SBS announces new drama, Carla Cametti PD. | TV Tonight

  • ️David Knox
  • ️Tue Apr 01 2008
  • Published by David Knox
  • on April 1, 2008

SBS has announced Diana Glenn and Vince Colosimo will lead a new 6 part Melbourne-made police drama, Carla Cametti PD.

Glenn (pictured left,) is best known for her work in Satisfaction and the film Oyster Farmer. Others in the cast will include Nicole da Silva, Sullivan Stapleton, Daniela Farinacci, Jude Beaumont and Robert Mammone.

SBS promises the series will be “sassy, sexy and determined, Carla Cametti has the looks and street smarts to get what she wants. But she also has a personal life that’s rife with danger – from a family riddled with gangsters to her volatile relationship with Detective Luciano Gandolfi, a dangerously hunky policeman seconded to curb Melbourne’s burgeoning gangland activity.”

It is created by Jo Martino and Sam Winston, both of whom worked on Satisfaction. It begins shooting in a week.

Press Release:

Get set for a bold new direction in local drama with CARLA CAMETTI PD, a sizzling six-part series for SBS Television, produced by Buon Giorno Productions and scheduled to commence shooting in early April.

Sassy, sexy and determined, Carla Cametti has the looks and street smarts to get what she wants. But she also has a personal life that’s rife with danger – from a family riddled with gangsters to her volatile relationship with Detective Luciano Gandolfi, a dangerously hunky policeman seconded to curb Melbourne’s burgeoning gangland activity. Oh, and there’s a price on her head…but at least life isn’t dull, and for a girl like Carla that means more than a 9 to 5 job and money in the bank…although money for the rent wouldn’t go astray…

The enchanting Diana Glenn (SATISFACTION, OYSTER FARMER) and Vince Colosimo (UNDERBELLY, THE SECRET LIFE OF US) lead a stellar ensemble cast as Carla and Gandolfi, two people who share a penchant for danger and an undeniable attraction for each other.

Nicole Da Silva (DANGEROUS) stars as Carla’s best friend, Lisa, a bride-to-be, intent on practising for her wedding night, whilst Sullivan Stapleton (DECEMBER BOYS, LITTLE OBERON) plays Carla’s ex-lover Matt Brodie, whose lifestyle may not bode well for an old-age pension. Other key cast include Dina Panozzo as Carla’s mother Angela, Alfredo Malabello as her restaurateur father, Leo, Toni Poli, Daniela Farinacci, Lauren Clair, Jude Beaumont and Robert Mammone as Ms. Cametti’s Uncle Tony, whose bonhomie belies a ruthless nature that will let nobody, not even his niece, get in his way.

Matt Campbell, Director of SBS TV and Online Content said, “We have developed this project over the last few years with the producers and it’s great to see it finally come to life with such a strong cast. Our strength at SBS is our difference and CARLA CAMETTI PD is no exception to the rule. It’s a fun, sexy and playful genre piece viewed from a completely different perspective and I can’t wait to see it on our screens.”

Working with SBS on this slick, moody production will be producers Elisa Argenzio and Cristina Pozzan, who between them have amassed three decades experience in feature, TV and documentary production. Ian Watson (LOVE MY WAY, WHITE COLLAR BLUE) will direct all six episodes, with Ewan Burnett (LAST MAN STANDING, KANGAROO PALACE) and Carole Sklan from SBS Drama serving as executive producers.

Series creator Jo Martino (SATISFACTION, STINGERS) and co-creator Sam Winston (BLUE HEELERS, SATISFACTION) will take writing credits, along with Liz Doran (THE ALICE, THE SECRET LIFE OF US) and Kris Mrksa (THE KING).

CARLA CAMETTI PD will be shot entirely on location in Melbourne, Australia, commencing its eight-week shoot on April 7, with funding provided by SBS TV, Film Finance Corporation Australia and Film Victoria. SBS Sales will handle local and international distribution.


22 Responses

  1. like to purchase 1st series could you tell me were i can get it in nsw australia pre fer some were in newcastle

    1. Sorry this site doesn’t track DVD sales, busy enough with on air content!

  2. i thoroughly enjoyed the whole series and was sorry when it came to an end.i hope they do another series. i wouldn’t miss an episode for the world!!

  3. can you please tell me if their is a dvd series 1&2 of satisfaction sbs

  4. Hi Guys its me again I absolutely loved last Thursdays night show,

    Carla’s acting is 1st Class and her Family is so typically Italian Australian, I loved the part when Vince Colosimo arrived for Dinner at Carla’s Parents,now I Think this was a Really Great Scene, Vince Colosimo is a half Calabrian,

    I am 1 of 8 Children From A Very Taditional Italaian-Calabrian Family,
    Boths Parents Are From Calabria in Italy,
    Family and Food Is There passion.
    The Food On The Dinner Table Looked Exactly The Same As It Does On My Mothers Dinner Table When We Are There For Dinner
    1: Absolute Amazing
    2: Very Colorful
    3: An Abundance of all types of Foods Pastas,Sauces,Pastries,Meats,Bread,Salads,Deserts,Wines-Vino and Desert Wines etc
    I cannot wait for the next show,Looking forward to it,

    Bye and Ciao For Now…Frank Zoccali

  5. Great show, understated acting, and I just love Cala’s family. Lets hope this show keeps going. Its a Thursday night “must watch”.

  6. Well, I think this series more interesting than most, as of the story line and characters. Fresh and compelling at the same time. Dianna Glen runs rings acting wise around Vince Colosimos character in story and also is a very accomplised actor as well. She is convincing as a private detective with wit and daring. I have been watching the program from it’s inception, just after inspector Rex and his new Roman adventure. Thankyou Linda Weller

  7. Guess Whats on tonight, Guys ?

    Thursday the 22/01/2009 i will make sure that I definitely will be watching this weeks episode, I cannot wait ?

    I am really looking forward to it

    Stay tunned my Friends,

    Bye for now !!!!

  8. A real surprise! An Australian drama where shouting is not used as an excuse for acting. Well written, well acted, and great production values. I’m sure that SBS must be negotiating with European TV channels to sell it over there – I would imagine it would go down a treat in Italy. I’m sure that the Italian twist to the Australian way of life would generate a lot of interest. I hope it goes to a second season too.

  9. I absolutely loved it from week one. I will be hooked to the very end. Great Australian drama. Shades of Underbelly – I mean that in a good way because I loved Underbelly! I really hope this goes on for more than 6 episodes.

  10. Absolutely love it. One of the best Australian dramas I have seen.
    I hope it continues passed its 6th episode – Diana and Vince you could not
    have matched a better pair. Well done!!

  11. diana and vince wow what a wonderful show
    and australian
    you do us proud you are a winner
    from the tea ladies producers actors
    bring it on cant wait 4 the net episode

  12. Thanks SBS i thought i was watching underbelly or Canal Road in reverse.Good to see you are mixing it up with Nine and ten in the Soap Dishwasher.So Hyped yet went down like a led Balloon.How about you call the second series Vince Cametti,that sound more believable.

  13. Fantastic show, great entertainment

  14. excellent, great show and well scripted and casted. Hope it continues for a long time

  15. at last I can vent my spleen. great show, better than I expected, especiallt ‘Carla’ and Vince is to die for as usual, but hey, I’ve been around the world, (read sbs site) to find somewhere to vent, need a scooter (hint hint) to speed it up. keep it up, and Vince, keep your pants on… ( read, off..)

  16. I would luv to meet the cast
    I think they are All Brillant
    Diana Glen,Nicole Da Silva and Her Grouse Tatoo and of course The Brlliant Vince Colossimo.
    What A Brilliant show
    I Just Hope To God This Show Can Go On For More Than just 6 to 7 Episodes.
    This is one very well made show.

  17. Great cast ! ; Great familiar locations ! ; Well done to all inlvoled … ” Nicole Da Silva is a Sweetheart ” , ( wish i could meet her ) … Thankyou for giving us viewers a show that has substance and realty… ciao …

  18. Its about time we have something fantastic to watch on T.V. (Finally) and Yes once Again SBS has brought it to us The People,
    What a Fantastic show,
    Its Very Italain and Its in Filmed and made in Our Melbourne Town,
    I love Carla’s Italian Family La Famligia
    Diana Glen does Pass as an Italian she is Great and pf course Vince Colossimo is as well,
    Love The Show and Yes I will see it Again and Again I am now Hooked.

  19. Fantastic job well done, wish it could stay on air as long as possible, great cast…
    Thanks for something interesting to watch finally :)

  20. Loved Carla Cametti – The Critic in the Age has got it wrong. Enjoyable and Diana Glen does pass as an Italian.
    Will Watch Again!

  21. fantastic you guys are on a winner.Well done.

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