Submission request to the World Wide Web Consortium
Submission request to W3C (W3C Staff Comment)
We, W3C members Adobe Systems Incorporated, International Business Machines Corporation, Netscape Communications Corporation and Sun Microsystems, Inc., hereby submit to the Consortium the following specification comprising the document(s) linked below:
which collectively are referred to as "the submission". We request the submission be known as the "PGML" submission.
This document provides the specification for Precision Graphics Markup Language (PGML). PGML is a 2D imaging model of the PostScript language and the Portable Document Format (PDF), a model that has proven over years to satisfy the needs from both the simplest, lightweight graphics to the most complex and demanding and that has proven suitable for both online viewing and printing. PGML satisfies the needs of both the low-end graphics user who just needs to define a simple bar chart and the high-end graphic artist who wants precision control over fonts, layout, color and compositing to ensure graphics integrity of the image as seen by the end user. In many cases, a scalable graphics format has several intrinsic advantages over a raster format, including smaller file sizes and resolution-independent viewing and printing. Moreover, because PGML fully integrates with current and emerging W3C standards, PGML yields additional benefits including support for processable text, dynamic behaviors, scripting, and document interchange.
Intellectual property rights
Declaration of International Business Machines Corporation
IBM agrees that, upon publication of this contribution as a W3C Recommendation, IBM will make licenses available to its intellectual property rights in its portion of the contribution to any third party for their use, manufacture, sale, distribution, or implementation of any portion of any product, method, or procedure implementing the Recommendation under reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions including royalty rates. IBM expressly reserves all other rights it may have in the material and subject matter of this contribution.
IBM expressly disclaims any and all warranties regarding this contribution including any warranty that this contribution does not violate the rights of others or is fit for a particular purpose.
Declaration of Other Submitters
Adobe Systems Incorporated, Netscape Communications Corporation and Sun Microsystems, Inc. (The Submitters) agree to grant, and do grant the W3C, a nonexclusive, royalty-free license under any copyrights in this contribution to reproduce, distribute, display publicly and prepare derivative works that are based on or incorporate all or parts of the contribution and to authorize others to do so. The Submitters also grant W3C the right, without cost, to freely implement and use the technology described in this contribution in W3C work. The Submitters agree that, upon adoption of this contribution as a W3C Recommendation, any W3C member will be able to obtain a right from the Submitters to implement and use the technology described in this contribution under reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms to be negotiated with the Submitters. The Submitters expressly reserve all other rights it may have in the material and subject matter of this contribution.
The Submitters expressly disclaim any and all warranties or representations regarding this contribution including any warranty that the implementation of this contribution is free from the rights of others.
Adobe Systems Incorporated Copyright
The Precision Graphics Markup Language (PGML) document is copyright Adobe Systems Incorporated and notice of such copyright should be included in any publication or distribution. Adobe Systems Incorporated grants to W3C under any copyrights the right to use, reproduce, distribute and display publicly this contribution, provided that Adobe Systems Incorporated's copyright is acknowledged and the appropriate copyright notice is included on all copies. Adobe Systems grants to the W3C the right to create and publish derivative works based on the submission and does not claim copyright to these derivative works.
The following are registered marks referred to in this submission: PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All instances of the name PostScript in the text are references to the PostScript language as defined by Adobe or Adobe PostScript products and programs. Any use of "PostScript language" as an adjectival phrase is so constructed to reinforce its identification with the standard language definition set forth by Adobe.
Adobe, Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, PostScript and the PostScript logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Apple, Macintosh and TrueType are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, ActiveX, Windows and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java and JDK are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. All other product names are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective owners.
The submission may be distributed within the membership of the W3C free of any fee. The submission may be distributed publicly free of any fee.
Many companies have developed implementations of the PostScript graphics model over the years, either in terms of PostScript language implementations for printers, PostScript display systems (e.g., NeWS, DisplayPostScript, ghostscript), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) import/export and Portable Document Format (PDF) import/export/viewing systems. Major portions of the PostScript/PDF graphics model are included in GDI-32, QuickDrawGX and PCL. The PostScript/PDF graphics model is part of the definition of the Java 2D API that is part of the Java language version 1.2; thus, the submission can be implemented on any system that supports this version of the Java language.
Suggested action
We suggest that the Consortium establish a working group around this submission. The working group should be directed to ensure that the PGML graphics model will include the PostScript/PDF graphics features explicitly listed in the submission. The working group should work through the many related open issues, including those explicitly identified in the submission, finalize the specification and then submit the finalized specification as a Recommendation.
To help with this work, Adobe will provide resources to be part of the working group and can provide one employee part-time as a specification editor. IBM will provide resources to be part of the working group
Change control
Should any changes be required to the document, we would expect future versions to be produced by W3C process.
Inquiries from the public or press about this submission should be directed to:
Linda White,
this 3rd day of April, 1998,
Steve Zilles, Adobe Systems Incorporated
David Singer, International Business Machines Corporation
R.V. Guha, Netscape Communications Corporation
Gary Adams, Sun Microsystems, Inc.