Stream The Light Brigade by Brai’feeder's Daedelus

Follow the Fader

On September 30th, Los Angeles producer Daedelus will release his sophomore album, The Light Brigade, on Flying Lotus' Brainfeeder label. Today we premiere the stream for the somber and moving project--it wades between heavily punctuated guitar plucking and delicate synths, with Daedelus singing soft notes in between. The album was inspired by war, specifically the Crimean War of the 1800s, and although crafted well before the current conflicts sprung in that region, the album notes point out that it "lends an air of requiem to the album." Stream and peep his tour dates below.

Tour dates:


2nd - Concord Music Hall - Chicago, IL *+
3rd - Triple Rock Social Club - Minneapolis, MN *+
8th - Low End Theory Club - Los Angeles, CA *+
11th - Pomona College - Pomona, CA +
16th - Cervantes - Denver, CO *+
17th - Brighton Music Hall - Boston, MA *+
18th - Villain - Brooklyn, NY *+
19th - U Street Music Hall - Washington DC *
23rd - Soda Bar - San Diego, CA
24th - The Green Room - Flagstaff, AZ *
25h - Harvest Festival - Santa Monica, CA *+
31st - Spring St Complex - Atlanta, GA  


7th - Mezzanine - San Francisco, CA *+
8th - The Depot - Salt Lake City, UT

* = Spazzkid support
+ = Archimedes A/V show