Born: ABT 1058, Normandy, France
Married: ¿?Children:
Born: ABT 1090, Oxfordshire, England
Father: Henry De WYDEVILLE
Mother: ¿?Married: Robert De SACKVILLE (Sir Knight)
Children:2. Stephen SACKVILLE
Married: Emma ?
Father: William De WYDEVILLE
Mother: Emma
Married: ¿?Children:
Father: Hugh De WYDEVILLE
Mother: ¿?
Married: ¿?Children:
Father: William De WYDEVILLE
Mother: ¿?
Married: ¿?Children:
Died: ABT 1240
Father: Son De WYDEVILLE
Mother: ¿?Married: ¿?
Father: Walter De WYDEVILLE
Mother: ¿?
Married: Alice De PASSENHAM (dau. of William De Passenham)Children:
Died: ABT 1329
Father: John De WYDEVILLE
Mother: Alice De PASSENHAMMarried: ¿?
Children:1. Richard De WYDEVILLE (Sheriff of Northampton)
Richard De WYDEVILLE (Sheriff of Northampton)
Born: ABT 1310, Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England
Died: AFT Jul 1378Notes: the first member of the Wydevill family of Grafton (Regis), Northants, to achieve more than local prominence. He was in possession of the family estates in 1345. He was joint collector of that county's share in the 30,000 sacks of wool granted to the King as a subsidy in 1347; in 1354, a commissioner to enforce the Statute of Labourers, and of oyer and terminer, &c., in Northants, Bucks and Beds, 1358-62; 1360-62, acting Sheriff, 1362-68 and 1370-71 High Sheriff, of Northants; 1361-70, escheator in Northants; Knight of the shire in seven parliaments between 1362 and 1377; surveyor of the works at Moorend castle (Potterspury) in 1363 and later. He married, 2ndly, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Lyons of Warkworth, heir of her brother John Lyons and widow of Sir Nicholas Chetwode. He appears to have been living in Jul 1378. [Complete Peerage XI:15-6.
Father: John De WYDVILLE
Mother: ¿?
Married 1: ¿?
Married 2: Elizabeth LYONS (dau. of Sir John Lyons of Warkworth and Alice De St. Liz)
Children:Born: 1341, Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England
Died: AFT 8 Sep 1403Notes: son and heir, was of age already in 1362. Presumably by his first marriage he acquired lands and interests in Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. He was escheator in Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, 1379-80, and in Northants and Rutland, 1382-83; Sheriff of Northants, 1380, 1385, 1390; of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, 1383; J.P., Northants, 1381-403; Knight of the shire, Northants, in five parliaments between 1382 and 1390. From 1384 onwards he took part in numerous commissions of oyer and terminer.
Father: Richard De WYDEVILLE (Sheriff of Northampton)
Mother: Elizabeth LYONSMarried 1: Catherine FERMBAND (dau. of John Fermband of Biddenham)
1. Thomas WOODVILLE (Sheriff of Northants) (d. 1435 dsp)
Married 2: Isabel GODDARD (w. of Robert Passelaw of Drayton Parslow) BEF 1379
Born: ABT 1387, La Mote, Maidstone, Kent, England
Died: AFT 29 Nov 1441, Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England
Buried: Maidstone, Kent, England
Notes: Constable of the Tower, Sheriff of Kent. Succeeded to Grafton under his elder half brother Thomas's will. He had therefore been seated at the manor of La Mote, near Maidstone - a property leased in 1428 for 50 years by Richard and his wife from Archbishop Chicheley. In early life he was very probably in the service of Henry, Earl of Derby, afterwards Henry IV. In 1411 he was in the retinue of the King's son, Thomas of Lancaster, captain of Guînes; in 1419 he had a grant of the lands and lordships of Préaux, Dangu and Neuville, and in Nov was appointed bailiff of Gisors, Vernon, Andely and Lions; bailiff of Chaumont in Feb 1419/20; promoted seneschal of Normandy, Jan 1420/1; in Mar 1422/3, a commissioner to receive the surrender of Meulan; in 1423 he was chamberlain to the Duke of Bedford, treasurer-general of Normandy, and captain of Caen. He was appointed, Feb 1424/5, during pleasure, at a time of disturbances in the City, to attend to the safe keeping of the Tower of London. In Jun 1427 and Jun 1429 he was Lieutenant of Calais, and in Mar 1430/1 was appointed to attend the young King's person for half a year in France; in May 1434 hewas retained to serve the King in the wars in France with 20 men at arms. In Jul 1433, Knight of the shire, Kent; J.P., 1433-41. He was present at the Great Council meeting at Westminster in Apr and May 1434, at which the Dukes of Bedford and Gloucester contended as to the conduct of the war in France, and, in Feb 1434/5, one of the commissioners to treat with the Duke of Burgundy as to the statutes of the Staple of Calais. On the death of the Duke of Bedford he was appointed Lieutenant of Calais, 1 Oct 1435. As the King's esquire he was appointed, 25 Jan 1436/7, during pleasure, constable of Rochester castle; and 1437-39, took part in various commissions in Kent. In 1437 he was sheriff of Northants, and a commissioner to raise a loan there, 1439.
Father: John De WYDEVILLE (Sir)
Mother: Isabel GODDARD
Married: Joan BEDLISGATE (d. AFT 17 Jul 1448) (dau. of Thomas Bittlesgate of Knightston and Joan Beauchamp)
1. Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (Esq.)
Married: William HAWTE of Bishopbourne (b. 1390 - d. 1462) (son of Nicholas Haute and Alice Couen) 18 Jun 1429, Waddenhall, Kent, England / Calais, France
Children:1. Richard HAWTE (m. Elizabeth Tyrrell)
2. Joan HAWTE (b. ABT 1436) (m. Sir George Darrell)
3. William HAWTE (m. Joan Horne)
4. Alice HAWTE
Born: ABT 1410, La Mote, Maidstone, Kent, England
Died: 8 Jun 1453, Pashley Manor, Ticehurst, Sussex, EnglandFather: Richard WOODVILLE (Esq.)
Mother: Joan BEDLISGATEMarried: John PASHLEY (Sir Knight) (b. ABT 1406 - d. 8 Jun 1453) (son of Sir Robert Pashley and Phillippa Sergeaux) ABT 1430, Thevegate, Smeeth, Kent, England
Children:1. John PASHLEY (Sir Knight) (b. ABT 1431) (m. Lowys Gower)
Richard WOODVILLE (1º E. Rivers)
Born: ABT 1405 / 1413, La Mote, Maidstone, Kent, England
Died: 26 Jul / 12 Aug 1469, Northamptonshire, England
Notes: Knight of the Garter. In command of the forces during the French wars. Lord High Constable. Treasurer of the Exchequer. Richard was assigned to accompany Jacquetta, the beautiful young widow of the Duke of Bedford, on a voyage to England from Rouen, where the Duke had died. Woodville later married the widow. The marriage did not meet with universal approval and the young couple had to pay a fine of £1000 for marrying without the King's permission. Woodville was a loyal servant of King Henry and was rewarded with the Rivers Barony in 1448. His wife was high in Queen Margaret's favour. Beheaded 1469.
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (Esq.)
Married: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford) (b. ABT 1416 - d. 30 May 1472) (dau. of Pierre of Luxembourg, C. St. Pol, and Marguerite Balzo) (w. of John Plantagenet, D. Bedford) 16 Sep 1435, England
1. Elizabeth WOODVILLE (Queen of England)
2. Anne WOODVILLE (V. Bourchier/C. Kent)
3. Lewis WOODVILLE (b. ABT 1438)
4. Margaret WOODVILLE (C. Arundel)
5. Anthony WOODVILLE (2º E. Rivers)
6. Eleanor (Joan) WOODVILLE (B. Grey of Ruthin)
7. Jacquetta WOODVILLE (B. Strange of Knockyn)
8. John WOODVILLE (Sir Knight)
10. Lionel WOODVILLE (Bishop of Salisbury)
11. Thomas WOODVILLE (b. ABT 1452)
12. Richard WOODVILLE (3º E. Rivers)
13. Edward WOODVILLE (Sir Knight)
14. Mary WOODVILLE (C. Pembroke)
15. Catherine WOODVILLE (D. Buckingham/D. Bedford)
Elizabeth WOODVILLE (Queen of England)
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married 1: John GREY (1° B. Ferrers of Groby) BEF 1455
2. Richard GREY (Sir) (b. BEF 1461 - d. 1483)
Married 2: EDWARD IV PLANTAGENET (King of England)
3. Elizabeth PLANTAGENET (Queen of England)
5. EDWARD V PLANTAGENET (King of England)
6. Richard PLANTAGENET (D. York)
8. Cecily PLANTAGENET (V. Welles)
9. Margaret PLANTAGENET (b. 10 Apr 1472, Windsor - d. 11 Dec 1472 - i. Westminster Abbey, London, England)
10. Catherine PLANTAGENET (C. Devon)
11. Bridget PLANTAGENET (Nun at Datford)
12. George PLANTAGENET (D. Bedford)
Anne WOODVILLE (V. Bourchier/C. Kent)
Born: ABT 1438
Died: Tuesday 30 Jul 1489, London, Middlesex, England
Notes: under the Complete Peerage entry for George Grey, Earl of Kent, it does not mention that Anne had been married to Wingfield, although it does give her marriage with Bourchier.
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married 1: William BOURCHIER (V. Bourchier)
1. William Henry BOURCHIER (2º E. Essex)
3. Cecille BOURCHIER (B. Ferrers of Chartley)
Married 2: George GREY (2° E. Kent) Saturday 26 Jun 1480
Married 3: Edward WINGFIELD
Margaret WOODVILLE (C. Arundel)
Born: ABT 1439
Died: BEF 6 Mar 1490/1
Buried: 16 Mar 1490/1, Arundel, Sussex, England
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married: Thomas FITZALAN (16° E. Arundel)
1. William FITZALAN (17° E. Arundel)
2. Margaret FITZALAN (C. Lincoln)
3. Edward FITZALAN
4. Joan FITZALAN (B. Abergavenny)
Eleanor (Joan) WOODVILLE (B. Grey of Ruthin)
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married: Anthony GREY (4° B. Grey of Ruthin) Feb 1466
Jacquetta WOODVILLE (B. Strange of Knockyn)
Born: AFT 1441
Died: ABT 1472
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married: John Le STRANGE (9º B. Strange of Knockin) 27 Mar 1450
1. Joan STRANGE (10° B. Strange of Knockin)
Born: AFT 1444
Died: 12 Aug 1469, Kenilworht, Northamptonshire, England
Notes: beheaded by Warwick, along with his father, at Coventry. Famed for having made the "Diabolical Marriage" to the Duchess of Norfolk to advance the family of his sister Elizabeth. John was 20 at his marriage; Catherine 80.
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married: Catherine NEVILLE (D. Norfolk) Jan 1465
Born: ABT 1445
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married: John BROMLEY of Badington (Sir)
Lionel WOODVILLE (Bishop of Salisbury)
Born: ABT 1446
Notes: Bishop of Salisbury 1482-1485.
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Richard WOODVILLE (3º E. Rivers)
Born: ABT 1453
Died: ABT 1491
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Born: ABT 1455
Died: AFT 1500
Notes: Knight of the Garter. Captain of the Island of Wight in 1490. It is uncertain as to whether he was made Lord of the Island, but it seems likely. Soon after his appointment, he led an expedition to France, to assist the Duke of Brittany against the French King. 40 gentlemen and ABT 400 commoners embarked at St Helens on four ships. They were joined in Brittany, by 1500 of the Duke's soldiers but were disastrously defeated. Sir Edward and all his men were slain, save one boy, who brought home the bad news. There was hardly a family on the Island who didn't lose a relation in that ill-fated expedition. Sir Edward died unmarried. Henry VII never again granted away the Lordship of the Isle of Wight, which has remained in the crown ever since. The Island's government was changed into a more military appointment, with titles such as Captain or Governor.
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Born: ABT 1456
Died: BEF 1481
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married: William HERBERT (1º E. Huntingdon) Sep 1466, Windsor, Berkshire, England
1. Elizabeth HERBERT (C. Worcester)
Catherine WOODVILLE (D. Buckingham/D. Bedford)
Born: BEF 1458
Died: 18 May 1497 / AFT 22 Jul 1525
Notes: See her Biography.
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married 1: Henry STAFFORD (2° D. Buckingham) 1466
1. Edward STAFFORD (3° D. Buckingham)
2. Elizabeth STAFFORD (C. Sussex)
3. Henry STAFFORD (3° E. Wiltshire)
4. Anne STAFFORD (C. Huntingdon)
5. Humphrey STAFFORD (d. young)Married 2: Jasper TUDOR (D. Bedford) ABT 1483
Married 3: Richard WINGFIELD of Kimbolton Castle (Sir Knight) AFT 21 Dec 1495
Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1° E. Rivers)
Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford)
Married: William DORMER
1. Robert DORMER of West Wycombe (Sir)
2. Agnes DORMER
3. Joan DORMER
7. Elizabeth DORMER
8. John DORMER
9. Lettice DORMER
Anthony WOODVILLE (2º E. Rivers)
Born: 1440, Grafton,
Northampton, England
Died: 25 Jun 1483, Pontefract, Northampton, England Notes: Knight of the Garter. Lord Scales, later Earl Rivers obtained a grant of the Castle and rights of Lordship in 1467. In consequence of his sister having married Edward IV, he shared in all the vicissitudes which befell the King, and became governor of Calais and captain-general of the king's forces. He was also made governor of Prince Edward, and chief butler of England. AFT the death of Edward IV in 1483, Anthony appeared to be standing in the way of the ambitious Duke of Gloucester. The Earl assembled a body of troops, with the intention of crowning his nephew; but his design was defeated by the machinations of the Duke of Gloucester, afterwards Richard III, who caused the gallant nobleman to be beheaded, without trial, in the castle of Pontefract, Jun, 1483. Father: Richard WOODVILLE (1º E. Rivers) Mother: Jacquetta Zu St. POL of Luxembourg (D. Bedford) Married 1: Elizabeth SCALES (B. Scales) (b. ABT 1436 - d. 2 Sep 1473) (dau. of Thomas Scales, 7° B. Scales) (w. of Henry Bourchier) 22 Dec 1462 Married 2: Mary FITZLEWIS (C. Rivers) (dau. of Sir Henry Fitzlewis and Elizabeth Beaufort) (w. of John Neville, B. Neville) Oct 1480 Associated with: Gwenillian STRADLING (dau. of William Stradling and Anne Verch John) Children: |
![]() |
Born: ABT 1455
Died: BEF 19 Oct 1520
Father: Anthony WOODVILLE (2º E. Rivers)
Mother: Gwenillian STRADLING
Married: Robert POYNTZ (Sir Knight) 1478, Iron Action, England
1. Anthony POYNTZ (Sir Knight)
2. Anne POYNTZ
4. John POYNTZ
9. Humphrey POYNTZ10. Juliana POYNTZ