to parlay. Dark Birth

Part of Optimus' entourage in the subsequent negotiations, Windblade grew frustrated at Soundwave playing increasingly loud music. Before a fight could break out, Megatron ordered everyone out. Hovering by the meeting hall even until night, Windblade was approached by the wounded Slipstream. Managing to convince her foe to listen to him, Slipstream revealed that the Starscream was in the old missile silo. Taking this seriously, Windblade began leading Slipstream to Optimus and Megatron only for Bludgeon to impale the Seeker from behind. Windblade's attack on Bludgeon caused a fight to break out, ending the negotiations. After the Decepticons left, Cheetor informed Windblade that Slipstream had returned to the AllSpark. Parley


"I'll admit, not my best plan."

Acting on Slipstream's information, the Autobots investigated the missile silo only for Cheetor to declare that the AllSpark was not present. Upon returning to the Ark, they received a garbled distress call from the Nemesis. Though Windblade would have preferred a Decepticon civil war, Optimus led them to the Decepticon ship, finding it filled with frozen Decepticons who were near-totally drained of energon. Following Cheetor's sense for the AllSpark, the group was ambushed by scraplets. Forced to split up, Windblade and Optimus wound up on the ship's bridge where Starscream was waiting for them. When the ex-Decepticon tried to turn his swarm on Optimus, Windblade rushed to her leader's defence but wound up paralyzed. She, and everyone else, was later restored to full functionality when Cheetor made brief physical contact with the AllSpark, causing it to send out a regenerative wave. As a show of gratitude, Megatron allowed the Autobots to go in peace. Starscream's Children

Windblade later went on a scouting mission. Briefly returning to the Ark, she reported that there was no sign of Starscream, the Seekers, or the AllSpark. She then went right back to searching. Spotted

Seeking to avenge Slipstream, Windblade ambushed Bludgeon outside the Nemesis. After the Decepticon warrior had killed a gaggle of scraplets as training, she revealed herself and attacked him. Infuriated by his perpetual silence, Windblade quickly found herself outmatched only for Wheeljack to save her before Bludgeon could deliver the killing blow. Secret Science

The Ark was then attacked by the thought-dead Sky-Byte who demanded that the Autobots bring him Jetfire. When the Autobots told him that they didn't know where Jetfire was, the shark flew off. Jetfire then showed up, regaling his comrades with tales of his glory and asking for their aid in taking down Sky-Byte. When the Autobots were more concerned with the AllSpark, Jetfire blasted off. Infinite Vendetta

After Jetfire came around, he led the Autobots to the AllSpark, Windblade being part of the team. They were quickly met by the Decepticons, led there by Sky-Byte before an AllSpark-powered Starscream showed up. Using his new powers, Starscream began extracting everyone's sparks only for Optimus to blast the AllSpark out of Starscream using the Matrix of Leadership. With the energy release forcing Optimus into stasis, Windblade took command, ordering Grimlock and Cheetor to guard Optimus while leading Cheetor to get the AllSpark. Windblade nearly claimed it herself before she was met by Shadow Striker. After Cheetor retrieved the AllSpark, Windblade ordered a retreat, Bumblebee dragging the prone form of Starscream after him, noting he should stand trial. With a smile, Windblade agreed and declared it was time for the Autobots to return home. I Am The Allspark

With Optimus still in stasis, Hot Rod took command of the Autobots. Needing to divert the Decepticons from the space bridge, Hot Rod had Windblade and four others remotely pilot shuttles, transmitting on an open frequency that one of the shuttles carried the AllSpark. The last one to fall, Windblade managed to shoot down two Decepticon ships before hers was destroyed. With the Nemesis drawn away, Hot Rod ordered the Ark to the space bridge. Unfortunately, Sky-Byte saw through the ruse, buying enough time for the Nemesis to catch up. When the Decepticon flagship began a bombardment, Cheetor healed the Ark with the AllSpark. Though the ship made a desperate run for the space bridge, Shockwave managed to detonate it. Stepping onto the bridge, Optimus ordered the Ark to take the long route to Cybertron. Escape From Earth

As the Ark sailed home, the Autobots held a victory party, Windblade accepting one of Wheeljack's AllSpark-connected badges for a steady flow of energon. When Starscream acquired one of the badges, he tampered with it, driving the Autobots into a maddened fury. Optimus and Cheetor managed to disable the badges with Optimus indulging in a dance to get the party going again. Party Down


"Hey guys! Glad you came, I want to introduce my new friend!"

When the Ark passed near the wreckage of the Sharkticon homeworld, Windblade was on the bridge for the bad weather report. Wiped Out Not long afterwards, the Ark passed by a planet that had once hosted a colony settled by the Titan Croaton. Damaged but alive, the Titan sensed the AllSpark and possessed Windblade to have her bring it to him. Singularly-focused on the task, she flew down to the planet, attacking the Autobots who followed her through Croaton. Reaching the spark chamber, Windblade unleashed the AllSpark's energy, restoring Croaton to full functionality. Released from his control, Windblade nonetheless offered herself as a median between the Titan and the Autobots who told them his story. After the Titan returned their shuttle to the Autobots, both parties left the planet. Ghost Town

After forty intensely boring cycles, the Ark was struck by an EMP, freezing all passengers in a standby mode. When Teletraan-X managed to restore power to the vessel and its inhabitants, everyone continued on, none the wiser. Perfect Storm

After the Ark received a distress call from Chromia, Optimus decided to take the crew through an ancient space bridge. Rather than Cybertron, Wheeljack's partial repair took the Ark to unspace, the void between realities. Upon arriving, the Autobots found a duplicate Ark that disintegrated due to the effects of the realm. It was then that a second duplicate arrived, identical to theirs, save that Perceptor had sent out the distress call. When a third Ark showed up, the three ships tried to punch their way out with the AllSparks only for unspace to claim one of the vessels. When more Ark's began arriving, the combined power of nine AllSparks allowed them all to escape and return to their realities. When the Ark emerged in Cybertronian orbit, the crew gave a hearty cheer. The Crossroads

As the Ark made its final approach, Optimus sent Jetfire and Windblade to scout Cybertron for Decepticon activity. When the two fliers reported none, Optimus tried to raise Chromia to no avail. Convinced that they were flying into a trap, Optimus ordered the ship evacuated and sent it in under autopilot. After the Ark had been destroyed by a laser snare, the Autobot army massed outside the Threshold of the Well to meet the Decepticons. In the ensuing battle, Windblade fought against the Seekers with Jetfire. Battle For Cybertron I Battle For Cybertron II

With a group of scraplets barring the path to the Well, Optimus told Windblade to find another way in. Windblade ordered Teletraan-X to scan for an alternative route. Instead the drone found two Autobot signals below ground. Using her cityspeaker abilities, Windblade made contact with Chromia who informed Windblade of a backdoor to the Well, information that Windblade passed on to Hot Rod, whose group was guarding the AllSpark. When Teletraan informed her of Vector Sigma's location, Windblade called Wheeljack to meet her there so they could destroy it and prevent Megatron from creating the Decepticon supersoldiers. When Windblade reached the supercomputer's chamber, Bludgeon revealed himself as its guardian. Battle For Cybertron III


Yes, he died from this.

With Windblade keeping Bludgeon occupied, Wheeljack was able to spray Vector Sigma with unspace goo, Windblade kicking Bludgeon towards the computer. As the goo took effect, both Vector Sigma and Bludgeon were banished to unspace. After briefly eulogizing Slipstream, Windblade reported Vector Sigma's destruction to Optimus. Soon afterwards, the AllSpark was restored to Cybertron's core, Optimus declaring the war over. Battle For Cybertron IV

The peace that followed proved short-lived. Off in space, Starscream sold out Cybertron to the Quintessons who invaded the planet. To fuel Starscream's metamorphosis into a new Judge, The End Of The Universe I the Cybertronians were placed in a virtual reality where they watched a parade in an endless state of bliss. In this state everyone's sparks were slowly drained. Within the Loop, Windblade talked to Chromia and tried to drag Bumblebee into their discussion. The Loop

The small group of Cybertronians who had avoided or been from the Loop rallied into a resistance under Hot Rod. When they discovered that their hideout of Maccadam's was in fact the city mode of the dormant Titan Iaconus, they sought to awaken the warrior. Needing a cityspeaker, the group focused their efforts on freeing Windblade. Though Perceptor managed to temporarily show Windblade the real world, the arrival of the Prosecutors forced the resistance to abandon Windblade. When her consciousness returned to the Loop, Windblade forget everything outside of it. The Trial

During the prior effort, the resistance had managed to free Soundwave, his and Laserbreak)'s skills allowing them to acquire the source code for the Loop. Armed with this, Perceptor spliced a flock of Air Hammers into the simulation, the shock causing everyone to transform, freeing everyone from the Loop, the Cybertronians retreating to Iaconus. The Scientist


Maccadam will allow no heroic sacrifices today.

To foster teamwork, Hot Rod and Soundwave sent mixed Autobot and Decepticon groups into training sessions. When Windblade tried to join, the two instead told her to try and awaken Iaconus. Though she made initial strides, she was quickly forced to pull out. Maccadam then approached her and informed him that he had placed an additional layer of security around Iaconus, one that risked destroying her. Though Windblade insisted she try again, Hot Rod overruled her. Instead, the Cybertronians opted to detonate warhead at point-blank range, Windblade being part of the air force. When the Sharkticons blocked the Cybertronians, she tried to attack Lord Gnaw but he threw her into a building. When the Sharkticons blew up the bomb, Windblade flew back to Iaconus. Pushing through the pain, she managed to enact his transformation, managing to raise his arm, causing quakes that scared off the Sharkticons, before Maccadam tackled Windblade out of the cityspeaker link, saying he'd lost too many cityspeakers that way. The Alliance

Hatching a new plan, the Cybertronians disabled Iaconus' cloak, drawing the majority of the Quintesson forces to them, allowing Optimus and Megatron to infiltrate the undefended flagship. The plan succeeded, destroying both the Judge and the Quintesson flagship only for the new Judge to emerge from the wreckage: Starscream. The Judge

Starscream quickly managed to defeat and lock up the shocked Cybertronians. A brief distraction by Soundwave allowed Windblade to escape. The End Of The Universe I Making her way to Maccadam's, she found it infested with Sharkticons. Despite the strict rule against fighting, Maccadam allowed Windblade an exception. Together, the two fought their way to the cityspeaker chamber. When they arrived, Maccadam warned Windblade of the full extent of the trap, telling her that she'd know what to do when confronted with it. Managing to connect to Iaconus again, Windblade accidentally set off the trap, disabling it with a psychic construct of Stormfall. Fully connected to Iaconus, Windblade managed to rouse the War Titan's consciousness and ordered him to transform to robot mode. The End Of The Universe II

After getting an exterior visual, Windblade redirected Iaconus' focus from from random destruction to Starscream. As the War Titan charged for the Judge, the Quintessons summoned the brainwashed Croaton. Noticing that Croaton was slaved to Starscream's commands, Windblade commanded Iaconus to scare the traitor away. With the Seeker gone, Iaconus proved the better fighter. Before the War Titan could free his fellow, Starscream returned and used unspace goo to destroy Iaconus' head, killing him. The End Of The Universe III


Remember to hit the glowing weak spots.

The abrupt loss of Iaconus' mind left Windblade unconscious until Laserbeak woke her up. Informed by Optimus that the fight was not over, Windblade flew out, seeing Croaton on a rampage. Though Windblade tried to telepathically connect to him, she failed until Laserbreak pointed out a way into Croaton. Making her way to his cityspeaker chamber, Windblade connected to Croaton. Within his mindscape, Croaton explained that the Quintesson technology controlled all of his functions. In order to free him, Windblade used Stormfall and split into five copies of herself so she could destroy all the Quintesson technology at once. Though she succeeded, the overexertion shattered her mind, The End Of The Universe IV into five parts, each winding up far and wide across Cybertron. Thunderhowl Free, Croaton tried to rouse Windblade but getting no answer, he withdrew from the battle for a place to rest. The End Of The Universe IV


Not the first time she's ended up in a coma after saving Cybertron.

In the aftermath of the battle against the Quintessons, the Autobots and Decepticons each claimed a hemisphere of Cybertron. Croaton had settled down - with the unconscious Windblade still with him - in what would become Decepticon territory. Shadow Striker found Windblade and, in secret, did what she could to help her. Searching for Windblade, Bumblebee snuck into Decepticon territory, being allowed to take his friend with Shadow Striker's blessing. Bumblebee dodged several Decepticons as he navigated Windblade through Croaton's city mode before he had Whirl airlift her out. Before they could cross the border, Megatron arrived and cornered them. On the Autobot side, Optimus showed up, citing that Megatron holding an injured Autobot was a treaty violation. Having bigger fish to fry, Megatron allowed the Autobots to leave. Windblade was transferred to Ratchet's care who found he could do nothing for her before Chromia pipped up with a solution. Enemy Line

Chromia explained to Bumblebee that when a cityspeaker overexerted themselves, their mind could shatter and the shards, drawn to powerful artifacts, would need to be reassembled. Using a psychic tracker, Chromia tracked Windblade's first shard to Crystal City. Accompanied by Bumblebee, the two Autobots braved the city's various traps and picked up a new ally in Thunderhowl. When they reached the city's throne room, the three found Windblade's shard was inside the Crystalline King. The entity manifested several copies of Windblade to hold off the Cybertronians only to be destroyed by Bumblebee's multiverse energy, allowing the Autobots to claim the shard. Thunderhowl

The next shard was tracked to the forbidden moon of Luna 3. On Chromia's recommendation, Bumblebee contacted alien expert Meteorfire to help him get there. When the two reached the satellite, they found it playing home to an obicular-class parasitic entity, which Windblade's shard had lodged into. Using his multiversal energy, Bumblebee once again shattered the container and collected Windblade's shard. Alien Hunt! With Meteorfire And Cosmos

Accompanied by Grimlock, Bumblebee ventured deep underground to the territory of the Monsterbots for the third shard. Finding that Affluous had organized the Monsterbots into a caste society, enforced by a tower that prevented anyone from transforming. When Bumblebee destroyed the tower, he collected Windblade's shard from the remains. Journey To The Valley Of Repugnus


Even Iaconus was friendlier than this.

The fourth of Windblade's shards wound up in the malicious Titan known as the Dweller, deep beneath the Argon Sea. Reactivated by the influx of energy, the Dweller took pity on the incomplete Windblade. Enthralling Hammerbyte, the Dweller had him retrieve Windblade, intending to use the cityspeaker to spread his hypnotic control to all of Cybertron. After Chromia worked out that Bumblebee's stinger could cancel the Dweller's control, the trio managed to grab Windblade's body and escape to the surface. As this was happening, the Thirteen called Optimus into the Matrix, Alchemist Prime informing him that the last shard of Windblade had come to rest in the alternate Matrix of Leadership that Megatron now carried. Dweller In The Depths Optimus mobilized a strike force, leading them to Croaton's city mode to retrieve Windblade and destroy Megatron's Matrix. Silent Strike


All's well that ends well, at least until new episodes need to be made.

Inside Megatron's Matrix, Windblade's final missing shard regained conscious and was met by the spirit of an alternate Optimus Prime who explained her circumstances to her before giving her the order to destroy the Matrix. Though initially shocked, the alternate Optimus soon convinced her and Windblade destroyed the psychic pillars of the Primes, short-circuiting the alternate Matrix as the Megatron from its universe against Optimus, allowing Prime to triumph. With the Matrix disabled, Bumblebee collected Windblade's last shard, allowing her to be restored to full functionality. The Other One

At the signing of the peace treaty Windblade was part of the Autobot delegation that stood with Optimus during the signing. During the ceremony, Cybertron was temporally frozen by the Mercenaries. As they began to loot the planet, Nightbird helped herself to Windblade's Stormfall Sword. Time was eventually restarted thanks to the efforts of the Dinobots with the signing of the treaty officially ending the Great War. The Immobilizers

At the officiating ceremony for Trypticon Plaza, a fatally damaged Astrotrain crashed and warned the Cybertronians of a threat worse than the other Megatron. Part of the ruling council, Windblade took part in the initial discussion on how to respond to the imminent attack but left the chamber after the Dinobots had been cleared out. When the Decepticon supersoldiers began teleporting in and fighting each other. When the Autobots made their first attempt at containing the invaders, Windblade initially wielded a force shield blaster before dropping several gravity modulators on the soldiers. Though initially succeeding in magnetizing them all together, the soldiers teleported out of their state and resumed fighting. After the Decepticon method, an indiscriminate carpet bombing, failed, Tarn, one of the Perfect Decepticons, duped Optimus and Soundwave to help him retrieve Onyx Prime's Cortex Helm, its power making him the undisputed master of the supersoldiers. When the invaders unified against the Autobots, Windblade called a retreat. As Volcanicus fought a delaying action, Windblade and Hot Rod led the Autobots underground.

In the valley of the Monsterbots, Wheeljack equipped the Autobots with the Decepticons' teleportation technology so Hot Rod could reach the Cortex Helm. The first to teleport in, Windblade saved Optimus from execution before the Decepticons arrived. When the Decepticons refused to follow him, Tarn declared war on all of Cybertron, Windblade and Teletraan-X defeating one of the supersoldiers before she destroyed the sniper rifles of three of them before Tarn called in enough reinforcements to turn the tide. After a distraction from Hot Rod, Soundwave managed to claim the Helm for himself before unleashing a massive sonic attack that destroyed himself, the Helm and Tarn. At Maccadam's, the unified Cybertronians toasted Soundwave before Optimus announced that he would step down as leader, leaving Cybertron in his friends' capable hands, the news inspiring a group hug. The Perfect Decepticon

Alternate universes

In several universes, as in the main one, Windblade was part of the Ark crew when the ship was trapped in unspace. At least one Windblade and her crew were disintegrated by the effects of the realm. The Crossroads

In Megatron X's timeline, Windblade had only met Optimus Prime once before he was killed by Megatron. When Optimus' spirit, surviving in the Matrix of Leadership, met an alternate Windblade, he briefly mentioned her counterpart to her. The Other One


Transformers: Battlegrounds

Voice actor: Jessica DiGiovanni (English), Simona Pahl (German), Valentina Favazza (Italian), Susana Leis (Spanish), Marie Donnio (French, mainly), Raphaëlle Valenti (French, a few lines), Pascale Chemin (French, a few lines)




How the hell are the jets from Macross okay with this, I can't see diddly!

  • Windblade (Scout Class, 2018, 2021)
  • Action Attack: "Turbine Thrash"
Released in the second wave of Cyberverse Scout Class toys, Windblade is a Legends-sized mold that transforms (if by transform, we mean bending her frontwards with her legs twisting 180 degrees) from a robot into a Gerwalk mode "transformational mode" jet. She also features a "Turbine Thrash" Action Attack gimmick, which pops out light blue effects when activated. Unfortunately, due to size limitations, Windblade does not feature any 5mm-compatible hands.
Windblade was released twice: First in 2018 in the original Cyberverse packaging design, and then again in 2021 in the Bumblebee: Cyberverse Adventures subline imprint packaging refresh.


  • Windblade (Warrior Class, 2018 / 2021)
  • TakaraTomy name: Wing Slicer Windblade
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TCV-03
  • TakaraTomy release date: July 13, 2019
  • Action Attack: "Cyclone Strike"
Released as part of the second wave of Cyberverse Warrior Class lineup, Windblade is a Deluxe-sized figure that converts from robot to jet and back. Her "Cyclone Strike" Action Attack gimmick is activated by sliding the nosecone assembly on her back up and down, which, if done quickly enough, causes the front half of her wings to swing upwards. This triggers a mechanism that spins the front halves of the turbines on the wings.
Care must be taken to position her arms properly, however, or they might impede the movement of the turbines. Unlike most Warrior Class toys, and despite the depiction in her stock photo, Windblade's head cannot swivel to any great degree without trimming her collar, which allows it to pivot on a loose mushroom joint freely.
Windblade sports 5mm compatible hands and a 3mm hole behind her waist, though as a panel from jet mode blocks it in robot mode (without rotating it), it mainly serves to mount the jet mode.
Windblade is the first and only Warrior Class figure released for TakaraTomy's Japanese markets.
Like the Scout Class figure, Warrior Class Windblade was also released twice: First in 2018 in the original Cyberverse packaging design, and then again in 2021 in the line's final Dinobots Unite subline imprint packaging refresh.



  • Cyberverse Universe Windblade (Deluxe Class, 2024)
Released in the first wave of Legacy: United Deluxes,"Cyberverse Universe Windblade" is based on her appearance in the Cyberverse show, transforming into a VTOL jet. She includes a translucent version of the Stormfall Sword, as well as a detachable tessen fan that pegs in behind her head. The fans on her wings can rotate in both modes, with each side painted to allow the choice between show-accurate light grey or the toy's black. The Stormfall Sword is capable of stowing away in her vehicle mode with the blade/flame effect poking out of the back to evoke her after-burning jet thrust. Her hips also come with compatible ports that the sword can be stored on in robot mode in a holstered position.
Undocumented by her instructions, Windblade's hands have a small square peg that allows her tessen fan to be used like an actual fan.
Windblade was revealed alongside the rest of United's first wave, and went up for pre-order shortly afterwards.
This figure was repurposed as Generation 1 Windblade in Transformers Go! Go! Issue #39. She was later retooled into Legacy: United Cyberverse Slipstream.


Nezha: Transformers

Nezha-toy WindbladeBrickset.jpg

  • Wind Blade [sic] (Building brick set, 2019)
    • Set number: QL1677
    • Pieces: 427
Released by Xiaomi as part of the Chinese-centric Nezha: Transformers toyline, this Windblade is a Lego-style building kit that can be assembled into either an approximately 10-inch tall poseable robot mode or a jet mode. Similar to how most Kre-O figures work, Windblade must be disassembled and reassembled in order to change from one mode to the next.



  • As with some of the Cyberverse cast, Windblade's design draws on the evergreen design (at right) also used for her Generation 1 counterpart. However, the design has a lot of changes to the point where it is not immediately obvious that it is based on the evergreen design more than one of the other, similar Windblade designs. Among the changes include a color-blocked paint job, larger optics, and retractable wings.
  • Jeremy Levy says that Windblade and Bumblebee's relationship was pitched to him as a sister and brother relationship, sorry shippers.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Windblade (ウインドブレード Uindoburēdo)
  • Mandarin: Fēngrèn (China, 风刃, "Windblade")

See also

