Melbourne: City of woes

  • ️Tue Sep 02 2003

September 2, 2003 — 10.00am

From the great floods of 1891 and flash flooding of the CBD as recently as 1972, to raging fires that reduced inner-city blocks to rubble, there are many stories of devastation.

"The thing about images of disaster is that they can range so much - from the devastating, to the haunting, to the comic," says exhibition curator Rachel Power. "Throughout Melbourne's early development, the banks of the Yarra regularly burst, surging along city streets, while the number of highly flammable timber houses built were a persistent fire hazard."

Power has compiled a collection of startling images of disaster from the City of Melbourne's Art and Heritage Collection, with support from other state collections.

"Melbourne was an 'instant city' established by speculators," she says. "The lack of early land-use planning meant that, for half a century, Melbourne was menaced by disastrous floods. All of the early houses and factories were built on low-lying plains that were constantly inundated because the Maribynong and Yarra Rivers would burst their banks regularly."

The most significant flood in Melbourne's recorded history, now referred to as the "great flood of 1891", occurred after two days and two nights of rainfall, and caused the Yarra to swell to 305 metres wide.

According to The Age report from the time, 3000 people, mainly in the inner-city suburbs of Richmond, Collingwood and Prahran, had to vacate their houses and two large lakes formed on the east and west sides of Chapel Street.

"The flood arose so rapidly in the night that one resident reported plunging his arm into water as he stretched, awaking to the real danger of being drowned in his bed," reported The Age.

In 1934, ferocious storms caused widespread destruction throughout the entire city. Eighteen people drowned, including one in the Yarra, and 6000 were left homeless. By 1937, the response to this disaster finally saw parts of the Yarra and Maribyrnong stabilised and lined with bluestone to stop erosion. Later, trees were planted, creating less flood-prone riverscapes. Power says there is a romantic element to city floods, when viewed from a historical perspective.

"In the great flood, there's the story of a man who spent several days literally just rowing between houses to save people from the upper levels. Then there are examples of rich people letting in those who had been left destitute to have showers and things like that in the equivalent of their New York-style apartments." she says.

Some of the shots in the exhibition were obviously taken at great personal risk. Neville Bowler, 72, a former Age photographer, won a Walkley Award for his photo of the flooding of Elizabeth Street on February 17, 1972. It is a moment he remembers vividly.

"It was a torrential downpour that only lasted about 17 minutes," says Bowler. "I was in charge of The Age picture desk at the time, and the editor, Greg Taylor, came down and asked me if I could organise a picture of the rains. We only had a staff of two photographers, then, and they both complained of being too sick with the flu to go out in the rain. I had to do it myself."

Bowler convinced his younger brother Donald, who was in charge of The Age darkroom, into giving him a lift downtown where the rain was pelting down.

"We got half way down Bourke Street and couldn't go any further - the street was underwater. I said to my brother, 'Here's my wallet. I'm going out to get some pictures.' I walked through the old State Bank building and got down in the water and started snapping away."

Bowler says all the pedestrian walkways around Degraves Street were flooded out, and people were opening their car doors to let out the gushing water. After taking his photographs, with the waters continuing to rise, Bowler found himself stuck in the middle of a raging torrent.

"Another photographer on the scene, I think his name was Peter, pulled me out by my arm," recalls Bowler.

The famous image of the Elizabeth Street flood ran on the front page of The Age the next day.

As if floods didn't pose enough of a threat to developing Melbourne, fire was an ever-present danger, as in 1897 when a great fire reportedly destroyed the entire block between Swanston and Elizabeth streets, and Flinders Street and Flinders Lane.

"Early on, there were just amateur private fire brigades set up by insurance companies - they were actually in competition with each other," says Power. "So the bells would ring, and all the amateur brigades would rush to the fire. Buildings were affixed with a special plate denoting which insurance company covered that building. If the wrong insurance company came, they'd turn around and wander home.

"If there were no plates, the competing insurance company employees often ended up having all-out brawls while the fire continued in the background."

Fire & Flood in the Heart of Melbourne - Extraordinary Images of Disasters in the City of Melbourne opens on Friday, at Melbourne Town Hall.

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