County List

Virginia Highways Project
County and City Abbreviations

This page contains a list of abbreviations for counties and independent cities which are used on the Virginia Highways pages.

Counties   Counties (con't) Independent Cities
AC Accomack KQ King and Queen ALX Alexandria
AG Alleghany KW King William BED Bedford
AH Amherst LA Lancaster BRI Bristol
AL Albemarle LE Lee BVA Buena Vista
AM Amelia LN Loudoun CHE Chesapeake
AP Appomattox LO Louisa CHR Charlottesville
AR Arlington LU Lunenburg CHS Colonial Heights
AU Augusta MA Madison CLF Clifton Forge
BA Bath MI Middlesex COV Covington
BD Bedford MK Mecklenburg DAN Danville
BK Buckingham MO Montgomery EMP Emporia
BL Bland MT Mathews FAL Falls Church
BO Botetourt NK New Kent FAX Fairfax
BR Brunswick NL Nelson FRD Fredericksburg
BU Buchanan NO Northampton FRK Franklin
CA Carroll NT Nottoway GLX Galax
CB Campbell NU Northumberland HAM Hampton
CC Charles City OR Orange HAR Harrisonburg
CG Craig PA Page HOP Hopewell
CH Chesterfield PE Prince Edward LEX Lexington
CK Clarke PG Prince George LYN Lynchburg
CL Caroline PK Patrick MAN Manassas
CP Culpeper PO Powhatan MAR Martinsville
CR Charlotte PT Pittsylvania MPK Manassas Park
CU Cumberland PU Pulaski NNS Newport News
DK Dickenson PW Prince William NOR Norfolk
DW Dinwiddie RA Rappahannock NRT Norton
ES Essex RB Rockbridge PET Petersburg
FD Frederick RC Richmond POQ Poquoson
FL Floyd RH Rockingham POR Portsmouth
FQ Fauquier RO Roanoke RAD Radford
FR Franklin RU Russell RIC Richmond
FV Fluvanna SC Scott ROA Roanoke
FX Fairfax SH Shenandoah SAL Salem
GI Giles SM Smyth STA Staunton
GL Gloucester SO Southampton SUF Suffolk
GO Goochland SP Spotsylvania VAB Virginia Beach
GR Greene ST Stafford WIL Williamsburg
GV Greensville SU Surry WIN Winchester
GY Grayson SX Sussex WNB Waynesboro
HE Henry TZ Tazewell
HI Highland WA Washington
HN Hanover WE Westmoreland
HR Henrico WI Wise
HX Halifax WR Warren
IW Isle of Wight WY Wythe
JC James City YO York
KG King George    

Page last modified 17 July, 2005