The World's Largest Pipe Organs

Institution/Builder Location Manuals/
Registers Total Stops Pipes

1a. Wanamaker Organ
Lord & Taylor Department Store
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA VI/461 396 416? 28,482
  Murray M. Harris/Los Angeles Art Organ Co., 1904; Wanamaker Organ Shop, 1914-1917, 1924-1927

1b. Convention Hall Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA VII/449 337 852 33,114
  Midmer-Losh, Opus 5550, 1929

World's only full-length 64' diaphone; one of only two full-length 64' reeds in the world Also see

3. First Congregational Church Los Angeles, California, USA V/346  233 265 over 20,000
E. M. Skinner Opus 856, 1931; Schlicker, 1969; Meunch, 1994; Robert David, 1995

Largest church organ in the world
  • Bach In Los Angeles, Michael Murray - Telarc CD 80088

  • Notes:
    1. This recording made when instrument was still a IV/214.
    2. Selections from this album also released on An Organ Blaster Sampler and Bach Organ Blaster.
  • Organ Spectacular, David Briggs - Delos DE 3241

4. St. Stephen's Cathedral Passau, Germany V/327 229 229 17,774
Steinmeyer, 1928; Eisenbarth, 1978-1981
Largest pipe organ outside the United States of America

5. USMA Cadet Chapel West Point, New York, USA IV/325 576 20,142
M. P. Möller, 1911, & others

  • Joyce Jones plays Bach, Rheinberger, Purvis, Ives, Roberts, Elmore, Tournemire, Dupre, and improvisation - Motette CD 11491
  • Philips 438 309-2
  • Daniel Chorzempa plays Wagner, Rheinberger, Gigout, Vierne, & Boellmann - Philips 416 159-2
  • Joan Lippincott plays Widor's Symphony No. 5 & Alain's "Trois Danses"- Gothic G 49046
  • West Point Classics, Lee Dettra - Heritage Recordings HR720
  • Tongues of Fire, Scott Dettra - Pro Organo CD 7063

6. Crystal Cathedral Garden Grove, California, USA V/270 218 284 15,966
Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1388, 1959 (Philharmonic Hall, NYC)/Ruffatti

Note: This organ also contains a number of digital voices that are included in some listings of the size of the organ. The totals with the digital additions are 293 pipe + digital ranks, 236 pipe + digital registers, 302 total pipe + digital stops. This page counts only the true pipe ranks to determine ordering.
  • Four Masterworks for Organ, Frederick Swann - Gothic G 49049
  • Hymns on the Crystal Cathedral Organ, Frederick Swann- Gothic G58519
  • Organ Under Glass, Peter Baicchi [available from the Crystal Cathedral Bookstore, (714) 971-4148]

7. Auditorio Nacional Mexico City, Mexico V/260 189 198? 15,633
Tamburini, 1957-1958
Largest organ in Latin America

8. First Church of Christ, Scientist Boston, Massachusetts, USA IV/238 173 13,483
Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1203, 1952
  • The Mother Church Organ, Thomas Richner - The Christian Science Publishing Society (1989 cassette)

9. St. Matthew Lutheran Church Hanover, Pennsylvania, USA IV/231 234 14,341
Austin Opus 1215
  • Bach to Sousa, James Dale - Pines Recordings PRCD-101

10. St. Bartholomew's New York City, New York, USA V/227 160 173 12,438
E. M. Skinner Opus 275, 1917; Opus 651, 1927; Opus 832, 1930; Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1405, 1959

  • Organ Fireworks IV, Christopher Herrick - Hyperion CDA 66605
  • The Symphonic Organ, William K. Trafka - Pro Organo CD 7084
  • Sowerby at St. Bart's, David Craighead & David Mulbury - Marco Polo 8.223725

11. The Riverside Church New York City, New York, USA V/216
192 12,406

Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1118, 1953; Pearson 1995-1996

  • The Art of Virgil Fox - EMI CDM 5 65426 2 4
  • The Art of Virgil Fox, Volume II - EMI CDM 7243 5 65913 2 5
  • Organ Music from France: The Art of Virgil Fox, Volume III - EMI CDM 7243 5 66386 2 4
  • Soli Deo Gloria - Virgil Fox 1912-1980 - Bainbridge BCD 8005
  • Virgil Fox Encores - RCA Living Presence 26612512? 09026-61251-2?
  • A Virgil Fox Christmas, Virgil Fox - EMI CDM 5 66088 2
  • The Riverside Years, Frederick Swann - Gothic G 49082
  • Riverside Revisited, Frederick Swann - Gothic G 49086
  • On a Summer's Evening, Timothy Smith - JAV Recordings JAV-107
  • Comes Summertime, Five live recitals from summer 98 - JAV Recordings JAV-112
  • Riverside 97, Timothy Smith - Pro Organo CD 7097
  • The Riverside Church, John Walker - Gothic G 18517
  • John Walker & The Riverside Organ, John Walker - Pro Organo CD 7016

12. The Mormon Tabernacle Salt Lake City, Utah, USA V/206 170 11,623
Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1075, 1945

  • Mormon Tabernacle Organ, John Longhurst (1983) - Philips 412-217-2
  • A Tabernacle Organ Duo Extravaganza, Robert Cundick & John Longhurst (1991) - Argo 430 426-2
  • The Mormon Tabernacle Organ, Clay Christiansen (1993) - Klavier KCD 11044
  • In The Shadows of the Everlasting Hills, Richard Elliott (1994) - Pro Organo CD 7036
  • In Dulci Jubilo: Christmas Music on the Mormon Tabernacle Organ, John Longhurst, Clay Christiansen, and Richard Elliott (1995) - BCS 9504-4
  • Romantic French Fantasies, John Longhurst - Klavier KCD 11069
  • How Sweet the Sound, John Longhurst, Clay Christiansen, Richard Elliott - BWE-0221

13. Calvary Church Charlotte, North Carolina, USA V/205
208 11,499

M. P. Möller Opus 11739, 1990
Largest all-new church organ

14. The Opera House Sydney, Australia V/205 127 127 approx. 10,000

Sharp, 1979

Largest pipe organ in Australia; largest mechanical-action organ in the world
  • Toccata and Fugue, Peter Hurford - Decca 511 929-2 (also known as Organ Favourites Decca 425 013-2)
  • Organ Duets, Robert Ampt and Amy Johansen

15. Woolsey Hall
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, USA IV/197 143 200 12,646

Hutchings-Votey, 1902; Steere, 1915; E.M. Skinner Opus 722, 1928

  • An Evening at Woolsey Hall, Charles Krigbaum - Organ Historical Society OHS-100
  • The Transcriber's Art, Thomas Murray - Gothic G 49054
  • Edward Elgar at Woolsey Hall, Thomas Murray - Gothic G 49076
  • Widor Organ Symphonies 1 & 2, Charles Krigbaum - AFKA SK-521
  • Widor Organ Symphonies 3 & 4, Charles Krigbaum - AFKA SK-522

16. Broadway Baptist Church Fort Worth, Texas, USA V/191 184 10,650
Casavant Freres, 1996

17. Second Baptist Church Houston, Texas, USA V/189 192 10,412
Rodgers, 1987

  • In His Presence, Joyce Jones (1988) - WORD Music #7019085504 (out of print?)
  • Organ Masterpieces from France and Germany, Richard Morris (1988)-R&R CD002

  • [available from Rodgers, 1300 NE 25th Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97123 and R&R Records, 5801 Whispering Pines Circle, Mableton, GA 30059]

18. Washington National Cathedral Washington, D.C., USA IV/186? 155 10,450
E. M. Skinner Opus 510, 1937/Aeolian-Skinner Opus 883, 1958-1964

  • Festival Music, Douglas Major - Gothic G 118316
  • The Great Organ of Washington Cathedral, Douglas Major - Gothic G 49058
  • 20th-Century Organ Music for Two - Vol. 2, The Chenaults - Gothic G 49073
  • Bach at National Cathedral, Douglas Major - Gothic G 49104
  • French Masterpieces, Douglas Major - Gothic G 49108

19. Liverpool Cathedral (Anglican) Liverpool, England V/185? 146? 146 9,765?
Henry Willis III, 1923-1926; Henry Willis IV, 1960-65; Harrison and Harrison, 1977

  • Pipe Organ Spectacular, Noel Rawsthorne - Klavier KCD 11036
  • Liverpool Encores, Ian Tracey - Mirabilis Records MRCD901
  • Organ Recital, Ian Tracey - EMI Classics for Pleasure EMI CFP-4558
  • Gallic Concerti at Liverpool, Ian Tracey - Chandos CHAN 9271
  • Bombarde, Ian Tracey - Chandos CHAN 9716
  • More Gallic Concerti at Liverpool, Ian Tracey - Chandos CHAN 9785

20. The Royal Albert Hall London, England IV/177? 132? 147 9,997
Henry Willis, 1871-72; Harrison & Harrison, 1924, 1933, 1954, 1972-73

21. Marienbasilika Kevelaer, Germany V/175 125 approx. 10,000
Ernst Seifert, 1905-1907; Romanus Seifert, 1977

22. Curtis Sequicentennial Organ
Irvine Auditorium, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA IV/168 170 10,731
Austin Opus 1416, 1926

23. Ocean Grove Auditorium Ocean Grove, New Jersey, USA V/165 140 9,000+
Hope-Jones, 1908; others
  • French Spectaculars, Gordon Turk - Dorian CD-90267

24. Sydney Town Hall Sydney, Australia V/160 127 127 8,756
William Hill, 1890; Pogson 1972, 1982

Contains one of only two full-length 64' reeds in the world
  • 2 CDs by David Drury available from ABC Classics (ABC 8.770019, 8.770003)
  • The Hill Organ of Sydney Town Hall, Jane Watts - Priory PRCD 515
  • Centenary Plus, Robert Ampt - MD3148
See also:,

25. First Baptist Church Jackson, Mississippi, USA V/155
E. M. Skinner/Casavant/Quimby
  • None available

26. Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart Newark, New Jersey, USA IV/154 165 9,513
Schantz, 1953

  • Sacred Heart, Alan Morrison - Gothic G 49114
  • The Embrace of Fire, Amy Johansen - Pro Organo 7022
  • A Couple of French Fifths, Frederick Hohman - Pro Organo CD 7021

27. Cathedral of Notre Dame Paris, France V/153 8,000?

Thierry, 1733; Cliquot, 1788; Cavaille-Coll, 1857; Hermann, 1956; Boisseau, 1960; Boisseau-Emeriau-Giroud-Synaptel, 1992

  • Tournemire et Vierne, Pierre Moreau - Charlin International D2553(1967)
  • Improvise sur des Noels, Pierre Cochereau - Solstice SOCD 152 (1973)
  • Deux Grandes improvisations en concert, Pierre Cochereau - FYCD118 (1974)
  • Marcel Dupre, Pierre Cochereau - FY FYCD 020 (1975)
  • L'art de l'improvisation, Pierre Cochereau - FY FYCD 059 (1977)
  • Louis Vierne, Pierre Cochereau - FY FYCD 064 (1978)
  • Langlais joue Langlais, Jean Langlais - Solstice SOCD165 (1981)
  • Un testament musical, Pierre Cochereau - Solstice SOCD 150/1 (1984)
  • Charles-Marie Widor, Olivier Latry - BNL 112617 (1986)
  • Vierne 2 et 3 symphonies pour orgue, Olivier Latry - BNL 112741(1988)
  • Vierne 24 Pieces de fantaisie, Olivier Latry - BNL 112742 A/B (1988)
  • Notre-Dame de Paris, Jean-Pierre Leguay - Edition Lade EL CD 003(1993)
  • Vierne et Gigout, Jean-Pierre Leguay - Festivo FECD 133 (1993)
  • Franz Liszt, Jean-Pierre Leguay - Euromuses EURM 2014(1993)
  • Recital a Notre-Dame, Olivier Latry - Soli Deo Veritas 74321470132(1993)

28. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Buffalo, New York, USA V/152 178 10,000?
Kegg, 1996

  • Grand Opera on the Organ, James Bigham - Gothic G 108626
  • Reger - Durufle - Reubke, James Bigham - Gothic G 108625
Note: 8,006 pipes in 1987; unsure of current count

29. St. Patrick's Cathedral New York City, New York, USA V/150 130? 177 9,335
Kilgen, 1928; Peragallo, 1994-1997

  • St. Patrick's Cathedral, Donald Dumler - Gothic G 49081
  • Organ Masterpieces from the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Stanley H. Cox - JAV 136

30. Metropolitan United Methodist Detroit, Michigan, USA V/151 110 ?
M. P. Möller, 1972

31. Public Hall ("Convention Center") Cleveland, Ohio, USA V/150 117 147? 9,965
E. M. Skinner Opus 328, 1921

This instrument used to have 168 ranks until the theft of the entire Echo division.

32. Longwood Gardens Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, USA IV/147? 158 10,010
Aeolian, 1930; M.P. Möller, 1958

33. Melbourne Town Hall Melbourne, Australia V/147 115
Hill, Norman & Beard, 1929; Schantz, 2001

34. St. Eustache Paris, France V/147 101 8,000
Van den Heuvel, 1989

35. Davies Symphony Hall San Francisco, California, USA V/147

36. Riga Dom Cathedral Latvia IV/144 116 124 6,768

E. F. Walcker, Opus 413, 1883

  • Frederik Magle: The Infinite Second, Frederik Magle, organ; Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra/Dzintars Josts - EMI 5555972
  • Max Reger: Orgelwerke Vol. 2, Martin Sander - Motette CD 12001
  • Franz Liszt: Aeuvres pour orgue (organ works), Vincent Genvrin -Aventure-Decouverte AVD01
  • 1882 Walcher at Riga, Fr. Dominikus Trautner - Motette CD 11821

37. Bamburg Cathedral Germany IV/143 110
Reiger, 1975

38. Cathedral of St. John the Divine New York City, New York, USA IV/141 8,035?

  • Nightwatch, Paul Halley - Pelagos PEL 1002
  • French Masterworks, Jonathan Dimmock - Arkay AR6114
  • Romantic French & German Organ Music, Marsha Heather Long -Koch 3-7008-2
  • The Organ at St. John the Divine, Michael Murray - Telarc CD-80169
  • Music for a Cathedral, Joan Lippincott - Gothic G 78624
  • Dorothy Over the Rainbow, Dorothy Papadakos - Pro Organo CD 7080

39. National City Christian Church Washington, D.C., USA IV/141 192 7,592
E. M. Skinner; M. P. Möller, 1930

40. Old South Church Boston, Massachusetts, USA IV/139 161
E. M. Skinner, 1921

41. St. Thomas Church New York, New York, USA IV/138

E. M. Skinner, 1913; Aeolian-Skinner, 1956; Adams, 1968?; Mann & Trupiano, 1982?

  • Marcel Dupre Recital, Marcel Dupre - Mercury 434 311-2 (recorded in 1957)
  • Fanfare, Gerre Hancock - Gothic G 49038
  • Dupre & Eben, Judith Hancock - Gothic G 49110

42. Metropolitan United Church Toronto, Canada V/138 116 8,233
Casavant, 1930, 1998

43. First Baptist Church Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA IV/134 7,631
M. P. Möller, 1969

44. First Baptist Church Bakersfield, California, USA IV/133 152 ~7,000
Aeolian-Skinner, 1932/Robert M. Turner

45. St. Paul's Cathedral London, England V/132 134
Willis, 1872; Noel P. Mander

46. First Presbyterian Church Glens Falls, New York, USA IV/128

47. Hammond Castle Museum Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA IV/125 144 8,200?

48. Emmanuel Church Boston, Massachusetts, USA IV/125 134
Casavant, 1917

49. Convention Center Auditorium Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA V/124 160
W. W. Kimball, 1928

50. Grace Cathedral San Francisco, California, USA V/123 109 7,286
Aeolian-Skinner, 1934

51. Shadyside Presbyterian Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA IV/123
M. P. Möller

52. Basilica of Notre Dame Montreal, Quebec, Canada IV/122 97 ~7,000
Casavant, Opus 26/1034, 1891, 1924, 1991

  • Oeuvres de Bach, Pierre Grandmaison - Select CC 15-11
  • Oeuvres de Franck, Pierre Grandmaison - Select CC 15-133
  • Daveluy, Concerto pour orgue et orchestre, Gaston Arel - SRC003/RCI 560

53. Lake Avenue Congregational Church Pasadena, California, USA IV/122
Casavant Freres

54. Sejong Cultural Center Seoul, South Korea VI/121 98 8,098

55. Hill Auditorium
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA IV/121 110
E. M. Skinner, 1893

56. All-Saints Episcopal Worcester, MA IV/120 101
Aeolian-Skinner, 1933

57. Altenburg Dom IV/120
Johannes Klais

58. Linz Cathedral Austria IV/120 74 5,890

59. First Baptist Church Orlando, Florida, USA IV/118 123 6,727

60. Westminster Abbey London, England V/118? 106
Harrison & Harrison, 1937

61. First United Methodist Church Houston, Texas, USA IV/118 100
Aeolian-Skinner, 1966; J. C. Williams

62. Basilica of St. Joseph's Oratory Montreal, Quebec, Canada V/118 78
Beckerath, 1959

63. Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA V/117 111 ~7,000

64. Civic Auditorium San Francisco, California, USA IV/117

65. Trinity Episcopal Church Boston, Massachusetts, USA IV/115 127
Ernest M. Skinner

66. Methuen Memorial Music Hall Methuen, Massachusetts, USA IV/115 87
E. F. Walcker, 1863; Aeolian-Skinner

67. Wooddale Baptist Church Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA IV/114 74 75 6,294
Visser-Rowland Associates, Opus 90, 1991

68. Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil V/112 120 10,200
Balbiani Vegessi Bossi, Italy, 1954

Largest pipe organ in South America
  • CD APO-001 (1997) - works by Bach, Rheinberger, Boellmann Dubois, Messian,Vieira

69. Cathedral of the Holy Name Chicago, Illinois, USA IV/111

70. Rockefeller Chapel
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois, USA IV/110 86 117 7,217
E. M. Skinner, 1928 (Opus 634?)
  • The Romantic Organ, Wolfgang Rubsam - Bayer Records BR 100 049
  • Chicago Concert, Kalevi Kiviniemi - Motette CD 12361
See and follow link to Music and then Sacred Sounds.

71. First Baptist Church Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA IV/110

72. First United Methodist Church Fort Worth, Texas, USA IV/110

73. RLDS Auditorium Independence, Missouri, USA IV/110

74. St. Paul's Episcopal Church Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA IV/109

75. Concert Hall Stockholm, Sweden IV/108? 71
Gronlund, 1982