Norwegian Homefleet WW II - D/S Stord
Delivered in Apr.-1913 from Laxevaags Maskin & Jernskibsbyggeri, Bergen as Stord to Hardanger Søndhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Steel hull, 144.5' x 23.8' x 9.1', 376 gt, Tripple Expansion 80nhp, 11 knots. In service Bergen Sunnhordland and Stavanger with cargo, passengers and mail. In Oct.-1930 the company changed its name to Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, Bergen. Rebuilt and lengthened in 1931, well enclosed, 155.8' x 23.8' x 9.1', 465 gt, placed in Sunnhordland Snøggrute, Bergen-Sunnhordland.
When the big explosion occurred in Bergen on Apr. 20-1944 (see D/S Rogaland for more details and the names of some other vessels present) she was at Holbergskaien together with Ullensvang and Aalvik. To get away from the fire danger developing in the buildings in the area Stord's Mate Fleten and Ullensvang's Captain Lund managed to get both ships out into the fjord, with Aalvik in tow. All 3 ships (and many others) had been damaged in the explosion, and had to go in for repairs.
Rebuilt at Bergens Mekaniske Verksteder, Solheimsviken, Bergen 1947 till July-1949. New funnel, converted to motor vessel (2x 12cyl 4tev General Motors each 500bhp - one propeller). Delivered on July 13-1949 and placed in the Bergen-Odda service. Collided on Oct. 2-1962 with Fred.Olsen's Bravo near Knarrevik, minor damages. Laid up, sold in Sept.-1969 to Oslo Krets av det Blaa Kors and used as accommodation vessel O. T. Moe in Kongshavn, Oslo. Sold in 1982 (1981?) to Stiftelsen Fjordabåten, Bergen for restoration to her 1931 condition, then went out in May 1987 as Stord I, but was heavily damaged by fire in Langenuen on May 20-1987. Still undergoing restoration work by same owner.
Related external links:
D/S Stord - Includes a picture. Text is in Norwegian.
Back to Stord on the "Homefleet Ships starting with S" page.
(Details from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr., 1994 and "Over Fjord og Fjell, HSD 1880-1980" by Bård Kolltveit 1980).