
Academic : Department of Atmospheric and Space Sciences : University of Pune


The department offers M.Tech. (Atmospheric Science), M.Sc. (Atmospheric Science) and Ph.D. program in Atmospheric and Space Sciences . 

The M.Tech. and M.Sc. program in Atmospheric Science is jointly conducted by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune and the department.  

M.Tech. in Atmospheric Physics which has been offered earlier and later changed to M. Tech in Atmospheric Science has been operational since 1988 and the students who have completed this program are well placed both nationally and internationally.

Prospects: Both M.Sc. and M.Tech. course prepares the students for a research carrier in Atmospheric and Climate Science. Most of our students go for Ph.D. programs in India or in foreign countries. The course also prepares the student for taking up employment in the areas of weather forecasting both in Government and Private sector, wind energy sector etc . 

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