Thurrock Scouts

Welcome to Thurrock Scouts

We are home to 19 Scout Groups covering the whole of the Borough, along with 4 Explorer Scout Units and a Scout Network.

With over 1100 young people and 400 volunteers, we are one of the largest Districts in Essex.

Thurrock Scouts Logo

7th August 2023

After 10 very successful years, Graham Monk has reached the end of his time as District Commissioner.

12th April 2023

At the end of March we celebrated our member’s achievements over the past 12 months with our Awards Evenings.

11th December 2022

1st Corringham Cubs recently became the very first young people in Thurrock to complete their YouShape awards.

26th August 2022

In recognition of the “exceptional services to young people” across Thurrock, we were recently inducted into the Mayoral Roll of Honour by Mayor James Halden.

Thurrock Scouts Logo

28th April 2020

As we couldn’t run our planned Renewal of Promise activity day, we instead took the activity online with a number of sessions throughout the 26th April.

19th April 2020

With face-to-face Scouting currently suspended, we recently held a virtual camp for young people across the District to take part in at home.