The Good Scents Company -Flavor Descriptor Listing for cognac

The Good Scents Company Information Listings

Flavor Descriptors for cognac
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - cognac
FL/FR cognac essence
 odor: cognac
 flavor: cognac
FL cognac flavor
FL/FR cognac heptanone
 odor: Green, etherial, fruity, ketonic, metallic, fermented, pineapple and banana
 flavor: Cognac, citrus, fruity, pineapple, banana, pear and tropical nuances
FL/FRgreen cognac oil
 odor: fresh green fruity winey fusel fatty waxy lychee
 flavor: green winey fusel fatty waxy hairy
FL/FRwhite cognac oil
 odor: winey fermented green grape fusel
 flavor: Alcoholic, fatty, fusel, whiskey, fermented, bready and yeasty
FL/FR cognac oil replacer
 odor: yeasty alcoholic fusel whiskey fermentedwoody
 flavor: alcoholic fatty fusel whiskey fermented bready yeasty
Secondary (Second) - cognac
FL/FRisoamyl nonanoate
 odor: fruity oily apricot floral
 flavor: winey cognac rum
FL coffee & cognac flavor
FL/FR ethyl crotonate
 odor: Pungent, sharp, rum- and cognac-Iike, wth tinny, pineapple, fruity and meaty nuances
 flavor: Rum, cognac and pungent with caramellic and fruity nuances
FL orange cognac flavor
Tertiary (Third) - cognac
FL/FR amyl formate
 odor: powerful ethereal fruity unrip banana green earthy
 flavor: sweet fruity fresh cognac banana peel vinous
FL arrack flavor
 flavor: alcoholic rummy cognac fusel
FL/FR ethyl nonanoate
 odor: fruity rose waxy rum wine natural tropical
 flavor: Waxy, soapy, cognac, estery fruity and tropical, grape
FL/FR octyl acetate
 odor: green earthy mushroom herbal waxy
 flavor: waxy fatty cognac winey mushroom citrus citrus peel
FL tequila flavor
Quaternary (Fourth) - cognac
FL/FR amyl hexanoate
 odor: sweet green fruity estry pineapple apple pear fatty
 flavor: fruity apple green cognac waxy melon
FL/FR diethyl sebacate
 odor: mild melon fruity quince wine
 flavor: melon fruity winey cognac cilantro
FL heptanal 2,3-butane diol acetal
 odor: creamy dairy fruity green
 flavor: green nutty fruity cognac oily waxy citrus
Quinary (Fifth) - cognac
FL/FR cinnamyl butyrate
 odor: soft fruity winey cognac cinnamyl balsamic
 flavor: sweet winey spicy cinnamyl balsamic cognac
FL/FR dimethyl succinate
 odor: estery fruity green floral rummy tutti frutti bubble gum papaya
 flavor: fruity green rummy winey cognac sour tart waxy
FL/FR matricaria chamomilla flower oil
 odor: herbal sweet medicinal phenolic fruity green tea algae
 flavor: herbal green weedy oily cognac medicinal woody
Senary (Sixth) - cognac
FL/FRisoamyl alcohol
 odor: Fusel, alcoholic, pungent, etherial, cognac, fruity, banana and molasses
 flavor: Fusel, fermented, fruity, banana, etherial and cognac
FL/FRisoamyl octanoate
 odor: sweet oily fruity green soapy pineapple coconut
 flavor: Sweet, fruity, waxy, pineapple, fruity and green with coconut and cognac nuances
FL/FR ethyl formate
 odor: ethereal green alcohol rose cognac
 flavor: Etherial, sweet, grainy, fruity, winey and cognac
FL/FR heptyl formate
 odor: green waxy floral herbal plum apple cucumber
 flavor: Fatty, waxy, oily, slight floral with a vegetative nuance. It has a slight oenanthate under note
FL/FR(E)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate
 odor: sharp fruity green cortex hyacinth narcissus rummy unripe banana pear
 flavor: green cortex unripe banana fruity pear cognac earthy leafy weedy
FLbitter orange flavor
FL/FRbitter orange peel oil brazil
 odor: citrus orange dry woody mandarin cognac terpenic aromatic
 flavor: Bitter, fruity, Madeira, cognac and woody with aromatic nuances
Septenary (Seventh) - cognac
Octonary (Eighth) - cognac
FL/FR ethyl octanoate
 odor: fruity wine waxy sweet apricot banana brandy pear
 flavor: waxy fruity winey pineapple creamy fatty soapy cognac