The Good Scents Company -Flavor Descriptor Listing for cortex

The Good Scents Company Information Listings

Flavor Descriptors for cortex
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - cortex
Secondary (Second) - cortex
FL/FR(E)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate
 odor: sharp fruity green cortex hyacinth narcissus rummy unripe banana pear
 flavor: green cortex unripe banana fruity pear cognac earthy leafy weedy
FL/FR phenethyl formate
 odor: rose green hyacinth watercress herbal
 flavor: sweet green cortex watercress unripe banana narcissus phenolic
FR phenoxyacetaldehyde 50% in benzyl alcohol
 odor: fresh green cortex leafy hyacinth ozone leather
 flavor: green cortex leafy melon rind watery phenolic
FL/FR2-phenyl propyl alcohol
 odor: green spicy hyacinth balsam lilac honeysuckle
 flavor: sweet green cortex spicy floral hyacinth balsamic phenolic red rose
Tertiary (Third) - cortex
FL/FR acetaldehyde ethyl phenethyl acetal
 odor: leafy green nasturtium fresh floral hyacinth
 flavor: green nasturtium cortex floral fruity
FL/FR cherry pentenoate
 odor: fruity green cherry dusty melon rind berry oily weedy tropical pineapple
 flavor: fruity green cortex berry melon rind grape tropical strawberry
FL green flavor
 odor: green cortex privet leafy floral petal oily earthy
 flavor: fruity green cortex privet leafy narcissus greasy phenolic
FL/FR phenyl acetaldehyde diisobutyl acetal
 odor: sweet green floral almond rose cortex
 flavor: sweet green cocoa cortex tropical narcissus almond honey phenolic
FL/FR phenyl acetaldehyde dimethyl acetal
 odor: green foliage floral rosy earthy mushroom
 flavor: dry green cortex floral nasturtium tropical resinous weedy oily
FL/FR3-propylidene phthalide
 odor: celery herbal cortex lovage maple fenugreek phenolic brothy vegetable brown
 flavor: green celery cortex lovage phenolic herbal privet vegetable
FR rose absolute pentanol
 odor: fresh floral rose absolute geranium green muguet lily honey tropical
 flavor: floral green cortex rose spicy waxy watery oily
Quaternary (Fourth) - cortex
FL/FR acetaldehyde dipropyl acetal
 odor: fresh green chrysanthemum leafy herbal
 flavor: green leafy vegetable cortex asparagus radish
FL/FR apium graveolens seed oil
 odor: fresh herbal green phenolic woody aromatic spicy balsamic
 flavor: herbal green aromatic cortex balsamic phenolic spicy nasturtium
FL/FR cumin acetaldehyde
 odor: earthy fern aldehydic cumin green cortex
 flavor: green foliage privet cortex aldehydic cumin earthy weedy
FL/FR ethyl 2-ethyl acetoacetate
 odor: fruity winey green herbal earthy rootbeer ethereal
 flavor: fruity ethereal green cortex tropical winey papaya artichoke
FL/FR heptanal (aldehyde C-7)
 odor: fresh aldehydic fatty green herbal wine-lee ozone
 flavor: green aldehydic oily cortex grassy clover cilantro
FL/FRpara-methyl benzyl acetate
 odor: sweet floral fruity green privet hyacinth hawthorn cilantro herbal
 flavor: sweet fruity floral green cortex spicy hawthorn herbal cilantro
FL/FR(Z)-3-octen-1-yl propionate
 odor: pear fruity melon green cortex melon rind honeydew cantaloupe artichoke
 flavor: fruity pear green cortex melon rind tropical grape winey
FL/FR phenethyl tiglate
 odor: green sweet rose natural oily leaf herbal
 flavor: sweet green leafy cortex rose geranium
FL/FR(R)-2-phenyl propyl alcohol
 odor: floral hyacinth hawthorn foliage fruity peony
 flavor: sweet green floral spicy cortex hyacinth balsamic phenolic honey
Quinary (Fifth) - cortex
FL/FR amyl formate
 odor: powerful ethereal fruity unrip banana green earthy
 flavor: sweet fruity fresh cognac banana peel vinous
FL/FR benzyl methyl ether
 odor: fruity ethereal ylang green floral hyacinth
 flavor: fruity ethereal green hyacinth cortex phenolic foliage
FL/FR(E)-benzyl tiglate
 odor: balsamic earthy mushroom vegetable plastic cortex almond nutty
 flavor: balsamic earthy mushroom vegetable cortex plastic spicy wasabi nutty
FL/FR(E)-2-hexen-1-yl butyrate
 odor: green fruity apricot ripe banana cortex orchid fermented
 flavor: green oily fruity tropical cortex ripe grassy
FL/FR pennyroyal oil
 odor: peppermint mentholic minty rosemary herbal woody phenolic
 flavor: minty cooling mentholic herbal cortex rosemary phenolic
Senary (Sixth) - cortex
FL celery seed oleoresin
 odor: celery green herbal cortex spicy phenolic balsamic oriental
 flavor: green balsamic herbal spicy phenolic cortex resinous
FL/FR diphenyl oxide
 odor: geranium leaf green phenolic
 flavor: green phenolic floral rose geranium cortex metallic medicinal
FL/FR ivy carbaldehyde
 odor: green aldehydic weedy herbal cortex privet soapy
 flavor: green weedy aldehydic herbal privet cortex grassy alfalfa
FL/FR2,4-ivy carbaldehyde
 odor: green aldehydic leafy cortex tart floral peely
 flavor: green leafy aldehydic fresh nasturtium cortex grassy
FL2,3-octane dione
 odor: dill asparagus cilantro herbal aldehydic earthy fatty cortex
 flavor: green spicy cilantro fatty leafy cortex herbal
Septenary (Seventh) - cortex
FL/FR cyclamen aldehyde
 odor: floral cyclamen fresh rhubarb musty green
 flavor: green tropical rhubarb watery oily cyclamen cortex phenolic
FL/FR3-heptyl dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H)-furanone
 odor: creamy lactonic green waxy gooseberry plum kiwi peach citrus fruity
 flavor: fruity creamy waxy green fatty oily cortex lactonic citrus
FL/FR nonanal dimethyl acetal
 odor: fresh floral plastic citrus green
 flavor: green plastic waxy cilantro nasturtium tomato leaf cortex
Octonary (Eighth) - cortex
FL/FR methyl (E)-3-hexenoate
 odor: sweet green honey fruity hyacinth cortex papaya guava pineapple tropical
 flavor: green fruity tropical guava pineapple papaya honey cortex
FL/FR2-phenyl propyl tetrahydrofuran
 odor: fruity green fatty cucumber skin nasturtium galbanum woody nut skin
 flavor: fatty fruity green nasturtium privet radish sappy cortex tea