The VW-Schwimmwagen Registry – The VW-Schwimmwagen Registry
Latest Marketplace update
Original Kübelwagen For sale
Marketplace addition - original 1943
VW Kübelwagen for sale, greece
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Latest Registry Entries
VW-Schwimmwagen from 1944, found in Italy.
The Netherlands
VW-Schwimmwagen from 1943.
The Netherlands
VW-Schwimmwagen from 1944.
The Survivors
List your vehicle in the Registry
Please share your Schwimmwagen pictures, for the benefit of the comunity
Also, pictures of parts in original colour will be very much appreciated.
Stay tuned - this website is work in progress
This website is work in progress.
About Us
For the last 15 years, the Schwimmwagen Registry website has been sharing information on the subject of the amphibious VW-Schwimmwagen type 166.
Previously, the website included a forum which has since been replaced by a facebook group. This facebook group is used by enthousiasts to share information, tips & tricks, pictures.