Violette Szabo Museum | The History of a Real Life Heroine in WW2
How the Museum Got Started
The Violette Szabo Museum opened its doors in June 2000 and was the brain child of Rosemary Rigby MBE who was Violette's aunt. Many years of fundraising and collecting artefacts from people who knew Violette or served with her during the war came to fruition on that day in June.
What Can We See at The Museum
The story and life of Violette Szabo is much in evidence at the museum along with life stories of the many resistance workers who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Visitors can learn about Ravensbruck the concentration Camp that Violette and many of her compatriots were sent to following their capture.
Where the Museum is Located
- Violette Szabo GC Museum
- Cartref
- Tump Lane
- Wormelow
- Herefordshire
- HR2 8HN
- Phone: 01981 540 477
Early Life:
Violette was born Violette Reine Elizabeth Bushell in Levallois Paris on the 26th June 1921.
Violette and Etienne:
By 1939 Violette was working in a department store in Brixton called Le Bon Marche where she sold perfume.
Violette Joins the SOE:
Violette was devastated by Etienne's death and soon joined the SOE in order to become a field operative and courier.
Violettes First Mission:
Violettes first mission was as courier to Phillipe Liewer in Normandy.
The Story
Violette Bushell was the daughter of an English father and French mother who was born in France but moved to live in England when she was twelve years of age.
Following their honeymoon Etienne resumed his station in the army and eventually became involved in the fighting at the Battle of El Alamein in North Africa where he was killed when leading his men in a charge from the front. Violette had only just given birth to their daughter when Etienne was killed therefore he never got to see his child. Her life is covered exceptionally well at
A Good Read
Carve Her Name with Pride is an accurate account of what happened to Violette Szabo during WWII mainly due to the fact that much of the research done by talking to friends, family and agents who knew her compiles a profile of the woman and her formidable character that is very real.
An unforgettable memory