


Ralph De TOENI

Born: ABT 945

Father: Hugo De CALVACAMP

Mother: ¿?

Married: ¿?


1. Ralph De TOENI

Ralph De TOENI

Born: BEF 960, Toeni, Eure, France

Died: 1024

Father: Ralph De TOENI

Mother: ¿?

Married: ¿?


1. Roger "The Spaniard" De TOENI

2. Ralph De TOENI

3. Robert De TOENI

Roger "the Spaniard" De TOENI

Born: ABT 980, Conches, Normandy, France

Died: ABT 1038

Notes: Standard Bearer of Normandy

Father: Ralph De TOENI

Mother: ¿?

Married 1: Adela De BARCELONA

Married 2: Estephania De BARCELONA ABT 1009, Spain

Married 3: Godeheut BORRELL


1. Ralph De TOENI de Conches

2. Robert De STAFFORD of Belvoir Castle

3. Herbert De TOENI

4. Gazon De TOENI

5. Eliance De TOENI

6. Adelisa De TOENI

7. Son De TOENI

8. Roger De TOENI

Married 4: Helena of Normandy

Robert De STAFFORD of Belvoir Castle

Born: 1036, Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, England

Buried: Eversham Abbey, Worcestershire, England

Notes: Governor of Stafford Castle. Held 131 manors in Warwichshire and Lincolnshire. In his older age he became a monk at Eversham. Castellan of Stafford Castle and a Norman Magnate of some signifcance. He held as a under tenant of Roger de Montgomery.

Father: Roger "The Spaniard" De TOENI

Mother: Godeheut BORRELL

Married 1: Adelisa De SAVONA


1. Adelisa De TOENI

Married 2: Avice De CLARE ABT 1065


2. Nicholas De STAFFORD

3. Nigel De STAFFORD

4. Robert De STAFFORD

Adelisa De TOENI

Born: 1066, Saint Savour, France

Died: 1136

Father: Robert De STAFFORD of Belvoir Castle

Mother: Adelisa De SAVONA

Married: Roger BIGOD (E. East Anglia)


1. Maud BIGOD

2. Cecily BIGOD

3. Gunnora BIGOD

4. Jane BIGOD


Born: 1040

Father: Robert De STAFFORD of Belvoir Castle

Mother: Avice De CLARE

Married: ¿?


1. William (Gresley) De STAFFORD

William (Gresley) De STAFFORD

Born: 1095

Died: 1166

Father: Nigel De STAFFORD

Mother: ¿?

Married: Elena ?


1. Engenulph (Gresley) De STAFFORD

Engenulph (Gresley) De STAFFORD

Born: 1125

Father: William (Gresley) De STAFFORD

Mother: Elena ?

Married: Aline ?


1. Petronilla De GRESLEY

Petronilla De GRESLEY

Father: Engenulph (Gresley) De STAFFORD

Mother: Aline ?

Married: Henry De AUDLEY


1. Alice De AUDLEY

Nicholas De STAFFORD

Born: ABT 1075, Stone, Staffordshire, England

Died: 1138

Buried: Stone, Staffordshire, England

Notes: Sheriff of Staffordshire, temp. King Henry I. This feudal lord was s. by his son, Robert de Stafford. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke'sPeerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 499, Stafford, Barons Stafford, Earls ofStafford, &c.]

Father: Robert De STAFFORD of Belvoir Castle

Mother: Avice De CLARE

Married: Maud De MEOLTE


1. Robert De STAFFORD


Born: ABT 1107, England

Died: ABT 1185

Father: Nicholas De STAFFORD

Mother: Maud De MEOLTE

Married: Avice ?


1. Robert De STAFFORD


Born: 1127

Died: 29 Sep 1194

Father: Robert De STAFFORD

Mother: Avice ?

Married: Basilla ?


1. Millicent De STAFFORD

Millicent De STAFFORD

Born: ABT 1176, England

Died: BEF Jan 1224/5

Buried: Stone Priory, Staffordshire, England

Father: Robert De STAFFORD

Mother: Basilla ?

Married: Hervey BAGOT (B. Stafford) ABT 1171


1. Henry De STAFFORD

2. William STAFFORD of Broomshull

Hervey BAGOT (B. Stafford)

Born: ABT 1153

Died: BEF 25 Aug 1214

Buried: Stone Priory, Staffordshire, England

Notes: assumed the name "de Stafford" when he was recognized as lord of the barony of Stafford by right of his marriage to the heiress. succeeded to his wife's right in 1194. Cokayne's "Complete Peerage" (STAFFORD, p.170)

Father: Hervey FITZBAGOT of Broomshull

Mother: ¿?

Married: Millicent De STAFFORD ABT 1171


1. Henry De STAFFORD

2. William STAFFORD of Broomshull



Born: 1178

Died: BEF 12 May 1237

Notes: was in King's service overseas in 1230. In 1234 was one of those charged to conduct Daffyd, son of Llewelyn the Great, to the King In 1236 he & 2 others were dictators of the truce in North Wales Later that year he was called upon to enforce that truce Cokayne's "Complete Peerage" (STAFFORD, p.170-171)

Father: Hervey BAGOT (B. Stafford)

Mother: Millicent De STAFFORD

Married: Pernell De FERRERS 1214


1. Robert De STAFFORD

2. Hervey STAFFORD


Born: 1216, Stafford Castle, Staffordshire, England

Died: 4 Jun 1261 / 1282 / AFT 15 Jul 1287

Notes: summoned to serve in Wales in 1260. Cokayne's "Complete Peerage" (STAFFORD, p.171-172)

Father: Henry De STAFFORD

Mother: Pernell De FERRERS

Married: Alice CORBET (dau. of Thomas De Corbet and Isabel De Valletort) ABT 1240, Shropshire, England


1. Alice De STAFFORD

2. Nicholas De STAFFORD

3. Isabella De STAFFORD

4. Amabil De STAFFORD


Born: ABT 1240, Stafford, England

Father: Robert De STAFFORD

Mother: Alice CORBET

Married: John De HOTHAM (Sir)


1. John De HOTHAM

2. Peter De HOTHAM

Isabella De STAFFORD

Born: 1265

Father: Robert De STAFFORD

Mother: Alice CORBET

Married: William STAFFORD




Father: Robert De STAFFORD

Mother: Alice CORBET

Married: Richard (Robert) RADCLIFFE

Nicholas De STAFFORD

Born: 1246, Stafford, England

Died: 1 Aug 1287, Siege of Droselan Castle

Notes: actively engaged against the Welsh, in the reign of King Edward I, and was killed before Droselan Castle. His manors included Offley, Schelbedon and Bradley, Staffordshire

Father: Robert De STAFFORD

Mother: Alice CORBET

Married 1: Anne De LANGLEY

Married 2: Eleanor De CLINTON


1. Richard De STAFFORD

2. Edmund STAFFORD (1º B. Stafford)

Edmund STAFFORD (1º B. Stafford)

Born: 15 Jul 1272/3, Clifton, Staffordshire, England

Died: 26 Aug 1308

Father: Nicholas De STAFFORD

Mother: Eleanor De CLINTON

Married: Margaret BASSETT (B. Stafford) BEF 1298, Drayton, Staffordshire, England


1. Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

2. Richard STAFFORD (Sir Knight)

3. Margaret STAFFORD

4. William STAFFORD

5. Humphrey STAFFORD

6. Jacobus STAFFORD

7. Catherine STAFFORD

8. Elizabeth STAFFORD

Richard STAFFORD (Sir Knight)

Born: 1302, Tunbridge, Kent, England

Died: 1380, Pipe, Staffordshire, England

Buried:  St. Andrew's Church, Clfiton Campville, Staffordshire, England

Notes: summoned to parliament among the barons of the realm from 44th Edward III to 3rd Richard II. 1341, M.P. for Staffs. Seneschal of Gascony. 'Founder' of the later church of St. Andrew's, Clifton Campville although a church existed at the time of the Domesday survey in 1086-9. On the Council of State. BET 1341 - 1380, J.P. for Staffs. BET 1343 - 1368, Commissioner, Justice of Oyer, J.P., Collector of Subsidy. Styled Baron Clifton, Staffordshire by right of his wife Isabel Vernon. 1371, Summoned to Parliament as 'Sir Richard de Stafford le Piere'. Lord of the Manor of Pipe 1337, by grant of his mother, Margaret Basset; Lord of the Manor of Clifton Campville by right of his wife Isabel Vernon. Memorial Brass at St. Peter's Church, Elford.

Father: Edmund STAFFORD (1º B. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret BASSETT (B. Stafford)

Married 1: Matilda CRAMVILLE


1. Nicholas STAFFORD of Throwley

Married 2: Isabel De VERNON 1337


2. Catherine STAFFORD

3. Richard STAFFORD (Sir)

4. Edmund STAFFORD (Bishop of Exeter)

5. Matilda STAFFORD

6. Thomas STAFFORD (Sir)

Married 3: Matilda (Maud) STAFFORD ABT 1357

Catherine STAFFORD

Born: 1338

Notes: heiress of the manors of Clifton and Pype.

Father: Richard STAFFORD (Sir Knight)

Mother: Isabel De VERNON

Married: John ARDERNE (Sir)

Richard STAFFORD (Sir)

Born: 1339

Died: BET 1380 / 1381

Notes: died before his father. Not issue.

Father: Richard STAFFORD (Sir Knight)

Mother: Isabel De VERNON

Married: Alice BLOUNT ABT 1365


Born: 1346

Buried: St. Peter's Church, Elford, England

Father: Richard STAFFORD (Sir Knight)

Mother: Isabel De VERNON

Married: Thomas ARDERNE (Sir)


1. John ARDERNE (Sir) (b. ABT 1368 - d. 1408) (m. Margaret Pilkington)

Thomas STAFFORD (Sir)

Born: 1346

Notes: his son died without issue.

Father: Richard STAFFORD (Sir Knight)

Mother: Isabel De VERNON

Married: ¿?


1. Thomas STAFFORD

Edmund STAFFORD (Bishop of Exeter)

Born: 1344

Died: 1419

Notes: Embracing the ecclesiastical state, Edmund obtained the degree of Doctor of Laws, and was a canon of York Minster, Rector of Clifton Campville. BET 1385 / 1393, Dean of York. BET 1389 - 1391, Lord Privy Seal. BET 1393 / 1395, Canon of Lichfield. Pope Boniface IX promoted him to the vacant see of Exeter, by his bull dated Rome, 15 Jan 1395, inserted in the beginning of the first volume of his register. He was consecrated at Lambeth by the primate William Courtenay on Sunday 20 Jun 1395, assisted by Robert De Braybroke, Bishop of London, and John Waltham, Bishop of Sarum; and, according to custom, "ratione novas creationis", the new Bishop assigned the pension of five marks to a clerk named by the crown, until he could institute him to a suitable living. As public business prevented his lordship from quitting the court, he lost no time in appointing an efficient vicar-general. King Richard II on 23 Oct 1396, nomimated him Lord Chancellor, and he continued in office until the eve of the King's abdicating the crown; he had also appointed him one of his executors (Rymer's 'Foedera,' vol. viii. p. 77). Released from the turmoils of state office, he hastened to visit his diocese. On his way hither from London we find him arrived at Salisbury on 18 Mar 1400: on 5 Apr he was domiciled at his manor-house of Bishop's Clist, and shortly after proceeded in his visitation through the counties of Devon and Cornwall. Thus he continued in the discharge of his pastoral functions until 20 Jan 1401, when he started for London; and for those times, and at that season of the year, he must have travelled expeditiously, for a document is entered in his register dated but six days later "in hospitio nostro London". King Henry IV probably wished to have his counsel: on 9 Mar that monarch restored to him the Great Seal which he retained for nearly two years, when he returned to his diocese. We meet with him at Clist on 29 Mar 1403, and two days after he held an ordination in its domestic chapel. From this period until his death he absented himself as little as possible from his diocese; and the two folio volumes of his register, comprising nearly 1400 pages, attest his diligence in administering to his affairs and the zeal he evinced for the good government of all classes; in fact none of the episcopal registers before or after him are kept in a more business-like manner. The day before his death at Clist he confirmed the election made by the chapter of John Cobthorne for their dean; and on the very day of his death at Clist 3 Sep 1419, aged 75, he instituted an incumbent of Blackauton, and collated to a prebend and canonry in his cathedral, when his registrar adds "et eodem die D. Edmundus, Exoniensis Episcopus, diem suum clausit extremum: cujus animæ propitietur Deus, Amen". The inquisition post mortem, anno sexto King Henry V, proves that he had estates in the counties of Leicester, Gloucester, Derby, Stafford, and Northampton. His will in Archbishop Chicheley's Register is dated 24 Jul 1418, and "was proved 18 Sep 1419". Leland in his 'Itinerary' (vol. iii. p. 44) has preserved the Bishop's epitaph, now illegible:

Hic jacet Edmundus De Stafforde intumulatus
Quondam profundus legum doctor reputatus
Verbis facundus, Comitum De stirpe creatus
Felix et mundus Pater hujus Pontificatûs.

Father: Richard STAFFORD (Sir Knight)

Mother: Isabel De VERNON

Nicholas STAFFORD of Throwley

Born: 1331

Died: 1394, Throwley

Notes: Oct 1349, Granted a papal dispensation to hold a benefice. ABT 1355, Knighted. BET 1372 - 1373, Sheriff, Staffs. BET 1376 - 1392, J.P. for Staffs. BET 1377 - 1380, M.P. for Staffs. BET 1383 - 1391, Chief Steward, Earls of Stafford. 1385, Chairman, bench. Jun 1393, Pardoned.

Father: Richard STAFFORD (Sir Knight)

Mother: Matilda CRAMVILLE

Married: Elizabeth MEVEREL ABT 1353 (dau. of Thomas Meverel of Throwley)

Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

Born: 24 Sep 1301, Stafford, Stafford, England

Died: 31 Aug 1372, Tunbridge Castle, Stafford, England

Buried: 1372 Tonburton Priory, England

Notes: Knight of the Garter. 1350 Earl of Stafford. Fought in the Battle of Crecy and Battle of Sluys. Served in the Scotch and French wars and in important diplomatic missions in European countries.

Father: Edmund STAFFORD (1º B. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret BASSETT (B. Stafford)

Married 1: Catherine HASTINGS ABT 1326


1. Margaret STAFFORD

Married 2: Margaret AUDLEY (B. Audley) 6 Jul 1336, Stafford, Staffordshire, England


2. Elizabeth STAFFORD (B. Ferrers of Chartley)

3. Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)


5. Beatrice STAFFORD (C. Desmond)

6. Joan STAFFORD (B. Powis)

7. Catherine STAFFORD


¿9. Agnes STAFFORD?


Born: BET 1330/1336, Tunbridge, Kent, England

Father: Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

Mother: Catherine HASTINGS

Married: John STAFFORD (Sir)


1. Humphrey STAFFORD of Hook

2. Margaret STAFFORD



Elizabeth STAFFORD (B. Ferrers of Chartley)

Died: 7 Aug 1375

Father: Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret AUDLEY (B. Audley)

Married 1: Fulke Le STRANGE (3º B. Strange of Blackmere) 12 Mar 1346, contract


1. Maud Le STRANGE

2. Fulke STRANGE

3. Margaret Le STRANGE

4. Eleanor Le STRANGE

5. Joan Le STRANGE

Married 2: John De FERRERS (4° B. Ferrers of Chartley)


6. Robert De FERRERS (5° B. Ferrers of Chartley)

Married 3: Reynold De COBHAM (Sir)


Born: ABT 1337, Tunbridge, Kent, England

Died: 1347

Father: Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret AUDLEY (B. Audley)

Married: Maud PLANTAGENET (C. Holland) 1 Nov 1344

Beatrice STAFFORD (C. Desmond)

Born: ABT 1340, Tunbridge, Stafford, England

Died: 13 Apr 1415

Father: Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret AUDLEY (B. Audley)

Married 1: Maurice FITZMAURICE FITZGERALD (2° E. Desmond) 1350

Married 2: Thomas De ROS (5º B. Ros of Hamlake) 1 Jan 1357/58, Stoke Albany, Northamptonshire, England


1. Elizabeth ROS (B. Clifford)

2. Margaret ROS

3. John De ROS (6º B. Ros of Hamlake)

4. William De ROS (7º B. Ros of Hamlake)

5. Robert De ROS

6. Thomas De ROS

Married 3: Richard De BURLEY (Sir) 1385

Joan STAFFORD (B. Powis)

Born: ABT 1336, Stafford, Staffordshire, England

Died: BEF 1397

Father: Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret AUDLEY (B. Audley)

Married 1: John CHERLETON (B. Powis)


1. John CHERLETON (B. Powis) (b. 25 Apr 1362 - d. 19 0ct 1401) (m. Alice Fitzalan)

2. Edward CHERLETON (B. Powis) (b. 1371 - d. 14 Mar 1420) (m.1 Eleanor Holland - m.2 Elizabeth Berkeley)

Married 2: Gilbert TALBOT (3° B. Talbot) BEF 16 Nov 1379

Catherine STAFFORD

Born: 16 Sep 1348, Tunbridge, Stafford, England

Died: BEF 25 Dec 1361

Father: Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret AUDLEY (B. Audley)

Married: John De SUTTON 25 Dec 1357


1. John SUTTON


Father: Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret AUDLEY (B. Audley)

Married: John CAREY

Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Born: 1334, Stafford, Staffordshire, England

Died: 16 Oct 1386, Rhodes, England

Notes: Knight of the Garter. Served in the wars in France and elsewhere.

Father: Ralph STAFFORD (1º E. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret AUDLEY (B. Audley)

Married: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford) (b. 1334 - BEF 6 Apr 1386) (dau. of Thomas De Beauchamp and Catherine De Mortimer) BEF 1 Mar 1350



2. Margaret STAFFORD (C. Westmoreland)

3. Thomas STAFFORD (3º E. Stafford)

4. Humphrey STAFFORD

5. William STAFFORD (4º E. Stafford)

6. Catherine STAFFORD (C. Suffolk)


8. Edmund STAFFORD (5º E. Stafford)

9. Hugh STAFFORD (Sir Knight)


Born: 1354, Stafford, Staffordshire, England

Died: 1385

Buried: Langley, Herfordshire

Notes: Killed by Richard II's half brother, Sir John Holland, later 1st and last Duke of Exeter of the 1397 creation, on the way between York and Bishopsthorne, to avenge the killing by one of Ralph's retainers of his favorite Esquire.

Father: Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Mother: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford)

Married: ¿? ABT 1380

Margaret STAFFORD (C. Westmoreland)

Born: ABT 1364/5, Stafford, England, or in Brancepeth, Durham, England

Died: 9 Jun 1396, Castle Raby, Durham, England

Buried: Jun 1396, Brancepeth Castle, Durham, England

Father: Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Mother: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford)

Married: Ralph NEVILLE (1° E. Westmoreland) ABT 1382, Stafford, Staffordshire, England


1. Maud NEVILLE (B. Mauley) (b. ABT 1383 - d. Oct 1438)

2. Alice NEVILLE


4. Phillippa NEVILLE (B. Gillesland)

5. John NEVILLE (Sir)

6. Elizabeth NEVILLE (b. ABT 1389)

7. Ralph NEVILLE (Sir Knight)

8. Margaret NEVILLE (B. Scrope of Bolton)

9. Anastasia NEVILLE (b. ABT 1395)

Thomas STAFFORD (3º E. Stafford)

Born: 1368, Stafford, Staffordshire, England

Died: 4 Jul 1392, Westminster, Middlesex, London, England

Buried: Stone

Notes: 4º B. Stafford. As a minor, he was retained to stay with King Richard II for life. In the wars of France, in the 15th year of that King, under the conduct of Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester. Murdered?.

Father: Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Mother: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford)

Married: Anne PLANTAGENET (C. Stafford and Eu) ABT 1390


Born: ABT 1376, Stafford, Staffordshire, England

Father: Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Mother: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford)

Married: Emma ?


1. John STAFFORD (Archbishop of Canterbury)

John STAFFORD (Archbishop of Canterbury)

Born: ABT 1387

Died: 25 May 1452, Maidstone, Kent, England

Buried: Canterbury Cathedral

Notes: brought up at Southwick Court in Wiltshire, a moated manor house which still stands (in private ownership). His father was Sir Humphrey Stafford, a 'Knight of the Shire ' (related to other branches of the Stafford family who later became Earls of devon and Dukes of Buckingham) and his mother, Lady Emma. He studied law at Oxford in 1413 and was patronised by Henry Chicheley, Archbishop of Canterbury. It was only six years later that the young John Stafford was promoted to Archdeacon of Salisbury - his promotion was very rapid as this is the minimum period which must elapse before a priest can be appointed archdeacon.

Henry V appointed him Dean of the Court of Arches, Archdeacon and Chancellor of Salisbury, Dean of St. Martin's (London), Dean of Wells, Lord Privy Seal and Lord High Treasurer. It was at about this time, with the monarch falling towards insanity, that factions were aligning for that long series of conflicts which would later be know as the Wars of the Roses. Stafford was regarded as a cautious administrator and must have been a steadying influence in such troubled times. As chancellor, he was the first to be styled 'Lord Chancellor'. In 1425, Pope Martin V made him Bishop of Bath & Wells and, for seventeen years, held the office of Lord Chancellor. His political influence was employed on the side of those who desired to promote peace with France.

Archbishop Chicheley recommended Stafford to Pope Eugenius IV as his successor on the grounds of "his high intellectual and moral qualifications, the nobility of his birth, the influence of his relations and his own almost boundless hospitality". Stafford was accordingly translated to Canterbury in 1443. There was religious as well as political turmoil in the country as the Lollards, forerunners of the Reformation, were raising their voices against Pope and clergy. As Archbishop, Stafford was required to deal with the Lollards but, while he upheld the Church's position, he would not allow persecution. His mother, Lady Emma, joined him at Canterbury to become a nun at the Priory of the Holy trinity there. It was at the Priory that she died in 1446.

John Stafford died on 25May 1452 at the Archiepiscopal Palace at Maidstone, and is buried in the south choir siale of Canterbury Cathedral.

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD

Mother: Emma ?

William STAFFORD (4º E. Stafford)

Born: 21 Sep 1375, Stafford, Staffordshire, England

Died: 6 Apr 1395, Pleshey, Essex, England

Buried: Tonburton Priory, Tonbridge, England

Father: Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Mother: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford)

Catherine STAFFORD (C. Suffolk)

Born: ABT 1376

Died: 8 Apr 1419

Father: Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Mother: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford)

Married: Michael De La POLE (2º E. Suffolk) 1383


1. Elizabeth De La POLE

2. Michael De La POLE (3° E. Suffolk)

3. William De La POLE (1° D. Suffolk)

4. John De La POLE (Sir)

5. Alexander De La POLE

6. Thomas De La POLE (Clerk)

7. Phillippa De La POLE

8. Isabel De La POLE (B. Morley)

9. Catherine De La POLE (Abbess of Barking)


Born: 1378, Holland, Lancashire, England

Died: 1 Oct 1442

Father: Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Mother: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford)

Married: Thomas De HOLLAND (3º E. Kent) (son of Thomas De Holland, 2º E. Kent, and Alice Fitzalan) 20 Oct 1392

Hugh STAFFORD (Sir Knight)

Born: ABT 1382, Stafford, Staffordshire, England

Died: 25 Oct 1420

Notes: Knight of the Garter. Served with Henry V in Normandy.

Father: Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Mother: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford)

Married: Elizabeth BOURCHIER BEF Sep 1410

Edmund STAFFORD (5º E. Stafford)

Born: 2 Mar 1377/8, Staffordshire, England

Died: 21 Jul 1403, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England

Buried: Austin Friars Church, Stafford

Notes: Knight of the Garter. Elder brother William, 4th Earl, died 6 Apr 1395 prior to his investiture as Earl. KG (1402), KB (1399); Constable of England 1403; married his brother's Thomas's widow Anne and was killed fighting for the King at the Battle of Shrewsbury. [Burke's Peerage].

Father: Hugh STAFFORD (2º E. Stafford)

Mother: Phillippa BEAUCHAMP (C. Stafford)

Married: Anne PLANTAGENET (C. Stafford and Eu) ABT 28 Jun 1398


1. Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

2. Anne STAFFORD (C. March)

3. Phillippa STAFFORD

Anne STAFFORD (C. March)

Born: ABT 1408

Died: 24 Sep 1432

Buried: St Katherine by the Tower, London, Middlesex, England

Father: Edmund STAFFORD (5º E. Stafford)

Mother: Anne PLANTAGENET (C. Stafford and Eu)

Married 1: Edmund MORTIMER (5° E. March) ABT 1415

Married 2: John HOLLAND (1° D. Huntingdon) (b. 29 Mar 1395 - d. 5 Aug 1447) (son of John Holland, 1º D. Exeter, and Elizabeth Plantagenet) (m.2 Anne Montague) ABT 24 Oct 1429


1. Henry HOLLAND (2º D. Exeter) (m. Anne Plantagenet)

2. Anne HOLLAND (m. James Douglas, E. Morton)

Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Born: 15 Aug 1402, Stafford, Staffordshire, England

Died: 10 Jul 1460, Battle of Northampton, England

Notes: Knight of the Garter. Created 14 Sep 1444, as also earlier 1431 Count of Perche, Normandy (part of Henry VI's policy of conferring native fiefs on his leading supporters in English-occupied France), having apparently already been recognized as Earl of Buckingham in right of his mother, KG (1429), PC (1424); knight 1421, Lt-General of Normandy 1430-32; Seneschal of Halton 1439, Captain of Calais and Lt of the Marches 1442-51, Ambassador to France 1446, Warden of the Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover and Queensborough Castles 1450; was killed fighting on the Lancastrian side at the Battle of Northampton. [Burke's Peerage]

Father: Edmund STAFFORD (5º E. Stafford)

Mother: Anne PLANTAGENET (C. Stafford and Eu)

Married: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham) BEF 18 Oct 1424, Raby, Durham, England


1. Humphrey STAFFORD (7º E. Stafford)


3. Edward STAFFORD

4. Catherine STAFFORD (C. Shrewsbury)

5. George STAFFORD

6. William STAFFORD

7. John STAFFORD (1° E. Wiltshire)



10. Margaret STAFFORD


Born: 1425

Died: 1481

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham)

Married: Margaret BEAUFORT (C. Richmond / C. Derby) BEF 1464


Born: 1435, Buckingham, England

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham)

Married: Robert DUNHAM


1. John DUNHAM (Sir)

Catherine STAFFORD (C. Shrewsbury)

Born: 1437

Died: 26 Dec 1476

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham)

Married: John TALBOT (3° E. Shrewsbury) ABT 1467


1. George TALBOT (4º E. Shrewsbury)

2. Thomas TALBOT (b. 1470 - had no Children - i. Praedicants Priory, London)

3. Anne TALBOT (B. Sudeley)


Born: 1439

Notes: Twin of William.

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham)


Born: 1439

Notes: Twin of George.

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham)


Born: 1442

Died: 1484

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham)

Married 1: William BEAUMONT

Married 2: William KNYVETT (Sir Knight) 1477


1. Benedicta KNYVETT (d. 1499, Unmarried)

2. Margaret KNYVETT

3. Charles KNYVETT



Born: 1446

Died: ABT 14 Apr 1472

Buried: Lingfield, Surrey, England

Notes: directed in her Will that she should be buried in Lingfield Church `where my dear heart and late husband lyeth'.

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham)

Married 1: Aubrey De VERE (JP) Apr 1460

Married 2: Thomas COBHAM (4º B. Cobham)


1. Anne COBHAM (B. Cobham) (b. 1467, Sterborough, Surrey, England - d. 26 Jun 1526) (m.1 Edward Blount, 2° B. Mountjoy - m.2 Edward Borough, 2º B. Gainsborough)

John STAFFORD (1° E. Wiltshire)

Born: 1427

Died: 1473

Notes: Knight of the Garter.

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham)

Married: Constance GREEN


1. Edward STAFFORD (2° E. Wiltshire)

Edward STAFFORD (2° E. Wiltshire)

Born: 7 Apr 1470

Died: 24 Mar 1498/99

Father: John STAFFORD (1° E. Wiltshire)

Mother: Constance GREEN

Married: Margaret GREY 3 Jul 1494

Humphrey STAFFORD (7º E. Stafford)

Born: 1424, Stafford, Staffordshire, England

Died: 22 May 1455, Saint Albans, Hertfordshire, England

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (1° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham)

Married: Margaret BEAUFORT (C. Stafford) ABT 1453


1. Henry STAFFORD (2° D. Buckingham)



Henry STAFFORD (2° D. Buckingham)

Born: 4 Sep 1455, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales

Died: 2 Nov 1483, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

Buried: Grey Friars, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

Notes: Knight of the Garter. Constable of England. He played a major role in Richard III's rise and fall. He is also one of the primary suspects in the disappearance (and presumed murder) of the Princes in the Tower.

His father, Humphrey, Earl Stafford, a Lancastrian, was killed at the first Battle of St Albans in 1455 when Henry was an infant, and his grandfather, the First Duke of Buckingham, another leading Lancastrian, was killed five years later, in 1460. The new Duke eventually became a ward of Queen Elizabeth Woodville, consort of Edward IV. He was recognized as Duke of Buckingham in 1465 and married the next year to the Queen's sister Catherine Woodville. When Edward IV died in 1483, and the showdown came between the Woodvilles and Edward's brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester, over who was going to be in charge of Edward V until he came of age, Buckingham was on Richard's side at first. Then Parliament declared Edward V illegitimate and offered Richard the throne, and he accepted it and became Richard III. After dithering between them for a short while, Buckingham started working with John Morton, Bishop of Ely, in the interests of Buckingham's second-cousin Henry Tudor and against those of King Richard, even though it meant being on the same side with his in-laws, the Woodvilles.

When Henry Tudor tried to invade England to take the throne from Richard in Oct 1483, Buckingham raised an army in Wales and started marching east to support Henry. By a combination of luck and skill, Richard put down the rebellion: Henry's ships ran into a storm and had to go back to Brittany, and Buckingham's army was greatly troubled by the same storm and deserted when Richard's forces came against them. Buckingham tried to escape in disguise but was turned in for the bounty Richard had put on his head, and he was convicted of treason and beheaded in Salisbury on 2 Nov. Following Buckingham's execution, his widow, Catherine, married Jasper Tudor, 1st Duke of Bedford.

Buckingham's motives in these events are disputed. His antipathy to Edward IV and his children probably arose from two causes. One was his dislike for their mutual Woodville in-laws, whom Edward greatly favored. Another was his interest in the Bohun estate. Buckingham had inherited a great deal of property from his great-great-grandmother, Eleanor De Bohun, wife of Thomas of Woodstock and daughter of the Earl of Hereford, Essex and Northampton. Eleanor's sister and co-heir Mary De Bohun married Henry IV, and so the other half of the estate was eventually inherited by Henry VI. When Henry VI was deposed by Edward IV, Edward incorporated that half into the Crown property. Buckingham claimed those lands should have devolved to him instead. It is likely that Richard III promised to settle the estate on Buckingham in return for his help seizing the throne. After Richard's coronation he did award the other half of the Bohun estate to Buckingham, but it was conditional on the approval of Parliament. Historians disagree on whether this condition was in fact a way for Richard to appear to keep his promise while actually breaking it. So it might have been a motivation for Buckingham to turn against Richard. It's also possible that, if Richard was responsible for killing the Princes in the Tower, the murders caused Buckingham to change sides. On the other hand, Buckingham himself had motivation to kill the Princes. He was next in the Lancastrian line after his cousins Henry Tudor and Henry's mother (some say his claim was better than Tudor's, as his descent was considered legitimate). If he killed the Princes and threw the blame on Richard, he could foment a Lancastrian rebellion. Then after eliminating Henry he could take the throne. Some historians take this line of reasoning. In fact, a few go even further and claim Buckingham's plotting started much earlier in Edward IV's reign. If they are right then Buckingham had a very elaborate and lengthy plan, but one which very nearly succeeded. -It is worth noting in this connection that according to a manuscript discovered in the early 1980s in the Ashmolean collection, the Princes were murdered "be [by] the vise" of the Duke of Buckingham. There is some argument over whether "vise" means "advice" or "devise," and, if the former, in what sense; for a discussion of the matter, see the article by Richard Firth Green, who discovered the manuscript, in the English Historical Review of 1984.

Father: Humphrey STAFFORD (7º E. Stafford)

Mother: Margaret BEAUFORT (C. Stafford)

Married: Catherine WOODVILLE (D. Buckingham/D. Bedford) Feb 1466


1. Edward STAFFORD (3° D. Buckingham)

2. Elizabeth STAFFORD (C. Sussex)

3. Henry STAFFORD (3° E. Wiltshire)

4. Anne STAFFORD (C. Huntingdon)

5. Humphrey STAFFORD (d. young)

Elizabeth STAFFORD (C. Sussex)

Died: BEF 11 May 1532

Buried: 11 May 1532, Boreham, Essex, England

Notes: was at court as one of Elizabeth of York's ladies by 1494. On 23 Jul 1505 she married Robert Radcliffe, Lord Fitzwalter, who was created Earl of Sussex in 1529. It was as Lady Fitzwalter, however, that she was at the court of Henry VIII. She did not stay long. In May of 1510, after she informed her brother the Duke of Buckingham that their younger and newly married sister, Anne, was being courted by the King, the King himself forced Queen Catalina to dismiss Elizabeth Fitzwalter from her service. She was, however, in attendance at the Field of Cloth of Gold in 1520.

Father: Henry STAFFORD (2° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Catherine WOODVILLE (D. Buckingham/D. Bedford)

Married: Robert RADCLIFFE (1° E. Sussex) 23 Jul 1505


1. Henry RADCLIFFE (2° E. Sussex)


3. Humphrey RADCLIFFE (Sir)


Anne STAFFORD (C. Huntingdon)

Born: ABT 1483, Ashby, Leicestershire, England

Died: 1544

Buried: Stoke Pogis, Buckinghamshire, England

Notes: See her Biography.

Father: Henry STAFFORD (2° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Catherine WOODVILLE (D. Buckingham/D. Bedford)

Married 1: Walter HERBERT (Sir Knight) AFT 1489

Married 2: George HASTINGS (1° E. Huntingdon) Dec 1503


1. Francis HASTINGS (2º E. Huntingdon)

2. William HASTINGS (ABT 1510, Huntingdon, Brewick, Scotland)

3. Catherine HASTINGS

4. Thomas HASTINGS (Sir)

5. Edward HASTINGS (1° B. Hastings of Loughborough)

6. Henry HASTINGS (b. ABT 1508, Huntingdon, Berwick, Scotland)

7. Mary HASTINGS (B. Berkeley)

8. Dorothy HASTINGS

Associated with: William COMPTON (Sir Knight)

Associated with: HENRY VIII TUDOR (King of England)

Henry STAFFORD (3° E. Wiltshire)

Born: 1479, Brecknock Castle, Brecknockshire, Wales

Died: 6 Apr 1523

Notes: See his Biography.

Father: Henry STAFFORD (2° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Catherine WOODVILLE (D. Buckingham/D. Bedford)

Married 1: Margaret GREY ABT 1502

Married 2: Cecily BONVILLE (M. Dorset) (b. 30 Jun 1460 - d. 12 May 1529) (dau. of William Bonville, B. Harrington and Catherine Neville) (w. of Thomas Grey, 1º M. Dorset) (See her Biography) 22 Nov 1503

Edward STAFFORD (3° D. Buckingham)

Born: 3 Feb 1478, Brecknock Castle, Wales, England

Died: 17 May 1521, Tower Hill, London, Middlesex, England

Notes: See his biography.

Father: Henry STAFFORD (2° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Catherine WOODVILLE (D. Buckingham/D. Bedford)

Married: Eleanor PERCY (D. Buckingham) 14 Dec 1490


1. Elizabeth STAFFORD (D. Norfolk)

2. Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

3. Mary STAFFORD (B. Abergavenny)

4. Catherine STAFFORD (C. Westmoreland)

Associated with: Margaret GEDDYNGE


5. Margaret STAFFORD

Elizabeth STAFFORD (D. Norfolk)

Born: ABT 1494

Died: 30 Nov 1558, Howard Chapel, Lambeth, England

Notes: See her Biography.

Father: Edward STAFFORD (3° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Eleanor PERCY (D. Buckingham)

Married: Thomas HOWARD (3° D. Norfolk) 8 Jan 1512/13, Easter Time


1. Catherine HOWARD (C. Derby)

2. Henry HOWARD (E. Surrey)

3. Mary HOWARD (D. Richmond)

4. Thomas HOWARD (1° V. Bindon)

Mary STAFFORD (B. Abergavenny)

Born: ABT 1495, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales

Died: AFT 17 Dec 1545

Father: Edward STAFFORD (3° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Eleanor PERCY (D. Buckingham)

Married: George NEVILLE (3° B. Abergavenny) ABT Jun 1519, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales


1. Catherine NEVILLE

2. Margaret NEVILLE

3. John NEVILLE (b. ABT 1524)

4. Mary NEVILLE (B. Dacre of the South)

5. Dorothy NEVILLE

6. Ursula NEVILLE

7. Henry NEVILLE (4° B. Abergavenny)

8. Thomas NEVILLE (b. ABT 1532)

Catherine STAFFORD (C. Westmoreland)

Born: ABT 1499, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales

Died: 14 May 1555, Holywell-in-Shoreditch, Middlesex, England

Buried: Shoreditch, Middlesex, England

Father: Edward STAFFORD (3° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Eleanor PERCY (D. Buckingham)

Married: Ralph NEVILLE (4° E. Westmoreland) BEF Jun 1520, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales


1. Henry NEVILLE (5º E. Westmoreland)

2. Dorothy NEVILLE (C. Oxford)

3. Ralph NEVILLE (d. 1565)

4. Margaret NEVILLE (C. Rutland)

5. Thomas NEVILLE

6. Christopher NEVILLE (Sir)

7. George NEVILLE

8. Edward NEVILLE

9. Elizabeth NEVILLE

10. Cuthbert NEVILLE

11. Eleanor NEVILLE

12. Mary NEVILLE

13. Eleanor NEVILLE

14. Anne NEVILLE

15. Ursula NEVILLE

¿16. William NEVILLE (Sir)?


Born: ABT 1511, Wilton, Cleveland, Yorkshire, England

Died: 25 May 1537, Tyburn, Westminster, Middlesex, England

Notes: executed for her part in the Pilgrimage of Grace.

Father: Edward STAFFORD (3° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Margaret GEDDYNGE

Married 1: William CHENEY

Married 2: John BULMER (Sir Knight) (b. ABT 1490, Kirleatham, Yorkshire, England - d. 25 Aug 1537, Smithfield, Middlesex, England) (son of Sir William Bulmer and Margery Conyers) (w. of Anne Bigod) 1534


1. Martha BULMER

2. Francis BULMER

3. Anne BULMER

4. John BULMER (b. 1536 - d. 6 Feb 1608)

Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

Born: 18 Sep 1501, Penshurst, Kent, England

Acceded: 1547

Died: 30 Apr 1563, Caus Castle, Shropshire, England

Buried: 6 May 1563, Worthen, Shropshire, England

Notes: See his Biography.

Father: Edward STAFFORD (3° D. Buckingham)

Mother: Eleanor PERCY (D. Buckingham)

Married: Ursula POLE 16 Feb 1518/9, England


1. Henry STAFFORD (2° B. Stafford)

2. Edward STAFFORD (3° B. Stafford)

3. Richard STAFFORD

4. Thomas STAFFORD

5. Walter STAFFORD

6. William STAFFORD

7. Elizabeth STAFFORD

8. Dorothy STAFFORD


10. Susanna STAFFORD



Father: Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

Mother: Ursula POLE

Married: Henry WILLIAMS (Sir Knight)

Elizabeth STAFFORD

Father: Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

Mother: Ursula POLE

Married: William NEVILLE (Sir)


Born: 1 Oct 1526

Died: 23 Sep 1603/4

Buried: St. Margaret's, Westminster, England

Notes: See her Biography.

Father: Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

Mother: Ursula POLE

Married: William STAFFORD of Grafton (Sir) AFT Jul 1543


1. Edward STAFFORD of Grafton (Sir)

2. John STAFFORD of Marlwood Park (Sir)

3. William STAFFORD

4. Elizabeth STAFFORD



Born: 1531

Died: 4 May 1557

Notes: captured and executed for the Stafford´s Raid.

Father: Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

Mother: Ursula POLE


Born: ABT 1539

Died: AFT 1571, Sp

Father: Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

Mother: Ursula POLE

Henry STAFFORD (2º B. Stafford)

Born: BEF 1534, Isleworth, Middlesex, England

Acceded: 1563

Died: 1 Jan 1565, Stafford Castle

Buried: 4 Jan 1565, St Mary's Church, Stafford

Notes: See his Biography.

Father: Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

Mother: Ursula POLE

Married: Elizabeth DAVY BEF 25 Sep 1557

Edward STAFFORD (3° B. Stafford)

Born: 17 Jan 1535, Stafford Castle

Acceded: 1566

Died: 18 Oct 1603

Buried: 21 Oct 1603, St Mary's Church, Stafford

Notes: See his Biography.

Father: Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

Mother: Ursula POLE

Married 1: Maria STANLEY (B. Stafford) BEF 23 Nov 1566


1. Edward STAFFORD (d. 27 Jan 1568 - bur. 1 Feb 1568 St Mary's Church, Stafford)

2. Edward STAFFORD (4° B. Stafford)

3. Dorothy STAFFORD (b. ABT 1572)

Edward STAFFORD (4° B. Stafford)

Born: 1572

Died: 1625

Father: Edward STAFFORD (3° B. Stafford)

Mother: Maria STANLEY (B. Stafford)

Married: Isabel FORSTER ABT 1595


1. Edward STAFFORD


Died: 6 Apr 1621

Father: Edward STAFFORD (4° B. Stafford)

Mother: Isabel FORSTER

Married: Anne WILFORD 15 May 1617


1. Mary STAFFORD (C. Stafford)



Born: 24 Sep 1621

Died: 4 Aug 1637, Ankerwyke, Wraysbury, Buckinghamshire

Father: Edward STAFFORD

Mother: Anne WILFORD

Mary STAFFORD (C. Stafford)

Born: 1619

Died:  13 Jan 1692/1694

Buried: Westminster Abbey

Father: Edward STAFFORD

Mother: Anne WILFORD

Married: William HOWARD (1º V. Stafford) 11 Oct 1637, London









Notes: died very poor.

Father: Henry STAFFORD (1° B. Stafford)

Mother: Ursula POLE

Married: Mary CORBET (dau. of John Corbett and Anne Booth)


1. Roger STAFFORD (Floyde) (5° B. Stafford)

2. Jane STAFFORD (b. ABT 1581 - d. AFT 1637)

Roger STAFFORD (Floyde) (5° B. Stafford)

Born: ABT 1572

Acceded: 1637

Died: 1640

Notes: Denied the dignity of the Barony because he was too poor.

Father: Richard STAFFORD

Mother: Mary CORBET


Born: ABT 1400

Died: BEF 1423, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England

Married: James "The Just" BERKELEY (1° B. Berkeley)


Born: ABT 1435

Married: Margaret SCROPE Wensleydale, Yorkshire, England


Born: ABT 1435

Married: Margaret SCROPE Wensleydale, Yorkshire, England


Fatehr: Henry STAFFORD

Mother: ¿?

Married: John RADCLIFFE


Father: Thomas STAFFORD


: ¿? Married: Robert RADCLIFFE




2. William RADCLIFFE


MarriedIsabel LEIGH (b. ABT 1510 - d. 16 Feb 1572/3) (dau. of Ralph Leigh and Joyce Culpepper) (w.1 of Edward Bayntun - w.2 of James Stumpe)


Born: ABT 1509, Wiltshire, England

Father: Henry STAFFORD

Mother: ¿?

Married 1: Richard CLIFFORD ABT 1530, Bobbing Court, Kent, England


1. George CLIFFORD of Bobbing Court (Esq.)


3. Richard CLIFFORD

4. Edward CLIFFORD

5. Catherine CLIFFORD

Married 2: Jasper CULPEPPER (b. ABT 1502 - d. 1564) (son of Richard Culpepper and Joan Naylor)

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