Distinguished in the field of Civism are the following illustrious citizens honored at Plaza de los Ponceños Ilustres, in Ponce’s Parque del Tricentenario:
- Rafael Pujals
- Ermelindo Salazar
- Jane Nicole de Mariani
- María Rosa Vidal
- Olimpio Otero
- Carmen Solá Pereira
- Sergio Negrón
- Pedro Juan Parra
- Pedro Shuck Grau
- Pedro Vivas Valdivieso
- Sister Anita Mosley
- Sister Isolina Ferré
- Joaquín E. Candal Irizarry
- Hilda Delis de Chavier
- Juan Mayoral Barnés
- Luis Segarra Micheli
- Raúl Gándara
- Herminia Monllor
- Nicolás Albors
- José Enrique Ayoroa Santalíz
- Lila Mayoral Wirshing
- Francisca Paz de Cabrera
- Tomás Alcalá
- Mercedes Pérez de Serrallés
- Joaquín Ferrán
- Gilda Wilson
- Adelma Coppin
- Helen Elena de Costas
- J. Raúl Ramírez Santiago
Visit the Tercentennial Park for a glimpse at the elegant wall plaques with the names of the above eminent Ponce citizens in the field of Civism and those in many other important cultural disciplines.
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