Catfishes are a species rich and exceptionally diverse group of fishes ranking second or third among orders of vertebrates. The Catalog of Fishes (Eschmeyer, 1998 et seq.) database treats 2,855 species of catfishes as valid. About 1 in 4 valid species of freshwater fishes, 1 in 10 fishes, and 1 in 20 vertebrates, is a catfish.
Although most catfishes are of small to moderate size (5-20 cm), some aspredinids and trichomycterids are among the smallest vertebrates in the world, reaching sexual maturity at less than 10 mm in total length. Others are among the largest freshwater fishes in the world: Silurus glanis (European wels, to 5 m, 330 kg, the largest of catfishes), Pangasianodon gigas (giant Mekong catfish, to 3 m, 300 kg), and Brachyplatystoma filamentosum (Amazonian goliath catfish, to 3+ m, 200 kg).
Most catfishes are omnivores, but some have highly specialized diets, e.g., wood-eating loricariids (Nelson, et al., 1999) and parasitic catfishes that feed on the blood of other fishes (de Pinna, 1992; Spotte, 2002). Most catfishes have defensive fin spines that can inflict severe wounds. Species in several families are venomous. Like their close gymnotiform relatives, many catfishes are electroreceptive (Baron, et al., 1996a,b). Species in the genus Malapterurus are capable of generating charges of 400 volts or more (Burgess, 1989). Unlike most freshwater fishes, many catfishes are nocturnal and depend mainly on senses other than sight, such as tactile and chemosensitive barbels, or enlarged olfactory organs. Thus, catfishes are preadapted for life in caves, aquifers, and deep river channels, and troglobitic catfishes have evolved in North and South America, Asia, and Africa. Air-breathing clariid catfishes regularly leave the water and move over land (Burgess, 1989). Several groups of catfishes communicate acoustically; some by vibrating the swim bladder, others by stridulatory fin spines. Most species of catfishes provide parental care to eggs; some also provide care to young. In an interesting symbiotic relationship, certain African bagrids also protect the young of cichlids (McKaye & Oliver, 1980). Most families of catfishes including basal diplomystids and their closest otophysan relatives are strictly freshwater. Consequently, the marine habitat of Plotosidae, Ariidae and some Aspredinidae is considered derived for catfishes.
Because of their worldwide distribution and diversity, catfishes are of great interest to ecologists and evolutionary biologists, and are important in studies of biogeography - from regional, e.g. post-glacial North America (Bailey and Smith, 1981) and Southeast Asia (Bornbusch and Lundberg, 1989), to continental - e.g. North America (Patterson, 1981, Grande, 1994) and South America (Reis, 1998; Lundberg, 1997), to global (de Pinna, 1993, 1998; Lundberg, 1993). Catfishes are most diverse in species and morphology in tropical South America, Africa, and Asia. However, catfishes live or have lived in the inland or coastal waters of all continents, including Antarctica, where fossils of Eocene age are found on Seymour Island (Grande and Eastman, 1986). The earliest known fossil siluriforms are in freshwater and marine deposits of late Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian) age.
Many catfishes around the world have huge economic value and are fished for human consumption, the pet trade, or recreation. Worldwide capture production of freshwater and marine catfishes in 2000 exceeded 500,000 mt (FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2000a). The North American channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) supports a $450 million/yr aquaculture industry (FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2000b). The South American, armored "corydoras" and "plecostomus" catfishes are icons of the aquarium trade. Several catfishes (e.g. the flathead catfish in North America, goliath catfishes in South America) are aggressively sought by big game anglers. Conversely, translocated species cause substantial economic loss and damage to natural ecosystems and native fish stocks. Significant catfish pests in North America include the walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, in Florida, and the flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris, in Atlantic slope drainages (Fuller, et al., 1999).
Bailey, R.M., and G.R. Smith. 1981. Origin and geography of the fish fauna of the Laurentian Great Lakesbasin. Canadian J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 38:1539-1561.
Bailey, R. M. and D. J. Stewart. 1984. Bagrid catfishes from Lake Tanganyika, with a key and descriptions of new taxa. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan 168:1-41.
Baron, V.D., A.A. Orlov, and A.S. Golubtsov. 1996a. African catfishes. A new group of weakly electric fish. Izvestiya RAN. Ser. Biol., (1): 106-111. (in Russian)
Baron, V. D., A. A. Orlov, and A. S. Golubtsov. 1996b. Discovery of electric discharges in the African catfish Auchenoglanis occidentalis (Siluriformes: Bagridae). Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349 (4): 565-567. (in Russian)
Baskin, J.N. 1973. Structure and relationships of the Trichomycteridae. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, City University of New York, New York. 389 p.
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Ferraris, C.J. Jr. 1988. The Auchenipteridae: putative monophyly and systematics, with a classification of the Neotropical doradoid catfishes (Ostariophysi, Siluriformes). Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, City University of New York, New York, xvi + 229 p.
Ferraris, C.J. Jr., and R.P. Vari. 1999. The South American catfish genus Auchenipterus Valenciennes, 1840 (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae): monophyly and relationships, with a revisionary study. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 126 (4): 387-450.
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Lundberg, J.G., and L. McDade. 1986. A redescription of the rare Venezuelan catfish Brachyrhamdia imitator Myers (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) with phylogenetic evidence for a large intrafamilial lineage. Notula Naturae, (463):1-24.
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Lundberg, J.G., F. Mago-Leccia, and P. Nass. 1991. Exallodontus aguanai, a new genus and species of Pimelodidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) from deep river channels of South America and delimitation of the sub-family Pimelodinae. Proceedings of the Biological Society Washington. 104(4):840-869.
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Nelson, J.A., M.E. Whitmer, E.A. Johnson, D. Wubah, and D.J. Stewart. 1999. Wood-eating catfishes of the genus Panaque (Eigenmann & Eigenmann): gut microflora and enzyme activities. J. Fish Biol., 54: 1069-1082.
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