The Good Scents Company -Odor Descriptor Listing for clove

The Good Scents Company Information Listings

Odor Descriptors for clove
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - clove
FL/FR allspice berry oil terpeneless
 odor: sweet clove spicy nutmeg
 flavor: allspice
FL/FR butyl salicylate
 odor: harsh clover ethyl benzoate
FL/FRisobutyl salicylate
 odor: clover herbal orchid floral
 flavor: Sweet, cooling, spicy with fruity nuances
FL/FR cinnamon leaf oil
 odor: deep woody spicy clove cinnamon
 flavor: clove
FL/FRterpeneless cinnamon leaf oil
 odor: clove
 flavor: clove
FL/FR cinnamon leaf oil ceylon
 odor: deep spicy woody clove fatty oily rancid cinnamon powdery
 flavor: spicy aromatic woody aldehydic resinous oily cinnamyl weedy
FL/FR clove bud absolute
 odor: spicy sweet warm aromatic fruity woody floral phenolic
 flavor: Spicy, eugenol, warm and woody
FR clove bud concrete
 odor: oily sweet rich spicy sour fruity dry clove buds
FL/FR clove bud essence
 odor: clove
 flavor: clove
FL/FR clove bud oil
 odor: spicy aromatic balsamic woody fruity minty phenolic powdery
 flavor: spicy woody aromatic balsamic minty medicinal
FL/FRterpeneless clove bud oil
 odor: clove
 flavor: clove
FL/FR clove bud oil CO2 extract
 odor: Sweet, clean clove spicy, eugenol, woody, with cooling phenolic nuances
 flavor: Sweet with clove, spicy, woody, euganol and medicinal nuances
FR clove bud oil replacer
 odor: spicy aromatic balsamic woody fruity minty phenolic powdery
FL/FR clove bud oleoresin
 odor: sweet clove buds
 flavor: clove
FL/FR clove bud resinoid
 odor: clove
 flavor: clove
FL clove buds
 odor: clove
 flavor: clove
FR clove fragrance
FR clove leaf absolute
 odor: spicy clove phenolic
FL/FR clove leaf oil
 odor: spicy aromatic woody balsamic minty peppery phenolic powdery
 flavor: spicy woody aromatic balsamic minty peppery medicinal waxy
FL/FR clove leaf oil terpeneless
 odor: spicy eugenol clove
 flavor: clove
FR clove leaf resinoid
 odor: spicy clove
 flavor: clove
FR clove oil terpenes
 odor: fresh clove caryophyllene sweet
FL/FR clove stem oil
 odor: spicy aromatic woody minty fatty powdery phenolic
 flavor: spicy woody aromatic oily minty phenolic
FR clover fragrance
FR clover nitrile
 odor: orchid clover narcissus balsam styrax
FL/FR eugenol
 odor: sweet spicy clove woody
 flavor: spicy clove allspice aromatic phenolic woody oriental
 odor: sweet spicy carnation phenolic floral
 odor: spicy clove
FRisopropyl salicylate
 odor: vine clover orchid
FL/FR syzygium aromaticum bud extract
 odor: clove
 flavor: clove
FL/FR syzygium aromaticum tincture
 odor: clove
 flavor: clove
FL/FR syzygium aromaticum water
 odor: clove
Secondary (Second) - clove
FL/FR allspice berry oil
 odor: sweet spicy clove phenolic woody nutmeg powdery
 flavor: Spicy, sweet, clove and woody with a slightly warm phenolic nuance
FL/FR allspice leaf oil
 odor: sweet spicy clove woody phenolic dirty fatty cinnamon aldehydic
 flavor: Spicy, woody, clove and eugenol with a dirty, phenolic, weedy nuance
FL/FR allspice leaf oil terpeneless
 odor: sweet cinnamon clove spicy
 flavor: allspice spicy clove cinnamon
FL/FR allspice oil
 odor: sweet spicy clove warm spice cabinet deep
 flavor: allspice
FL/FR allspice oleoresin
 odor: sweet fresh spicy clove bay fatty aldehydic nutmeg woody
 flavor: spicy clove cinnamon nutmeg bay phenolic woody
FR bay oil replacer
 odor: sweet spicy clove herbal waxy
FR calamus leaf oil
 odor: spicy clove
 odor: sweet woody spice clove dry
 flavor: spicy clove woody nut skin powdery peppery
FL/FR cassie absolute
 odor: fresh sweet spice clove violet green weedy woody
 flavor: Spicy, sweet, fruity and honey with a woody, herbal nuance
FR cassie perfume base
 odor: spice clove violet green weedy woody
FR cinnamomum culilawan bark oil
 odor: spicy clove balsamic woody
FR cinnamomum culilawan leaf oil
 odor: warm spicy clove
FL/FR dihydroeugenol
 odor: clove sharp spicy sweet phenolic powdery allspice
 flavor: spicy clove allspice peppery phenolic carnation powdery
FL/FR ethyl isoeugenol
 odor: spicy carnation clove
 flavor: spicy clove
FL/FR4-ethyl guaiacol
 odor: spicy smoky bacon phenolic clove
 flavor: Woody, smokey and spicy with a sweet vanilla background
 odor: sweet spicy clove woody allspice carnation floral
 flavor: spicy clove allspice woody aromatic pimenta nutmeg phenolic
FL/FR(E)-isoeugenyl acetate
 odor: spicy clove
 flavor: spicy
FL/FRisoeugenyl phenyl acetate
 odor: Sweet, spice, clove and cinnamon, floral and honey
 flavor: Sweet, spicy and honey-like with powdery nuances
FL/FR laurus nobilis leaf oil turkey
 odor: sweet spicy clove herbal
FRsouthern magnolia leaf oil fractions
FL/FR2-methoxy-4-vinyl phenol
 odor: sweet spicy clove carnation phenolic peppery smoky woody powdery
 flavor: spicy powdery clove phenolic woody smoky balsamic amber
FR methyl eugenol
 odor: sweet fresh warm spicy clove carnation cinnamon
 flavor: Spice, cinnamon and clove, mouth tingle, fresh, peppery and woody
(E)-methyl isoeugenol
 odor: mild spicy clove
(Z)-methyl isoeugenol
 odor: mild spicy clove
FL/FR methyl isoeugenol
 odor: spicy clove blossom carnation woody
 flavor: spicy warm clove resinous galanga smoky woody powdery
FL methyl furfuracrylate
 odor: cherry clove cinnamate
FL/FR4-methyl guaiacol
 odor: spicy clove vanilla phenolic medicinal leathery woody smoky burnt
 flavor: spicy clove woody leathery smoky coffee phenolic cocoa burnt
FR orange clove fragrance
FL/FR pimenta acris leaf oil
 odor: sweet spicy clove herbal waxy oily aldehydic aromatic metallic
 flavor: bay
FR pimenta officinalis fruit extract
 odor: spicy clove
FR propyl salicylate
 odor: vine clover fruity plum
FL sodium ferulate
 odor: sweet clove phenolic
Tertiary (Third) - clove
FL/FR allspice berry absolute
 odor: Sweet, warm, spicy, woody with clove eugenol nuances
 flavor: Sweet, spicy, aromatic, warm with eugenol and cinnamon notes
FR allspice fragrance
FR canella bark oil
 odor: cinnamon clove
FR carnation specialty
 odor: spicy carnation
FL/FR caryophyllene
 odor: sweet woody spice clove dry
 flavor: Spicy pepper-like, woody, camphoraceous, with a citrus background
FL/FR cassie absolute replacer
 odor: warm powdery spicy clove violet green floral
FR cestrum nocturnum flower absolute
 odor: isoeugenol carnation warm woody floral clove
FL/FR cinnamon leaf oil ceylon
 odor: deep spicy woody clove fatty oily rancid cinnamon powdery
 flavor: spicy aromatic woody aldehydic resinous oily cinnamyl weedy
FR cinnamon leaf oil replacer
 odor: spicy woody clove fatty oily rancid cinnamon powdery
FR dianthus fragrance
FL/FR eugenyl acetate
 odor: fresh sweet woody clove floral carnation malt spice
 flavor: spicy warm clove allspice sweet carnation
FL/FR eugenyl benzoate
 odor: mild balsam clove
FL/FR eugenyl isovalerate
 odor: fruity spicy clove
FR floral spice fragrance
FL/FRhomomenthyl acetate
 odor: sweet minty spicy clove floral herbal green mentholic lavender
 flavor: cooling minty spicy clove herbal pennyroyal
trans-oak lactone
 odor: spicy coconut clove celery incense
Quaternary (Fourth) - clove
FR clove blossom fragrance
FR dianthus ethone
 odor: sweet floral spicy carnation clove powdery vanilla custard burnt wood balsamic
FL/FRpara-alpha-dimethyl styrene
 odor: Phenolic, spicy, styrene, eugenol and guaiacol-like with musty, coffee and nutty nuances
 flavor: Spicy, balsamic, musty and eugenol / guaiacol-like with a nutty nuance
FL/FRisoeugenyl formate
 odor: orris green sweet woody clove
FL/FR guaiacyl acetate
 odor: sweet woody spice dry clove powdery smoky
 flavor: Woody, guaiacol, smoky, astringent and phenolic with vanillin and coumarin nuances
FL/FR phenyl acetaldehyde solution
 odor: green floral rose clover
Quinary (Fifth) - clove
FR cedrela wood oil
 odor: dry woody cedar cubeb clove carrot seed
 odor: woody
FL/FR phenyl acetaldehyde
 odor: green sweet floral hyacinth clover honey cocoa
 flavor: Honey, sweet, floral, chocolate and cocoa, with a spicy nuance
FR salicynile (Firmenich)
 odor: floral orchid metallic herbal clover green waxy marine
FR spicy kitchen fragrance
Senary (Sixth) - clove
FR amaryllis fragrance
 odor: floral green cortex orchid seedy clover
Septenary (Seventh) - clove
FR methyl bicycloheptenyl methyloxirane carboxylate
 odor: fruity floral sugary jasmin magnolia rose clover melon
Octonary (Eighth) - clove