The Good Scents Company -Odor Descriptor Listing for solvent

The Good Scents Company Information Listings

Odor Descriptors for solvent
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - solvent
FL acetone
 odor: solvent ethereal apple pear
FL/FRalpha-angelica lactone
 odor: sweet solvent nutty tonka coumarin tobacco
 flavor: Sweet, creamy, coconut, vanilla hay and coumarin-like nuances
FLsec-butyl acetate
 odor: solvent fruity banana
FL/FR coffee furanone
 odor: sweet solvent bread buttery nutty
 flavor: Nutty and astringent with a slight, creamy almond nuance
FL3-methyl cyclohexanol
 odor: dry solvent musty rummy fusel fruity
FL methyl phenyl sulfide
 odor: Toluene solvent, spicy, pungent, woody sawdust
 flavor: Solventy, woody, roasted coffee
FL/FR propyl acetate
 odor: Solvent-like pungency, lifting, fusel, amyl alcohol, sweet and fruity
 flavor: Estry, fruity, etherial, tutti-frutti, banana and honey
FL/FR2-isopropyl phenol
 odor: solvent like, phenolic, smoky with toasted woody and burnt rubber nuances
 flavor: solvent like, shoe polish, woody smoky, aged scotch and whiskey like with tar and burnt rubber nuances
Secondary (Second) - solvent
CS boldus leaf oil
 odor: spicy solvent wormwood
 boldus oil replacer
 odor: spicy solvent wormwood
FL/FRisobutyl methyl ketone
 odor: Sharp solvent-like with green, herbal, fruity and dairy nuances
 flavor: Green, vegetative, herbal, fruity and dairy nuances
 odor: caraway solvent spearmint
 odor: Seafood-like, solvent, garlic and onion, pyridine like
 flavor: Seafood-like, clam and oyster fermented garlic and onion, mushroom and turkey
FL/FR methyl acetate
 odor: Etherial and solvent-like, estry, fruity, winey, cognac and rum
 flavor: Green, etherial, fruity, fresh, rum and whiskey-like
FL/FRisopropyl formate
 odor: ethereal solvent cocoa tropical
 flavor: Sweet, fruity with a berry lift
Tertiary (Third) - solvent
FL2-ethyl-5-methyl thiophene
 odor: sulfurous ethereal solvent fruity burnt
 flavor: green oily leafy geranium phenolic
Quaternary (Fourth) - solvent
Quinary (Fifth) - solvent
 acetyl pyrrolizine
FL/FRisoamyl acetate
 odor: sweet fruity banana solvent
 flavor: Sweet fruity, banana-Iike with a green ripe nuance
 odor: citrus terpenic herbal pine solvent resinous phenolic cypress medicinal woody
 flavor: citrus pine terpenic herbal resinous tropical peppery juniper wasabi
Senary (Sixth) - solvent
Septenary (Seventh) - solvent
Octonary (Eighth) - solvent