Highest Theater Average 56th Weekend at the Domestic Box Office
Rank | Date | Movie | Theater Average |
Theaters | Cumulative Gross |
1 | Aug 6, 1999 | Mysteries of Egypt | $18,979 | 21 | $15,908,423 |
2 | May 10, 1996 | Wings of Courage | $15,191 | 10 | $8,265,276 |
3 | Dec 2, 2005 | The Polar Express | $12,691 | 66 | $165,288,135 |
4 | Nov 8, 1996 | Across The Sea of Time | $12,533 | 5 | $6,992,420 |
5 | May 28, 1999 | Africa's Elephant Kingdom | $8,383 | 13 | $7,554,655 |
6 | Mar 1, 2002 | Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure | $8,213 | 19 | $8,282,348 |
7 | Jul 31, 1998 | Thrill Ride: The Science of Fun | $7,952 | 23 | $8,922,866 |
8 | Oct 13, 2006 | Magnificent Desolation | $7,864 | 10 | $15,164,392 |
9 | Nov 12, 1999 | T-Rex: Back to the Cretaceous | $6,919 | 28 | $25,594,408 |
10 | Nov 17, 2000 | Galapagos | $6,881 | 9 | $8,310,227 |
11 | Mar 17, 2000 | Encounter in the Third Dimension | $6,593 | 3 | $4,445,878 |
12 | May 4, 2001 | Alien Adventure | $6,593 | 2 | $3,459,074 |
13 | Mar 23, 2007 | Deep Sea 3D | $6,033 | 35 | $25,208,963 |
14 | Apr 2, 2004 | Bugs! (IMAX) | $5,180 | 24 | $6,222,097 |
15 | Mar 22, 2002 | Haunted Castle | $5,099 | 3 | $3,394,737 |
The Domestic Market is defined as the North American movie territory (consisting of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam).
This table is updated daily to reflect the latest studio reports.
Note: This chart is not adjusted for inflation.