The Good Scents Company -Odor Descriptor Listing for bacon

The Good Scents Company Information Listings

Odor Descriptors for bacon
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - bacon
FR bacon fragrance
5-butyl oxazole
 odor: bacon fatty animalic aged meat
Secondary (Second) - bacon
 odor: powerful crispy bacon
Tertiary (Third) - bacon
FL bacon dithiazine
 odor: meaty smoked bacon
 flavor: burnt roasted crispy bacon
 odor: roasted, roasted nut, crisp bacon-like and pork rind-like
 flavor: roasted, roasted nut, crisp bacon-like and pork rind-like
Quaternary (Fourth) - bacon
FR ayou wood oil
 odor: fresh spice borneol bacon woody
 odor: smoky phenolic balsamic bacon powdery woody
 flavor: Sweet, medicinal, creamy, meaty, vanilla, spice
FL/FR4-ethyl guaiacol
 odor: spicy smoky bacon phenolic clove
 flavor: Woody, smokey and spicy with a sweet vanilla background
FL/FR pyroligneous acids
 odor: Smoky, woody/casky, slightly phenolic with a bacon and smoked salmon fattiness
 flavor: Sweet hickory smoky, with burnt and charred woody notes, smoked meaty and bacon-like
 odor: Sweet, naphthyl, phenolic, smoke, bacon and Iysol-like
 flavor: Musty, chemical, stringent and phenolic
Quinary (Fifth) - bacon
 odor: smoky, meaty, phenolic, sweet, ham and woody
 flavor: Meaty, phenolic, smoky and bacony, with creamy vanilla nuances
FL/FR4-ethyl phenol
 odor: phenolic castoreum smoke guaiacol
 flavor: Phenolic, smoke, bacon and ham
Senary (Sixth) - bacon
Septenary (Seventh) - bacon
FL/FR2,3-dimethyl benzofuran
 odor: Chemical tar-like, phenolic, smoky, tobacco, slightly pungent with a hint of black licorice drops, leather, cade oil and smoky bacon meaty
 flavor: Chemical, burnt woody, coumarin-like, tobacco, whiskey and slightly fusel like, tarry with a lingering aftertaste
FL2,5-dimethyl furan
 odor: chemical ethereal meaty gravy roast beef bacon
 flavor: chemical meaty gravy
Octonary (Eighth) - bacon
FL/FR methyl hexanoate
 odor: ethereal fruity pineapple apricot strawberry tropical fruit banana bacon
 flavor: fruity fatty banana pineapple apple apricot tropical fruit creamy