Former St Saviour's Library, Southwark Bridge Road
Former St Saviour's Library
John Johnson (1843-1920)
White Suffolk bricks with beer stone dressings
56 Southwark Bridge Road, London
English Renaissance [style].... The builder was Mr. H. L. Holloway, of Deptford. The carving, designed by the architect, was exceedingly well executed by Mr. Baird, of 8, Heron Road, Herne Hill. The keystone to the principal entrance in Southwark Bridge Road is enriched by the head of Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom (Southwark Annual for 1895). [Commentary continues below.]
Photograph © Julian Osley, adjusted for colour here, and text by Andy Rose with Lisa Edwards (see Johnson's chronology).
Photograph originally posted on the Geograph website, and kindly made available for reuse, with attribution, on this Creative Commons licence. [Click on the image to enlarge it, and mouse over the text for links.]