The Good Scents Company -Flavor Descriptor Listing for costus

The Good Scents Company Information Listings

Flavor Descriptors for costus
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - costus
FL costus root oil
 odor: orris green hairy woody unripe melons
 flavor: costus
FL costus root oil CO2 extract
 odor: orris green hairy woody unripe melons
 flavor: costus
Secondary (Second) - costus
Tertiary (Third) - costus
FL/FR mandarine undecenal
 odor: aldehydic waxy clean laundered cloth ozone green mandarin citrus metallic
 flavor: waxy citrus rind costus aldehydic oily clean greasy creamy
Quaternary (Fourth) - costus
Quinary (Fifth) - costus
FL/FR decanol
 odor: fatty waxy floral orange sweet clean watery
 flavor: waxy green fatty floral costus watery citrus
Senary (Sixth) - costus
Septenary (Seventh) - costus
Octonary (Eighth) - costus