The Hoax (2007) - Financial Information

The Hoax


Opening Weekend:$1,449,320 (20.2% of total gross)
Legs:4.89 (domestic box office/biggest weekend)
Domestic Share:100.0% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Production Budget:$25,000,000 (worldwide box office is 0.3 times production budget)
Theater counts:235 opening theaters/1,069 max. theaters, 3.2 weeks average run per theater
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $11,778,494

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 6,001-6,100) 6,041 $7,164,995
All Time Worldwide Box Office (Rank 8,901-9,000) 8,982 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Highest Grossing Limited Release Movies (Rank 301-400) 366 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,201-1,300) 1,250 $7,164,995
All Time Worldwide Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,801-1,900) 1,807 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for R Movies (Rank 2,201-2,300) 2,274 $7,164,995
All Time Worldwide Box Office for R Movies (Rank 2,701-2,800) 2,741 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Walt Disney Movies (Rank 501-600) 548 $7,164,995
All Time Worldwide Box Office for Walt Disney Movies (Rank 501-600) 559 $7,164,995

See the Box Office tab (Domestic) and International tab (International and Worldwide) for more Cumulative Box Office Records.

Movie Details

Domestic Releases: April 6th, 2007 (Limited) by Walt Disney
April 20th, 2007 (Expands Wide) by Walt Disney
MPAA Rating: R for language.
Running Time: 116 minutes
Comparisons: vs. Passchendaele
Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Comedy Drama, 1970s, Biography, Writing and Writers, Non-Drama Biographies, Forgery, Relationships Gone Wrong, Infidelity, Paranoia, Addiction, Political
Source:Based on Real Life Events
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Dramatization
Production Countries: United Kingdom
Languages: English

Ranking on other Records and Milestones

Days In
Biggest 2nd Weekend Limited Release 93 $1,466,552 Apr 13, 2007 10
Easter (Opening, 3-Day) 103 $1,449,320 Apr 6, 2007 3
Easter (Opening, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted) 106 $2,452,047 Apr 6, 2007 3

Compare this performance with other movies…

Domestic Cumulative Box Office Records

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 6,001-6,100) 6,041 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Inflation Adjusted Box Office (Rank 5,801-5,900) 5,882 $11,226,540
All Time Domestic Non-Sequel Box Office (Rank 5,201-5,300) 5,259 $7,164,995
Top 2007 Movies at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 101-200) 162 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Highest Grossing Limited Release Movies (Rank 301-400) 366 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Inflation Adjusted Box Office for Limited Release Movies (Rank 301-400) 371 $11,226,540
Top 2007 Limited Release Movies at the Domestic Box Office 20 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Based on Real Life Events Movies (Rank 301-400) 379 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Live Action Movies (Rank 5,401-5,500) 5,419 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Dramatization Movies (Rank 401-500) 463 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,201-1,300) 1,250 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for R Movies (Rank 2,201-2,300) 2,274 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Walt Disney Movies (Rank 501-600) 548 $7,164,995

Weekend Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
Apr 6, 2007 16 $1,449,320   235 $6,167   $1,449,320 1
Apr 13, 2007 16 $1,466,552 +1% 413 $3,551   $3,413,521 2
Apr 20, 2007 17 $1,229,781 -16% 1,069 $1,150   $5,063,422 3
Apr 27, 2007 16 $760,550 -38% 981 $775   $6,228,666 4
May 4, 2007 21 $247,954 -67% 301 $824   $6,733,726 5
May 11, 2007 31 $139,926 -44% 206 $679   $6,960,360 6
May 18, 2007 38 $82,120 -41% 123 $668   $7,092,859 7
May 25, 2007 46 $28,851 -65% 42 $687   $7,148,226 8

Daily Box Office Performance

DateRankGross%YD%LWTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossDays
May 28, 2007 45 $8,707     42 $207   $7,156,933 53

Weekly Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
Apr 6, 2007 16 $1,946,969   235 $8,285   $1,946,969 1
Apr 13, 2007 16 $1,886,672 -3% 413 $4,568   $3,833,641 2
Apr 20, 2007 16 $1,634,475 -13% 1,069 $1,529   $5,468,116 3
Apr 27, 2007 18 $1,017,656 -38% 981 $1,037   $6,485,772 4
May 4, 2007 21 $334,662 -67% 301 $1,112   $6,820,434 5
May 11, 2007 33 $190,305 -43% 206 $924   $7,010,739 6
May 18, 2007 41 $108,636 -43% 123 $883   $7,119,375 7
May 25, 2007 53 $45,620 -58% 42 $1,086   $7,164,995 8

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at

Leading Cast


For a description of the different acting role types we use to categorize acting perfomances, see our Glossary.

DVD Rentals - Transformers almost Teppid on the Rental Chart

October 29th, 2007

The Transformers led a list of six new releases and the overall rental chart this week, but at $9.97 million in rentals, it was a subdued victory compared to its dominance of the sales chart. More...

DVD Releases for October 16, 2007

October 16th, 2007

This week we have the first of the summer blockbusters hitting the home market. But, strangely, it was the last of the four $300 million movies that were released this year. This signifies the unofficial start of the of the Christmas DVD rush season and I would expect every week massive blockbusters or super-special editions being release from now until the Boxing Day. As for this week's best bets, I'm torn between two releases: Grindhouse - Planet Terror - Extended and Unrated - Two-Disc Special Edition and The Transformers - HD-DVD Edition. I've giving both the DVD Pick of the Week honors, but I will add that while Grindhouse is the better movie, The Transformers will appeal to a wider audience. (On a side note, this is the second time a HD-DVD release has earned the DVD Pick of the Week. Blu-Ray better catch up to HD-DVD soon.) More...

The Valet Parks on Top of Per Theater Chart

April 24th, 2007

Again, only one film was able to top $10,000 on the per theater chart this weekend. This time it was The Valet that made the grade, as it earned close to $70,000 in 6 theaters for a average of $11,259. More...

Year Was No Dog on the Per Theater Chart

April 17th, 2007

There was only one film able to top $10,000 on the per theater charts, and that was Year of the Dog at $15,460. The next closest movie, Disturbia, had less than half that at $7,598. More...

Sheep Follow No One on the Per Theater Chart

April 10th, 2007

Killer of Sheep saw its per theater average grow to $15,864 this weekend, which was enough to claim top spot just ahead of Black Book's average of $12,502. More...

Movie Website Updates for March 31 - April 7, 2007

April 7th, 2007

It's the Saturday after Good Friday, which explains why this column was delayed one day. But while the Friday was good, this week's sites were mediocre, at least they were compared to high expectations. If this was January, it would be a great list. However, at this point of the year I'm expecting one potential summer blockbuster to have a major website launch each week, and that didn't happen this time. We still had an award-worthy effort with Grindhouse - Official Site. More...

These Limited Releases are No Hoax

April 6th, 2007

As always, limited releases bring wide variety of films from a Canadian film about a first crush, to a Dutch film about surviving World War II. However, unlike most weeks, this week also has a big release that is almost guaranteed to hit seven figures during its debut. That film, The Hoax, it also opening in more than 200 theaters, which makes it a risky move for the studio. More...

2007 Preview: April

April 1st, 2007

April is an interesting month to open a movie. Interesting, but not a particularly good month. This year it does start with Easter, but that's traditionally not a strong long weekend. Only one movie has topped $40 million over that weekend and only one other has cracked $30 million. Worst still, it's jammed right up against May, the start of the summer blockbusters season. Ironically, the closer you get to this most lucrative time of year, the tougher it is for films to make a buck. No movie wants to open the weekend before Spider-man 3, for instance. Overall, there are a few hits to be found in the month, and a few misses, but nothing that really stands out above the pack. More...

New Movie US Release Dates - February 25, 2007

February 25th, 2007

This week's round of new movie release information contains release dates for Resurrecting the Champ, The Waterhorse, Avatar and more. More...

New Movie US Release Dates - December 3, 2006

December 3rd, 2006

This week's round of new movie release information contains release dates for Hairspray, Becoming Jane and more. More...

New Movie US Release Dates - October 15, 2006

October 15th, 2006

This week's round of new movie release information contains release dates for Jumper, Kung Fu Panda, Charlie Wilson's War and more. More...

  1. Summary
  2. News
  3. Box Office
  4. International
  5. Video Sales
  6. Full Financials
  7. Cast & Crew
  8. Trailer


Opening Weekend:$1,449,320 (20.2% of total gross)
Legs:4.89 (domestic box office/biggest weekend)
Domestic Share:100.0% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Production Budget:$25,000,000 (worldwide box office is 0.3 times production budget)
Theater counts:235 opening theaters/1,069 max. theaters, 3.2 weeks average run per theater
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $11,778,494

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 6,001-6,100) 6,041 $7,164,995
All Time Worldwide Box Office (Rank 8,901-9,000) 8,982 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Highest Grossing Limited Release Movies (Rank 301-400) 366 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,201-1,300) 1,250 $7,164,995
All Time Worldwide Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,801-1,900) 1,807 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for R Movies (Rank 2,201-2,300) 2,274 $7,164,995
All Time Worldwide Box Office for R Movies (Rank 2,701-2,800) 2,741 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Walt Disney Movies (Rank 501-600) 548 $7,164,995
All Time Worldwide Box Office for Walt Disney Movies (Rank 501-600) 559 $7,164,995

See the Box Office tab (Domestic) and International tab (International and Worldwide) for more Cumulative Box Office Records.

Movie Details

Domestic Releases: April 6th, 2007 (Limited) by Walt Disney
April 20th, 2007 (Expands Wide) by Walt Disney
MPAA Rating: R for language.
Running Time: 116 minutes
Comparisons: vs. Passchendaele
Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Comedy Drama, 1970s, Biography, Writing and Writers, Non-Drama Biographies, Forgery, Relationships Gone Wrong, Infidelity, Paranoia, Addiction, Political
Source:Based on Real Life Events
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Dramatization
Production Countries: United Kingdom
Languages: English

Ranking on other Records and Milestones

Days In
Biggest 2nd Weekend Limited Release 93 $1,466,552 Apr 13, 2007 10
Easter (Opening, 3-Day) 103 $1,449,320 Apr 6, 2007 3
Easter (Opening, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted) 106 $2,452,047 Apr 6, 2007 3

Leading Cast


For a description of the different acting role types we use to categorize acting perfomances, see our Glossary.

DVD Rentals - Transformers almost Teppid on the Rental Chart

October 29th, 2007

The Transformers led a list of six new releases and the overall rental chart this week, but at $9.97 million in rentals, it was a subdued victory compared to its dominance of the sales chart. More...

DVD Releases for October 16, 2007

October 16th, 2007

This week we have the first of the summer blockbusters hitting the home market. But, strangely, it was the last of the four $300 million movies that were released this year. This signifies the unofficial start of the of the Christmas DVD rush season and I would expect every week massive blockbusters or super-special editions being release from now until the Boxing Day. As for this week's best bets, I'm torn between two releases: Grindhouse - Planet Terror - Extended and Unrated - Two-Disc Special Edition and The Transformers - HD-DVD Edition. I've giving both the DVD Pick of the Week honors, but I will add that while Grindhouse is the better movie, The Transformers will appeal to a wider audience. (On a side note, this is the second time a HD-DVD release has earned the DVD Pick of the Week. Blu-Ray better catch up to HD-DVD soon.) More...

The Valet Parks on Top of Per Theater Chart

April 24th, 2007

Again, only one film was able to top $10,000 on the per theater chart this weekend. This time it was The Valet that made the grade, as it earned close to $70,000 in 6 theaters for a average of $11,259. More...

Year Was No Dog on the Per Theater Chart

April 17th, 2007

There was only one film able to top $10,000 on the per theater charts, and that was Year of the Dog at $15,460. The next closest movie, Disturbia, had less than half that at $7,598. More...

Sheep Follow No One on the Per Theater Chart

April 10th, 2007

Killer of Sheep saw its per theater average grow to $15,864 this weekend, which was enough to claim top spot just ahead of Black Book's average of $12,502. More...

Movie Website Updates for March 31 - April 7, 2007

April 7th, 2007

It's the Saturday after Good Friday, which explains why this column was delayed one day. But while the Friday was good, this week's sites were mediocre, at least they were compared to high expectations. If this was January, it would be a great list. However, at this point of the year I'm expecting one potential summer blockbuster to have a major website launch each week, and that didn't happen this time. We still had an award-worthy effort with Grindhouse - Official Site. More...

These Limited Releases are No Hoax

April 6th, 2007

As always, limited releases bring wide variety of films from a Canadian film about a first crush, to a Dutch film about surviving World War II. However, unlike most weeks, this week also has a big release that is almost guaranteed to hit seven figures during its debut. That film, The Hoax, it also opening in more than 200 theaters, which makes it a risky move for the studio. More...

2007 Preview: April

April 1st, 2007

April is an interesting month to open a movie. Interesting, but not a particularly good month. This year it does start with Easter, but that's traditionally not a strong long weekend. Only one movie has topped $40 million over that weekend and only one other has cracked $30 million. Worst still, it's jammed right up against May, the start of the summer blockbusters season. Ironically, the closer you get to this most lucrative time of year, the tougher it is for films to make a buck. No movie wants to open the weekend before Spider-man 3, for instance. Overall, there are a few hits to be found in the month, and a few misses, but nothing that really stands out above the pack. More...

New Movie US Release Dates - February 25, 2007

February 25th, 2007

This week's round of new movie release information contains release dates for Resurrecting the Champ, The Waterhorse, Avatar and more. More...

New Movie US Release Dates - December 3, 2006

December 3rd, 2006

This week's round of new movie release information contains release dates for Hairspray, Becoming Jane and more. More...

New Movie US Release Dates - October 15, 2006

October 15th, 2006

This week's round of new movie release information contains release dates for Jumper, Kung Fu Panda, Charlie Wilson's War and more. More...

Compare this performance with other movies…

Domestic Cumulative Box Office Records

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 6,001-6,100) 6,041 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Inflation Adjusted Box Office (Rank 5,801-5,900) 5,882 $11,226,540
All Time Domestic Non-Sequel Box Office (Rank 5,201-5,300) 5,259 $7,164,995
Top 2007 Movies at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 101-200) 162 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Highest Grossing Limited Release Movies (Rank 301-400) 366 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Inflation Adjusted Box Office for Limited Release Movies (Rank 301-400) 371 $11,226,540
Top 2007 Limited Release Movies at the Domestic Box Office 20 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Based on Real Life Events Movies (Rank 301-400) 379 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Live Action Movies (Rank 5,401-5,500) 5,419 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Dramatization Movies (Rank 401-500) 463 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,201-1,300) 1,250 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for R Movies (Rank 2,201-2,300) 2,274 $7,164,995
All Time Domestic Box Office for Walt Disney Movies (Rank 501-600) 548 $7,164,995

Weekend Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
Apr 6, 2007 16 $1,449,320   235 $6,167   $1,449,320 1
Apr 13, 2007 16 $1,466,552 +1% 413 $3,551   $3,413,521 2
Apr 20, 2007 17 $1,229,781 -16% 1,069 $1,150   $5,063,422 3
Apr 27, 2007 16 $760,550 -38% 981 $775   $6,228,666 4
May 4, 2007 21 $247,954 -67% 301 $824   $6,733,726 5
May 11, 2007 31 $139,926 -44% 206 $679   $6,960,360 6
May 18, 2007 38 $82,120 -41% 123 $668   $7,092,859 7
May 25, 2007 46 $28,851 -65% 42 $687   $7,148,226 8

Daily Box Office Performance

DateRankGross%YD%LWTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossDays
May 28, 2007 45 $8,707     42 $207   $7,156,933 53

Weekly Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
Apr 6, 2007 16 $1,946,969   235 $8,285   $1,946,969 1
Apr 13, 2007 16 $1,886,672 -3% 413 $4,568   $3,833,641 2
Apr 20, 2007 16 $1,634,475 -13% 1,069 $1,529   $5,468,116 3
Apr 27, 2007 18 $1,017,656 -38% 981 $1,037   $6,485,772 4
May 4, 2007 21 $334,662 -67% 301 $1,112   $6,820,434 5
May 11, 2007 33 $190,305 -43% 206 $924   $7,010,739 6
May 18, 2007 41 $108,636 -43% 123 $883   $7,119,375 7
May 25, 2007 53 $45,620 -58% 42 $1,086   $7,164,995 8

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at