The Numbers - Top Slovak Movies of Each Year

Slovak Movie Index

← languages Overview
  1. Index of Movies by Year
  2. Alphabetical Movie Index

The table below lists a yearly breakdown of information about movies using the Slovak language. The Share is a percentage based on total worldwide box office of the movies using the specified language relative to the combined worldwide box office of all movies in the listed year. Please note that movies that use multiple languages count for the share of each language, and the language information in our database is incomplete. These factors will typically cause the share percentages in a specific year not to add up to 100%. Click on the year number for a list of all the films released that year. Click on the movie name to see information on the individual film.

Note: Since we are still actively researching languages, we consider this chart to be in beta mode. While we make every effort to collect all available data, there are inevitably omissions and errors. Please help us by sending corrections to

Total Worldwide
Box Office
ShareTop-Grossing Movie
2025 2 $1,277,308 0.097% Cernak
2024 13 $7,558,508 0.030% Miki
2023 13 $6,193,632 0.022% Nikdy nehovor nikdy
2022 11 $2,088,290 0.009% V lete ti poviem, ako sa mám
2021 6 $2,193,601 0.011% Známi neznámi
2020 9 $6,797,200 0.077% Příliš osobní známost
2019 19 $9,768,415 0.025% Šťastný nový rok
2018 10 $2,031,586 0.005% Backstage
2017 13 $8,239,615 0.022% Všetko alebo nič
2016 11 $6,530,148 0.018% Masaryk
2015 2 $427,609 0.001% Wilsonov
2012 2 $35,875 0.000% Evil
2007 1 $1,661,464 0.007% Factory Girl
2005 1 $5,407,451 0.030% The Interpreter
2003 2 $165,894 0.001% Babí léto

The table below shows the highest-grossing movie that begins with each letter of the alphabet in which the Slovak language is used, including movies in which other languages are used as well. Click on the name of the film to go to its page, or click on the letter at the beginning of each row for a list of all the movies beginning with that letter.

Total Worldwide
Box Office
ShareTop-Grossing Movie
A 6 $899,683 0.002% Amnestie
B 2 $687,771 0.001% Backstage
C 7 $4,456,598 0.011% Čiara
D 3 $558,804 0.001% Duverný neprítel
E 3 $66,627 0.000% Evil
F 3 $1,758,127 0.004% Factory Girl
H 2 $3,247 0.000% Hancsovszky
I 3 $7,131,865 0.024% The Interpreter
J 2 $122,260 0.000% Journey to Yourland
K 6 $3,229,113 0.023% Kavej
L 6 $1,329,479 0.004% Loli paradička
M 9 $5,797,470 0.010% Miki
N 4 $2,537,734 0.013% Nikdy nehovor nikdy
O 3 $346,073 0.003% Ostrým nožom
P 8 $4,850,553 0.013% Příliš osobní známost
R 3 $675,619 0.002% Rudý kapitán
S 17 $9,415,998 0.011% Šťastný nový rok
T 5 $2,313,096 0.005% Trhlina
U 4 $3,624,720 0.054% Učitelka
V 12 $6,881,675 0.092% Všetko alebo nič
W 4 $395,658 0.001% Wilsonov
Z 3 $3,294,426 0.073% Známi neznámi