
Torrent Server | TurnKey GNU/Linux

File download and sharing server

A file server with integrated multi-protocol file sharing that can be used to handle all types of file downloads. Files can be added to the download list through a simple web interface that allows you to manage the server remotely. Especially useful for centralizing file sharing on a shared network. Includes anti-virus scanning.

Run from browser

V 18.0

V 17.1


This appliance includes all the standard features in TurnKey Core, and on top of that:

  • SSL support out of the box.
  • Includes popular compression support (zip, rar, bz2).
  • Includes flip to convert text file endings between UNIX and DOS formats.
  • E-mail download completion notification via Postfix MTA (bound to localhost).
  • File sharing (Transmission) configurations:
    • Anti-virus / malware scanning via ClamAV.
      • Anti-virus signatures are auto-updated.
      • Automatically quarantines unsafe downloads.
      • Anti-virus logfile: /var/log/rtorrent/clamav.log
  • File server (Samba) configurations:
    • Pre-configured workgroup: WORKGROUP
    • Pre-configured netbios name: TORRENTSERVER
    • Configured Samba and UNIX users/groups synchronization (CLI and Webmin - note auto password sync no longer supported).
    • Configured root as administrative samba user.
    • Configured shares:
      • Users home directory.
      • Public storage.
      • CD-ROM with automount and umount hooks (/media/cdrom).
  • NOTE: Due to the removal of libpam-smbpass (see issue #1188), new Samba users must have their passwords explictly set separately when created. However, if you create a Samba user using smbpasswd, then a new Linux user of the same name, with the same password is automatically created (including home directory). E.g.:
    # smbpasswd -a new_user
    New SMB password:
    Retype new SMB password:
    Added user new_user.
    # ls /home/
  • Access your files securely from anywhere via WebDAV CGI:
    • DAV service running via HTTPS.
    • Pre-configured repositories (storage, user home directory).
  • Default storage directory: /srv/storage

See the Torrent Server Documentation for more details.

Usage details & Logging in for Administration

No default passwords: For security reasons there are no default passwords. All passwords are set at system initialization time.

Ignore SSL browser warning: browsers don't like self-signed SSL certificates, but this is the only kind that can be generated automatically. If you have a domain configured, then via Confconsole Advanced menu, you can generate free Let's Encypt SSL/TLS certificates.

Web - point your browser at either:

  1. - not encrypted so no browser warning
  2. - encrypted with self-signed SSL certificate

* Replace with a valid IP or domain name.

Note: some appliances auto direct http to https; appliances with domain set often redirect to the domain.

Username for Tranmission webui:

Login as username admin

Username for Samba & Web based file manager (WebDAV CGI & Windows file shares):

Login as username root (or other valid Samba user)

Username for OS system administration (local terminal, SSH, Webshell &/or Webmin:

Login as root - except on AWS marketplace which uses username admin.

  1. Point your browser to:
  2. Login with SSH client:
    ssh root@

    Special case for AWS marketplace:

    ssh admin@

* Replace with a valid IP or domain name.