Günter Blobel - Science Video Interview

  • ️Chris Dean
  • ️Mon Jun 09 2008

This site is no longer being updated. The Vega Science Trust closed in March 2012, and this site has been left here for reference purposes.

Video interview recorded in 2003.  Günter Blobel was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine/ Physiology 1999 "for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell"


In this interview Blobal talks about the work that he did for the Nobel Prize.  We see him give part of a lecture at the Lindau meeting and discuss informally his science.  He tells us that his father was a vet and that his mother loved to study but was frustrated that at that time as it was thought that it was more appropriate to take a cookery course than to receive other types of education.  She installed in her daughters that knowledge was fun!

When Blobal was awarded the Nobel prize he donated the prize money towards the re-building of both the Synogogue and the Cathedral in Dresden.

 Links To Other Information:

Interview with Günter Blobel  - Nobel Prize winner for protein communication in cells