W. (2008) - Financial Information


Whether you love him or hate him, there is no question that George W. Bush is one of the most controversial public figures in recent memory. W. takes viewers through Bush's eventful life--his struggles and triumphs, how he found both his wife and his faith, and of course the critical days leading up to Bush's decision to invade Iraq.


Opening Weekend:$10,505,668 (41.1% of total gross)
Legs:2.43 (domestic box office/biggest weekend)
Domestic Share:89.4% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Production Budget:$25,100,000 (worldwide box office is 1.1 times production budget)
Theater counts:2,030 opening theaters/2,050 max. theaters, 3.6 weeks average run per theater
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $40,222,160

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 3,301-3,400) 3,347 $25,534,493
All Time International Box Office (Rank 8,001-8,100) 8,012 $3,041,285
All Time Worldwide Box Office (Rank 4,601-4,700) 4,607 $28,575,778

See the Box Office tab (Domestic) and International tab (International and Worldwide) for more Cumulative Box Office Records.

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Movie Details

Domestic Releases: October 17th, 2008 (Wide) by Lionsgate
Video Release: February 10th, 2009 by Lionsgate Home Entertainment
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for language including sexual references, some alcohol abuse, smoking and brief disturbing war images
Running Time: 129 minutes
Comparisons: vs. The Walk
Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Biography, Biographical Drama, Political, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, Iraq War, Dream Sequence, Dysfunctional Family, 9/11
Source:Based on Real Life Events
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Dramatization
Production/Financing Companies: Moritz Borman, Ixtlan Productions
Production Countries: United States
Languages: English

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at

DVD Sales - Escape Greater

February 24th, 2009

There were four or five new releases to reach the top 30 on this week's sales chart depending on how you count Madagascar 2 - Escape to Africa. During its first full week of release it sold 1.83 million units, giving it totals of 3.51 million units and $56.55 million, which is easily the best sales figures for any DVD this year. More...

DVD Rentals - Nights has Good Week on Rental Chart

February 24th, 2009

Nights in Rodanthe led a troop of five new releases to take first place on the rental charts, pulling in 16% more rental revenue than second place Madagascar 2 - Escape to Africa during its first full week on the chart. More...

DVD Releases for February 10, 2009 - Part II

February 10th, 2009

One of the busier weeks in the past several weeks, but there's little in the way of top-notch releases. The biggest box office hit was Nights in Rodanthe, which struggled to become a mid-level hit. The best release in my opinion is My Name is Bruce on Blu-ray, but only if you are a Bruce Campbell Fanboy. I am, and I'm awarding it the DVD Pick of the Week. While there were not as many top-notch releases, there were still more than enough bulk to force this column to be split into two. The second part can be found here. More...

DVD Releases for February 10, 2009 - Part I

February 10th, 2009

One of the busier weeks in the past several weeks, but there's little in the way of top-notch releases. The biggest box office hit was Nights in Rodanthe, which struggled to become a mid-level hit. The best release in my opinion is My Name is Bruce on Blu-ray, but only if you are a Bruce Campbell Fanboy. I am, and I'm awarding it the DVD Pick of the Week. While there were not as many top-notch releases, there were still more than enough bulk to force this column to be split into two. The second part can be found here. More...

High School is Box Office Valedictorian

October 27th, 2008

The weekend proved profitable, with the overall box office $133 million, which was more than 33% greater than last weekend. More importantly, it was more close to 33% greater than the same weekend last year. Year-to-date 2008 has increased its lead over 2007, but it is still up by less than 1% at $7.67 billion to $7.63 billion. However, next weekend could be tricky as Halloween lands on a Friday, and Halloween is one of the worst days at the box office. More...

Box Office is not in Payne, but not Exactly Healthy Either

October 20th, 2008

It was a mixed weekend at the box office. The new releases were not able to match modest expectations, which caused the overall box office to drop 2% to $100 million compared to last weekend. However, this was close to 4% higher than the same weekend last year. Even better, year-to-date, 2008 has now just over $7.51 billion in ticket sales while at the same point in 2007, total receipts were just under $7.51 billion. With High School Musical 3 and Saw V opening this Friday, we could see continued growth at the box office. More...

Weekend Estimates: Max Payne Makes Explosive Debut

October 19th, 2008

Fox broke a dry spell over the weekend with two strong opening weekends. Video game adaptation Max Payne scored a good $18 million opening. That's not exactly blockbuster territory, but a good result for this time of year. Searchlight's The Secret Life of Bees also scored well. Beverly Hills Chihuahua continued its good run, falling 36% to an estimated $11.2 million, and $69 million in total. Two other openers were third and fourth, although both were close enough to Chihuahua that the rankings could easily be reversed when final results are announced on Monday. More...

Movie Website Reviews for Weekend of October 17, 2008

October 19th, 2008

As we've seen already on the box office, the movies that came out this weekend were not strong, and neither were their sites. The best of the list was Passchendaele - Official Site, which was the winner of the Weekly Website Award. More...

Maximum Box Office or Payneful Weekend?

October 16th, 2008

Another week, another four movies opening wide. At least the four films are widely different (violent action film, teenage sex comedy, political drama, and female-centric movie) and they shouldn't steal too many moviegoers from each other. On the other hand, none are doing particularly well with the critics, nor are they tracking well at the box office. Back to the original hand, five of seven wide releases from last year bombed, so this year has a shot at pulling ahead for the first time in a while. More...

Cast Updates - October 2, 2008

October 2nd, 2008

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for Paper Man, Sherlock Holmes, Kung Fu Panda 2, and more! More...

2008 Preview: October

October 1st, 2008

September ends, and for that we are all very grateful. However, while we are entering the final push for 2008 at the box office, things don't look too rosy for the upcoming month. First of all, there are way too many films opening, including eight that are opening or expanding on the first weekend. Of those two, maybe three will thrive. Most will sink without being noticed, which could negatively affect the overall box office going forward. On the other hand, there are a few films opening this month that could be players come Awards Season, which is just around the corner. Perhaps this will help a few mid-level hits rise above the crowd. More...

Cast Updates - June 19, 2008

June 19th, 2008

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for 2012, Public Enemies, Transformers 2, and more! More...

New Movie US Release Dates - May 11, 2008

May 11th, 2008

This week's round of new movie release information contains release dates for The Spirit, Iron Man 2, The Avengers and more! More...

Cast Updates - April 10, 2008

April 10th, 2008

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for Bride Wars, I Love You Phillip Morris, New York, I Love You, and more! More...

New Movie Announcements, Stars and Directors - April 1, 2008

April 1st, 2008

This week another number of upcoming movies, new stars and directors have been added to our archive! More...

Cast Updates - March 28, 2008

March 28th, 2008

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for Crazy on the Outside, Two Lovers, W., and more! More...