Name of Ship
Managed By
B. Stolt-Nielsen & Sønner A/S, Haugesund
1522 gt
Built in Larvik, Norway 1921. Previous name: Octo 1921.
D/S Facto has a picture of the ship, as well as voyage information.
Hans Storaas, Bergen
398 gt
Built in Delfzijl 1915. Previous name: Emil until 1920.
Pre war history: Delivered in Oct.-1915 as Emil for Louis Paulsen & Co., Christiania, 402 gt. Purchased by A/S Fagertun (Trygve Skogland & Fr. Waage Rasmussen), Haugesund in Oct.-1919, renamed Fagerborg in Jan.-1920. Sold Jan.-1922 to Hans Storaas.
WW II: In Sweden when the Germans invaded Norway. Requisitioned by the Swedish Government on October 25-1940, and traded for the Swedish State traffic commission. See my page Ships in Sweden for a list of, and information on the Norwegian ships there at the outbreak of war in Norway.
POST WAR: Broken up in Belgium in 1951.
Haugesund later had a ship by this name, built in 1955 and delivered under the name Skagern of Karlstad. Became Norwegian Fagerborg in 1966. Later Cybele of Cyprus 1973, then Anita and Panamanian Jetpur Shear. I have more on this ship if needed. |
Rob. Nilson & Arild Nyquist, Oslo
994 gt
Built in Larvik 1923.
Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo
8072 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1935.
A separate page about M/T Fagerfjell has more on this ship, including some of her convoy voyages.
Leganger Hansen, Tønsberg
1590 gt
Built in Tønsberg, Norway 1938.
Torpedoed and sunk by U-44 (Mathes) on Jan. 14-1940 - follow this link to D/S Fagerheim for some more details (incl. a casualty list).
Rob. Nilson & Arild Nyquist, Oslo
2342 gt
Built Willington Quay-on-Tyne 1921. Previous name: Frithjof I until 1927.
D/S Fagersten has more information on this ship, including voyage information, details on her final fate, a crew list and links to related websites.
Wictor Esbensen, Oslo
1171 gt
Built Grimstad 1903. Previous name: Hird.
See D/S Motto
A/S Thor Dahl, Sandefjord
307 gt
Built in Sandefjord 1937.
Whale catcher owned by A/S Ørnen, Sandefjord. Hired by Royal Navy in Nov.-1940 for use as an anti-submarine vessel. I have a snippet of information saying she arrived Alexandria on Dec. 1-1941.
Falk had a Royal Navy crew from March-1941 to Oct.-1946.
POST WAR: Returned to Thor Dahl in Oct.-1946. Sold on Febr. 9-1955 to Compania Industrial, Chile. Ulf W. Gustavsen, Norway has told me she was renamed Indus 12. Still in Lloyd's register in 1987/88.
Other ships by this name: Thor Dahl had previously had a whale factory named Falk, built in Newcastle 1891, 4390 gt, purchasedt by Thor Dahl and rebuilt in 1920, sold in March-1936 to N. Stern A. G. Essen for breaking up. (Previous names: Roald Amundsen, Sandhurst, Toronto and St. Enoch). Norway (Brødrene Biørnstad) had also had steamship by the name Falk in WW I, built 1904, 1379 gt - sunk by UC 21 off Ushant on Dec. 8-1916, voyage Swansea-St. Nazaire with coal. Another D/S Falk, built Newcastle 1908, 1831 gt (Jacob Prebensen, Risør) sank following a collision with Norwegian D/S Barmston near Lizard, voyage Glasgow-Rouen, Oct.-31-1917.
Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo
7927 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1931.
Vilhelm Torkildsen, Bergen
1345 gt
Built in Oslo 1939.
D/S Fana has much more information, including lists of her various war voyages.
Harald Grieg Martens, Bergen
1355 gt
Built at Krimpen, Netherlands 1921.
D/S Fanefjeld has details on her final fate and a casualty list (as well as information on her war voyages).
Rasmus F. Olsen, Bergen
964 gt
Built in Arendal 1921.
I have a little snippet of information saying Fantoft left Preston for Oslo on March 22-1940; arrival date is not given. She was still in a Norwegian port (Halden, close to the Swedish border) when the Germans invaded Norway on Apr. 9, but managed to get to Strømstad, Sweden on Apr. 13. Another snippet of info (from the National Archives of Norway) states she was in port at Fjellbacka on June 10 that year.
Requisitioned by the Swedish Government on October 25-1940, and traded for the Swedish State traffic commission. (See Ships in Sweden).
Picture of Fantoft - Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
POST WAR: (Information on some 1945 voyages are available, if required). Struck rock and sank near Andenes on July 31-1960 when on a voyage from Belgium to the White Sea. |
Jacob Salvesen, Farsund
2475 gt
Built in 1921. Previous name: Ravnefjell until 1937.
Please continue to D/S Far for more (includes war voyages).
E. B. Aabye, Oslo
844 gt
Built Bremerhaven 1918.
My page about D/S Faro has information on her final fate.
Peder Smedvig, Stavanger
2826 gt
Built in Wilmington, Delaware 1920. Previous names: Fishers Island until 1920, Ionier until 1929.
D/S Favorit has more information, incl. details on her voyages, final fate and a crew list at the time.
S. Ugelstad, Oslo
1323 gt
Built in Langesund, Norway 1940, maiden voyage Jan. 22.
Captain Even Larsen. One of the 26 Norwegian ships interned in North and West Africa in 1940, see my page Interned Ships for more information on these ships. For more on Favør, including details on some escapes and names of crew members, continue to D/S Favør. Also has information on some of her voyages prior to being interned.
A/S Thor Dahl, Sandefjord
257 gt
Built in Sandefjord 1932.
Whaler (A/S Odd, Sandefjord). Signal letters: LDHW. Transferred to control of Royal Netherlands Navy on July 5-1940, later hired by Royal Navy (Br.) for use as minesweeper in the West Indies, with Dutch crew, 1941-46.
POST WAR: Sold to Kr. Gjølberg, Oslo, on April 16-1946, renamed Finnhval I in 1949, later Arne Kalve and Steinevik. Ulf W. Gustavsen, Norway has told me that she still existed in 1992 as Nautik in Os near Bergen (at a plant for breeding fish).
Related external Link: - Jan Visser has some information on
Enern and Femern as well as a picture of Toern. (These names simply mean, directly translated The One'er, The Fiver, and The Two'er).
Other ships by this name: Thor Dahl also had 2 other Femern's - one was a whaler built by Bokerøen's Skibsbyggeri at Svelvik in 1921 as Foca for Compania Argentina de Pesca, Buenos Aires - used for whaling at South Georgia. Sold in 1929 to Hvalfangerselskapet Atlas A/S, Larvik and renamed Femern. Managed by A/S Thor Dahl from 1930. Sold to A/S Framnæs mek. verksted, Sandefjord in 1931, sold again the following year to A/S Fangstskibene, Sandefjord and renamed Forlandet. Sold same year to Hvalfanger-A/S Ishavet and managed by Leif Bryde A/S, Sandefjord. Sold to A/S Fangstskibene, Sandefjord 1933, and again to Framnæs mek. Verksted 1934, converted to tug of 201 gt. Still exists - if you understand Norwegian you can read about her at this external site D/S Forlandet. The other Femern was also a whaler, built at Framnæs mek Værksted, Sandefjord in 1951, 548 gt., sold on April 12-1964 to Saldanha Whaling.
N. Chr. Evensen, Oslo
8268 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1939.
See M/T Fenja for more information, including details on her war voyages.
N. Chr. Evensen, Oslo
9804 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1936.
M/T Fenris has more information on this ship and her voyages, with a crew list.
N. Chr. Evensen, Oslo
6593 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1933.
Please continue to M/T Ferm for more (incl. voyages and crew list).
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
4333 gt
Built in Hamburg, Germany 1924.
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
4633 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1932.
M/S Fernbrook has more info (w/a picture, and info on her voyages).
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
9940 gt
Built in Hamburg 1936.
Read more about some of Ferncastle's voyages up until the time she was captured by the German Michel. The latter page has a complete crew list at the time.
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
4333 gt
Built in Hamburg 1924.
Fearnley & Astrup, Oslo
9918 gt
Built in Hamburg 1938.
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
5206 gt
Built in Gothenburg 1936.
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
4116 gt
Built in Malmö, Sweden 1926.
Please continue to M/S Fernhill for information on her final fate and a crew list at the time of loss. Also has info on her voyages prior to being sunk.
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
4310 gt
Built in Copenhagen, Denmark 1927.
M/S Fernlane has more (incl. war voyages and a crew list at the time of loss).
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
4268 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1928.
Please continue to M/S Fernmoor for info on misc. convoy voyages as well as several pictures.
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
5274 gt
Built in Copenhagen 1939.
A separate page about M/S Fernplant has several pictures and more info.
Fearnley & Eger, Oslo
4695 gt
Built in Nakskov, Denmark 1930.
Mathias Hansen, Kristiansand
1843 gt
Built in Burntisland 1930.
See D/S Fidelio (includes voyages and crew list at the time of loss)
Mathias Hansen, Kristiansand
1857 gt
Built in Lorain, Ohio 1918. Previous names: Launched as War Gull, then Lake Benton until 1929.
My page about D/S Fido has more info, including details on war voyages.
Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo
7616 gt
Built in Sunderland 1930.
Built by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd., Wallsend - 460.5' x 59.5'x 34.1' (see this posting to my Ship Forum).
WW II: Captain Josef Nordbye. Filefjell's voyages are listed on this original image received from the National Archives of Norway.
On Aug. 26-1940, she encountered the German auxiliary cruiser M/S Pinguin (Ernst Felix Krüder), in 24S 51E, while on a voyage from Abadan to London with 10 000 tons petrol. My page Norwegian Victims of Pinguin has more details on this event and the events surrounding the capture of other Norwegian ships by this raider, as well as a crew list for Filefjell and info on Pinguin.
A. F. Klaveness & Co. A/S, Oslo
2137 gt
Built in Moss, Norway 1923.
I've added the details on her final fate as well as a casualty list to my page D/S Fingal (also lists her voyages prior to being sunk).
Leif Skogland & Co. A/S, Haugesund
460 gt
Built in Åmål (Sweden?) 1920. Previous name: Treån.
Pre war: Delivered in May-1920 from Åmåls Skeppsverf, Åmål as Treån. 460 gt, 240 net, 650 tdwt, 147.7' x 26.9' x 11.5', Compuned (Bohus mek. Verksted). Sailed as Fingal from 1922, registered in Stavanger in 1934 as Fingal I (B. Rømsøe). Purchased by Leif Skogland & Co. A/S Haugesund in Oct.-1939.
WW II: Sank due to an explosion on board on Jan. 31-1940 on a voyage Norway-Dublin with a cargo of rocks. Crew managed to get to a Scottish port. ("Våre gamle skip" by Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn).
According to "Norges, Sveriges, og Danmarks handelsflåter - tilgang og avgang i 1940-1945" she was on a voyage Bodø-Dublin with dolomite, when she sank west of the Hebrides in a storm on Jan. 30-1940 (no mention of an explosion). |
Vesteraalens Dampskipsselskab, Stokmarknes
1119 gt
Built in Trondheim 1912.
Westfal-Larsen & Co. A/S, Bergen
9551 gt
Built in Amsterdam, Holland 1928.
All my available information on this ship has been assembled on a separate page, M/T Finnanger, includes war voyages, details on her final fate and a crew list at the time of loss.
10 296 gt
Built Chester PA, 1944. Previous name: Averysboro.
My page about T/T Finnmark has more information, including details on her voyages.
Fj - Fo
Thv. Joh. Kyvik jr., Haugesund
332 gt
Built at Vlaardingen 1919. Previous names: Nereus, Rijnveer, Schelde, Nieuwendam.
Pre war history: Launched as Nereus, delivered in Oct.-1919 from Gebr. van der Windt, Vlaardingen. "Våre motorskip" says she was delivered as Nieuwendam, (332 gt, 169 net, 400 tdwt, 132.1' x 23' x 8.5'), but the Riversea Internationl website that I've linked to below says she had the name Rijnveer 1922, Schelde 1923, then Nieuwendam 1932. Purchased by Th. Joh. Kyvik and Hilmar Hauge, Haugesund in 1938, renamed Fjeldberg.
WW II: Laid up in Malmö, Sweden under Nortraship control, during the war.
POST WAR: Sold in 1947 to Erik B. Kromann, Marstal, Denmark, renamed Erik Boye in 1949. Lengthened in 1952 and had a new motor installed (6 cyl. 2T Alpha 360 bhp), became 379 gt, 500 tdwt, o.a. 161.7'. Condemned in 1964 after having run aground. ("Våre motorskip", Leif M. Bjørkelund & E. H. Kongshavn). Riversea International adds she was wrecked on the Atlantic coast of France on Sept. 1-1964 on a voyage from Lorient for Par and was broken up as she lay.
Picture of this ship when Erik Boye - From Riversea International.
Other ships by this name: Haugesund had two other ships spelt Fjellberg without the d. One was built in 1941, originally the escort trawler HMS Eday, used by Royal Navy during the war, sold to Haugesund in 1947, sold to Switzerland in 1953 and renamed Sempach. The other was built in 1953, had several different owners and names over the years. |
Anton Meidell, Bergen
4032 gt
Built in Willington Quay-on-Tyne (Newcastle?) 1914. Previous name: Orla until 1937.
More information on this ship, including war voyages, info on her final fate and crew list can be found on my page M/T Fjord.
Arnt J. Mørland, Arendal
7361 gt
Built in Kiel, Germany 1931.
M/T Fjordaas has pictures of the ship and more information (incl. voyages).
Niels Røgenæs, Haugesund
4115 gt
Built in Sunderland 1930.
Please continue to D/S Fjordheim for more information - includes a list of her war voyages, details on her final fate and a crew list.
Willy Kubon, Bergen
5614 gt
Built in Vancouver, Canada 1918. Previous names: War Camp until 1919, Sierra Quemada until 1924, Atlantis until 1928, Flint 2 until 1930, Elgin County until 1931.
Pre war history: Delivered in Sept.-1918 as War Camp to the Shipping Controller (J Chambers & Co, Liverpool). Renamed Sierra Quemada for R.van Hemelryck, Antwerp, Belgium in 1919, Atlantis for Culucundis & Costomeni in 1924, Flint 2 for A/S Flint, Bergen in 1928, Elgin County for the same owners in 1930, then renamed Flint II in 1931.
WW II: In Sweden when the Germans invaded Norway. Requisitioned by the Swedish Government on October 25-1940, and traded for the Swedish State traffic commission. See my page Ships in Sweden for information on all the Norwegian ships there.
POST WAR: Sold to Italy and renamed Stella Azzurra for Soc.Triestina di Nav. Libera Stella Azzurra, Venice in 1951. Owned from 1953 by Cia Armatoriale Italiana, Venice. Scrapped in 1958 (Osaka).
Wallem & Co., Hong Kong
(Panamanian flag)
2894 gt
Built in Glasgow 1905. Previous names: Buda II until 1919, Maréchal Foch until 1936, Ha-Ven until 1937.
Captain K. W. Nyquist. Seized by the Japanese in Yokohama on Dec. 8-1941, renamed Hoshi Maru in 1942, struck a mine on July 25-1945 and sunk 34 35N 135 21E (mouth of Maizuru Bay).
The Norwegian captain: Arrested in Yokohama on Dec. 8-1941, in jail until Dec. 29 when he was sent to Negishi Concentration camp, Yokohama. Transferred on June 24-1942 to a camp in Tokyo, then transported July 30 on Tatuta Maru to Lourenço Marques (Maputo), Mozambique arriving Aug. 28 (his offical release date is Aug. 29-1942). He then boarded the S/S El Nil, departing Lourenço Marques on Sept. 5 (his wife and son embarked in Shanghai), arriving England in Oct. Several Norwegians were on both these ships, some also got passage to England on the S/S Narkunda. See my page Merchant Marine Prisoners of War.
I assume he must have been the only Norwegian on board as I can find nothing on the fate of the remaining crew in my Norwegian sources (details on the men of other nationalities are usually not given). It's likely that they all ended up in Japanese camps.
A/S J. Ludwig Mowinckels Rederi, Bergen
8202 gt
Built in Dundee, Scotland 1930.
See M/T Fosna, which includes information on her war voyages.
Fr - Fø
H. M. Wrangell & Co. A/S, Haugesund
2930 gt
Built Willington Quay-on-Tyne 1907.
See D/S Fram for details on her various voyages.
A/S Thor Dahl, Sandefjord
6400 gt
Built Chester, PA 1917. Previous name: Golaa 1927.
Whale factory, at first T/T, later D/S, purchased by Thor Dahl in 1930. According to Roger W. Jordan this whale factory was managed by American Whaling Co. Inc., New York which was associated with A/S Thor Dahl. Converted from tanker in 1927.
SOLD to Frango Corporation, Panama in Dec. 1939, renamed Clifford. Sold to Japan 1941, sunk 1942.
Narve Sørensen, an ex employee of Thor Dahl has told me: "In 1930, the manager of Thor Dahl, Lars Christensen obtained the majority of the shares of Hvalfangerselskapet Frango A/S, Sandefjord (Whaling Company Frango), through his company Bryde og Dahl. That same year the whale factory Frango was sold to the The American Whaling Co., but still with Lars Christensen as manager. The purpose of the transaction was that the whale oil could then (as American produced oil) be imported tax free to the USA, and as the only Norwegian whale factory built in the US, Frango was the only one that could be registered there, according to American law. But the crisis in the US and the collapse of the whale oil market resulted in enormous losses to the company". |
Krogstad Shipping Agencies Ltd. A/S
(Geo. Hansen, Oslo)
4271 gt
Built in Sunderland 1928.
Please see my page D/S Frank Seamans - includes details on her voyages, final fate and a crew list.
Jens A. Mørland, Arendal
1150 gt
Built in Rotterdam 1917. Previous name: Agneta until 1921.
Follow this link to D/S Fredville for details on her fate, as well as a picture of the ship.
O. M. Olsen & A. Næss, Fredrikstad
until Jan.-1940.
1333 gt
Built in Newcastle upon Tyne 1903. Previous names: Gerd until 1916, Haraldshaug until 1920, Freidig until 1929, Melsomvik until 1933, Mesna until 1937 (then Freidig).
D/S Freidig has more information about this ship and her final fate (incl. a picture, list of her voyages, and a crew list at the time of loss).
7177 gt
Built in Wilmington, North Carolina 1943. Previous name: Francis Nash.
Chr. J. Reim, Porsgrunn
1582 gt
Built in Porsgrunn, Norway 1939.
Details on her war voyages, final fate and a casualty list have been added to D/S Frisco.
Ottar Holter, Sarpsborg
750 gt
Built Hardinxveld, the Netherlands 1917. Previous name Hollandia I until 1924.
D/S Frode has more information, including details on her voyages, final fate and a crew list at the time.
Halle & Peterson, Oslo
7350 gt
Built in Sunderland 1928.
Torpedoed by U-436 (Seibicke) in Convoy HX 212 on Oct. 27-1942 and damaged but managed to reach port alone. Read more about this incident.
T. B. Torgersen, Oslo
3359 gt
Built in Newcastle N.S.W. 1921. Previous names: Eromanga until 1926, Maranoa until 1935, Mione until 1937.
Developed a leak in the boiler room and sank in 33 40N 139 56E when on a voyage Nauru-Yokohama with a cargo of phosphates on Jan. 26-1940.
Knut Knutsen O. A. S., Haugesund
1674 gt
Built in Helsingør, Denmark, 1915.
My page about D/S Føina has some details on her loss and a casualty list.
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