Convoy GUS 47 -
Note that the information provided here may be incomplete. The convoy documents available to me only cover events up to July 31; other ships may have joined from (or left at) other ports later on. Please scroll down to the end of this page for possible, additional ships.
Commodore Gerald N. Jones, R.N.R. was in John A. Donald (Captain J. Ford), Vice Commodore was the captain of John Ireland.
American Commodore (unnamed) took over on the 7th day.
21 ships were present from Port Said on July 24:
For the U.S.:
John Ireland - voyage from Khorram Shahr, arrived New York Aug. 17-1944
Fort Erie - voyage from Durban, arrived Norfolk Aug. 18-1944
Francisco Coronado - voyage from Haifa, arrived New York Aug. 17-1944
William W. Mayo - voyage from Busreh, arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944
George Taylor - voyage from Calcutta, arrived New York Aug. 17-1944
John A. Donald - arrived New York Aug. 17-1944
Fernplant - voyage from Mersin, arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944
Kong Sverre - voyage from Abu Sultan, arrived New York Aug. 17-1944
Lawrence D. Tyson - voyage from Persian Gulf, arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944
George L. Baker - voyage from Calcutta, arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944
For Augusta:
Polartank - voyage from Abadan for Augusta/Naples (later left Augusta for Naples on Aug. 10).
Luminetta - voyage from Tripoli for Augusta/Naples (later left Augusta for Naples on Aug. 10).
Alphard - voyage from Lourenco Marques (parted company for Bizerta? See below)
Samglory - for Augusta/Naples
Samblade - for Augusta/Naples
Samkey - voyage from Alexandria for Augusta/Naples
Samleyte - left for Alexandria with engine defects July 25 (later joined GUS 48)
J. Frank Cooper - voyage from Lourenco Marques (listed among the ships parting company for Bizerta - see below)
Tricolor - voyage from Fremantle for Naples/Castellamare/Augusta
British Soldier - voyage from Haifa for Bizerta/Maddalena/Ajaccio
Lidvard - voyage from Melbourne for Bone
5 joined from Alexandria at 13:00 on July 25:
Empire Brook - voyage from Alexandria, for Bizerta/Palermo/Naples
Empire Lionel (w/100 troops) - for Bari/Augusta/Catania
Samfleet - voyage from Alexandria for Augusta/Taranto/Bari
Fort Liard - voyage from Haifa for Ancona/Augusta/Bari
F.T. 12
Samleyte left, as mentioned above.
Total ships now in convoy: 25
(For info, the following ships also left Alexandria on July 25-1944 - these, however, are not mentioned in the convoy document:
Kepong [for Benghazi / Malta/Augusta/Bari], Stanforth [from Tripoli for Augusta via Benghazi], Regin [for Tripoli/Augusta/Naples/Malta]).
At 11:00 on July 29, 15 ships joined from Augusta:
For the U.S.:
Charles Piez - arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944
Emma Willard - arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944
John Dockweiler - arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944 (see also GUS 45)
Malancha - arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944 (see also GUS 45)
John Murray Forbes - arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944
William L. Yancey - arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944
Jacob H. Gallinger - voyage from Naples, arrived New York Aug. 17-1944
Joseph Holt - voyage from Bari, arrived New York Aug. 17-1944
Taria - voyage from Brindisi, arrived Delaware Capes Aug. 18-1944
?illegible, 1 name
?illegible, 2 names
Dallington Court - voyage from Naples, bound for Algiers, straggled as soon as she had joined, and was sent into Bizerta by an escort.
Horace Mann - voyage from Catania (later parted company for Bizerta - see below. Listed as joining Convoy GUS 48 from Bizerta on Aug. 9)
Moultrie? or similar
while 9 left for Augusta:
Tricolor, Fort Liard, Samblade, Samfleet, Samkey, Luminetta, Samglory, Polartank, and Empire Lionel (the latter later left Augusta for Catania on Aug. 10-1944).
Total ships now in convoy: 31.
That same day, 5 joined from Malta:
2 British submarines (P 49 and P 55?)
?illegible (possibly a war ship)
?illegible (possibly a trawler, very short name)
and James M. Gillis - arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944
while F.T. 12 left for Malta.
35 ships in convoy.
(Arena also left Malta on July 29, but is not listed in the convoy document).
At 17:00 on July 31, 9 ships joined from Bizerta:
San Cipriano - for Algiers
Gulfpoint - (from GUS 46) arrived New York Aug. 17-1944
Prosper Schiaffino - for Algiers
British Endurance - arrived Cape Henry Aug. 18-1944 (see also Convoy GUS 45)
Lucretia Mott - for Oran
Tibia - voyage from Cagliari, arrived New York Aug. 17-1944
Louis McLane - for Oran
?illegible (looks like Macalante or similar)
Topdalsfjord - for Gibraltar, see also the end of my page about GUS 48.
Total ships in convoy: 44.
and 7 left for Bizerta that same day:
J. Frank Cooper, Empire Brook, ?illegible*, another illegible (this is the one I suggested might be a warship above), British Soldier, Horace Mann, as well as the straggling Dallington Court
*This ship looks like it could be Alphard, which was present from Port Said, and whose destination is said to have been Augusta. However, she's not listed among the ships parting company for Augusta, so this illegible ship could very well be Alphard.
The Norwegian Lidvard left off Bone at 04:00, July 31.
Total ships now in convoy: 36.
Other ships also arrived the U.S. around the same time as this convoy, and may have sailed in GUS 47:
The following arrived Cape Henry on Aug. 18-1944 from Oran:
F. A. C. Muhlenberg, James Manning, Francis L. Lee, Joshua Seney, Jonathan Worth, Isaac Sharpless, Haym Salomon, Pozarica and Robert M. T. Hunter, while Stephen A. Douglas, Sylvester Gardiner, Robert L. Hague and Walter E. Ranger arrived from Algiers, and Calvin Coolidge and Cape Breton from Casablanca (Cape Breton had arrived New York Aug. 17). Pozarica arrived Baltimore same day. Walter L. Fleming also arrived Baltimore on Aug. 18-1944, voyage from Khorram Shahr.
Other ships arriving New York on Aug. 17:
British Power (from Algiers), Carrillo, Empire Garrick, Franz Klasen (see UGS 45 and GUS 46), John H. Eaton and Pan Maryland (all from Naples), Cochrane (from Malta), Gard from Gibraltar, and John Barton Payne from Casablanca.
From Port Said: HMS Deptford and HMS Campion - left off Bizerta?.
Off Alexandria: HMS Southern Maid, French Commandant Dominé and 1 more illegible vessel.
American escort consisting of 14 destroyers (unnamed) joined off Bizerta.
Related external links:
Chronological list of GU convoys (with the returning UG convoys).
The history of USS Campbell - GUS 47 is mentioned, and it looks like this coast guard cutter escorted the convoy for a while - scroll down on the page.
Liberty Ships - Alphabetical list.
List of Liberty Ships by Hull No. - Includes info on the men for whom the ships were named (from Wikipedia).
Empire Ships - Also has a listing of the "Sam"-ships, ex Liberty Ships that came under the British flag (and other Liberty ships).