Colma: The Musical (2007) - Financial Information

Per Theater Chart Succumbs to Sicko

June 26th, 2007

Only one film was able to top $10,000 on the per theater chart, but it did so with ease. Sicko earned $68,969 in its lone theater, and also sold out all 43 advanced screenings. This is a very good sign for Friday's wide release, although I'm still not confident it will open in the top five. More...

Movie Website Updates for June 17 - June 23, 2007

June 24th, 2007

One of the most anticipate films of the summer became the best site of the week. The Simpsons Movie - Official Site is finally here and the winner of the Weekly Website Award. More...

Killer Limited Releases

June 22nd, 2007

This week's collection of limited releases includes movies about killer sheep, health care that can kill, and guys who get paid to kill. Despite this wide, wide range of subjects, there is one thing that almost all these films have in common -- they are all earning excellent reviews. This week, earning just 75% positive is considered average. Hopefully the competition doesn't hurt the films too much as they deserve to reach wider audiences. More...