
Boats escaping from Norway WW II - H

More text will be added as time allows.

Left Bestumkilen on Sept. 2-1940 with 2 people. After having been stopped for 3 days by German port authorities in Drøbak she continued along the coast to Kristiansand. Having departed the latter she was later stopped by a German destroyer and checked, then towed back towards port. However, near Møvik the Germans disembarked, having accepted the Norwegians' explanations for being at sea, whereupon Haabet again headed west as soon as they deemed it safe. En route they stopped at Mandal where a 3rd passenger was included, and on Sept. 14 she again headed out from Farsund for a British port. They encountered increasingly bad weather with heavy winds and seas for 4 days, and when the weather improved they found themselves off the coast of Scotland. Spotting a British aircraft they signalled for help, and were given a promise of a boat to pick them up, but that evening the weather worsened again and they were taken back across the North Sea, ending up near the coast of Denmark. During the night of Sept. 22/23 she was filled with water and almost went down, but they managed to keep afloat. This storm lasted for 8 days, then they headed west again. Finally, on Sept. 29 they were picked up by a British destroyer, 20 miles off the Thames Estuary. The boat was also taken along, but was later taken by the seas. (The name of the vessel appropriately translates to "The Hope". There was also a boat named Håpet, spelt differently, but pronounced the same and meaning the same thing - listed at the end of this page, because å is the last letter of the Norwegian alphabet).

These were on board:
Rolf Gabrielsen, Kåre Moe and Oluf Reed.

Left Ålesund with 10 people on March 31-1941 and arrived Burra Firth, Shetland after 6 days. From there they were sent to Lerwick.

On board were:
Harald Buseth, Kåre Gjørtz (who was a plumber by profession and managed to repair an oil pipe that caused them problems on the crossing), Fritjof Lorang Jakobsen, Peder Olaf Krohn Lausen, Ivar Martin Samseth, Ernst Stenså, Knut Marius Sulebust, Per Martin Uri, Gunnar Øien and Rolf Ernst Aasen.

Departed Fiskarstrand, Borgund on June 8-1941 with 17 people and arrived Lerwick on June 10.

These came along:
Knut Bakken, Bjarne Brattheim, Arne Dalebø, Kåre Einar Dalen, Olaf Finnholt, Sverre Sverresen Gisholt, Trygve Simon Glemminge, Helmer Astor Hoel, Olaf Kalvø, Osvald Kristiansen, Franz Fritjof Løvmo, Trygve Møllerstuen, Olav Nesje, Arne Ragnvald Solevågseide, Karl O. Solevågseide, Sigrid Uri, and Per Antony Walde.

Departed Volda on Oct. 24-1941 with 38 people and arrived Lerwick on the 27th.

On board were:
Lars Aure, Sverre Aurstad, Einar Brevik, Dag Ramsøy, Håkon Dragesund, Frithjof Folkestad, John Goksøyr, Nils Grebstad, Petter Grebstad, Torleif Gundersen, Alfred Heggen, Simon Høstholm, Rolf Jamvold, Harald Klepp, Aslaug Jorun Konglevold, Olav Longva, Per Longva, Lill Mikkelsen, Nora Moe, Waldonn Mortensen, Arne Maaseidvaag, Else Folkmann Nielsen, Kjell Nysæter, Arne Olsen, Louis Ivar Rasmussen, Jacob Elias Roald, Osvald Rusten, Karsten Sande, Inger Johanne Skappel, Karl Olsen Steip, Harald Sund, Finn Sølle, Eivind Tjensvoll, Trygve Torjussen, Magnar Vatne, Christian Warloe, Ottar Åkre and Petter Åsebø.

Built at Stord 1929.
82 gt, owned by Thomas Boge, Strandvik

Pre war history (from T. Eriksen, Norway - his sources: "Fjordabåten" by Dag Bakka Jr. 1994 and "Over Fjord og Fjell, HSD 1880-1980" by Bård Kolltveit 1980): Delivered in 1929 from Ottesens Skipsbyggeri, Sagvåg, Stord as Haugland I to Thomas Boge, Bogavik, Fusa. Wooden hull, 82 gt. The vessel was originally contracted by an unknown owner, and was taken over by Boge while being built. He subsequently made a secret deal with Hardanger Sunnhordlandske Dampskibsselskab, with the company taking the economical responsibility for the ship, which in turn was to compete with Lønningdal I, a bothersome competitor for HSD's routes in Midthordland and Hardanger. This meant that Haugland I more or less followed in Lønningdal I's wake, but offered somewhat lower prices than the latter at all times. The secret deal was not kept secret for long, and when a larger Lønningdal II (also listed on L-page) was delivered in 1932 Haugland I could not keep up with the competition. In 1935 she was placed in HSD's local traffic in Hardanger.

WW II: Placed in the local Bergen-Bømlo route in 1940, hence coming in contact with the illegal Shetland traffic quite early. With Tomas Boge as skipper she smuggled 40 people from Finnås, Norway to Shetland on Nov. 27-1941 (14 women and 4 children among them). Some of them had previously tried to get away with Blia, then with the vessel 7 Juni (the latter had to give it up due to bad weather). Like Blia, Haugland I encountered a horrendous storm on the crossing, and very nearly sank, but weathered the storm and arrived Lerwick safely on Nov. 29. There's a detailed description of how this all came about, and of the crossing itself in the book "Englandsfarten" by Ragnar Ulstein (this book tells the stories of the various fishing vessels and small boats that got away from Norway, and has included the names of those who were on board each one - text is in Norwegian). Captain Boge had his wife with him, she was expecting a baby (gave birth to her 4th child in London, 2 weeks later). Those who made the crossing were:

Chieef Engineer Harald Angeltvedt, Kari Berge, Rutt Berge, Galleyboy Johan Boge (son of captain), Kitty Boge, Kristiane Boge (captain's wife), Magnus Boge (boatswain), Tormod Boge, Harry Brekke, Johs. Hjertaker, Birger Hollund, Mate Lars Hopland, Katarina Larsen, Steward Gerhard Mikalsen (Malkenes?), Kåre Naustdal, Elisabeth Nesse, Lars Nesse, Sigfrid Nesse, Anna Netlandsnes, Erling Nilsen, Marta Nilsen, Alfred Pedersen, Tulla Pedersen, Mechanic Erling Rosvold, Anders Stavland, Helge Stavland, Magnus Stavland, Rakel Stavland, Asser Svendsen, Jenny Svendsen, Olaf Svendsen (baby), Leif Sælensminde, Elisabeth Særstein, Haakon Særstein, Marta Tangerås, Halvard Urang, Tina Urang, Gudrun Veddevik, John Westrheim, Johs. Økland, and of course Skipper Boge.

My Guestbook has a message from the great granddaughter of Tomas Boge, granddaughter of Johan Boge. See also this message, as well as this message (from a relative of Magnus and John Boge), and this Guestbook message.

The ship was subsequently taken over by allied authorities. Sank alongside the Lerwick quay on Dec. 7-1941 in heavy weather, but raised that same month and taken to Buckie, Scotland for repairs. Requisitioned by The Royal Navy in Jan.-1943.

POST WAR (T. Eriksen): Returned to owner in the spring of 1946 in a bad state of repair. Taken to Norway but not repaired. Sold that year to Ragnvald Øvrebø, Naustdal and converted to freighter. Sold in 1952 to Åsmund Hofsø, Tromsø, in service as freighter. Deleted from Norwegian register in 1980 as condemned.

Haugesund had a ship named Haugland in the 1920's, originally delivered in Nov.-1896 as Ardova for E. F. & W. Roberts, Liverpool, 3153 gt. Sailed as Greek Andros from 1901. Purchased in 1922 by A/S F. Heredia (N. Røgenæs), Haugesund as Haugland, transferred in 1927 to D/S A/S Theologos (same managers). Propeller broke during bad weather off the coast of Murmansk on Oct. 13-1933 and she ran aground, voyage Rotterdam-Archangel in ballast, no casualties. Salved by the Russians in Nov.-1934 and entered service as Pamyat Kirova. Deleted from Lloyd's in 1959. ("Våre gamle skip").

Departed Løno in Fjell on Sept. 16-1941 with 19 people.

The following came along:
Skipper Johan Solberg-Johansen, Mikal Andersen, Thorleif Bjertnes, Viggo Bjørnestad, Hans Johan Brevig, Osvald Dyrøy, Ole Endresen, Andreas Robert Hansen, Normann Hansen, Kåre Odd Hennes, Olaf Jensen, Johannes Johannesen, Emil Aksel Knudsen, Odd Reidar Knutsen, Alf Martinsen, Odd Olsen, Sverre Smørdahl, Arthur Roald Teigen and Oskar Kristofferesen Ulvseth.

Left Brandasund on Oct. 19-1940 with 4 people, arriving Lerwick the next day. The voyage had been organized by Bernhard Håvardsholm, who had escaped with Nordlys that summer. See also Blia.

On board were:
Sigmund Ove Førde, Bernhard Håvardsholm, Roger Lars Robertsen, and Lars Skjold.

Departed Ålesund in the evening of March 7-1941 with 28 people, having embarked those who had attempted to get away with Blåegg earlier. Arrived Shetland on March 9.

On board were:
John Akslen, Odd Ditlef Låder Berg, Schandar Berg, Karl Johan Bjørkavåg, Bjarne K. Blindheim, Petter Breivik, Kirsten Dybvik, Jakob Farstad, Bernhardt Goldberg, Kaspar Gudmundseth, Ivar Haug, Margot Haug, Wilhelm Iversen, Arne Kristiansen, Kåre Larsen, Kristian Fredrik Mørk, Leif Konrad Nakken, Reidar Nicolai Nilsen, Odd Knut Roald, Arne Rørstad, Lorentz Sanne, Kjell Sandvik, Tor Steffensen, Erling Tollås, Tore Mathias Veen, Edvin Vegsund, Sverre Petter Vegsund, and Gunnar Trygvesson Wegge.

Left Måløy on May 8-1940 with 20 people, among whom 11 were British who had arrived from Åndalsnes, 2 Jews from Austria who had come from Oslo, and 7 Norwegians. They landed in Baltasund.

These were on board:
Skipper and owner Simon Holvik, Peder Ramnaberg, Thor Andal, Anton Berg, Odd Berg, and Alf Øverby (who later joined Jan Mayen. My Guestbook has a message from his grandson). The 7th Norwegian was in charge of the British passengers and went on his way without giving his name.

Departed Stolmen on March 7-1945 with 7 people and arrived Lerwick on the 9th. Skipper was Edv. Stangeland from Stolmen. A 27' vessel.

Left Florø on March 12-1941 with 12 people, arriving Lerwick on the 14th.

On board were:
Jens Atle Dahl-Hansen, Arthur Edvardsen, Nils Fuglesang, Leif Hovden, Einar Kårbø, Åge Sandvik, Ingvar Solheim, Håkon Sunde, Rolf Ulriksen, Finn Leif Viddal, Jostein Ålen, and Ove Ålen.

Departed Haugesund on Apr. 11-1945 with 4 people, arriving Kirkwall on the 13th. Skipper was Henry Kalve. According to the website that I've linked to below, Heland was built by Einar Helland, Vestnes in Møre og Romsdal in 1937 for Severin, Arne A. Roald and Olaf Røssvik. Used for fishing herring, cod and small whales in the North Sea, the Baltic, near Jan Mayen and Iceland.

Left Vigra on Febr. 25-1942 with 23 people, and arrived Lerwick on the 27th. On board was Trygve Rypdal, the head of the Milorg organization in the district, and his family. This vessel had previously made 2 voyages to Shetland for SOE and Milorg (the first one in Nov.-1941 - see M/B Per).

This particular voyage came about on very short notice due to the many arrests initiated by the Gestapo and Henry Rinnan in connection with all the escapes that had taken place (about 50 people were arrested, 21 executed).

On board were:
Olaf Håhjem, Johan Hagbart Molnes, Nils Johan Molnes, Sverre Johan Molnes, Harald Peter Ratvik, Arne Ottar Roald, Arnfinn Sevrin Roald, Bjarne Jon Roald, Harald Gunnar Roald, Inga Emilie Roald, Jon Bernt Andersen Roald, Karl Johan Roald, Sevrin Olav Roald, Sverre Normann Roald, Arnfinn Oddmund Roaldsnes, Karl Sigvart Roaldsnes, Arild Rypdal (born 1934), Sylvi Rypdal, Trygve Rypdal (1938), Trygve Stein Rypdal, Jakob Peder Rørvik, Bernt Skodje, and Jakob Skodje.

Related external link:
List of Norwegian vessels - Scroll down to H. This site says she was stationed at Scalloway in 1943, as "reserve vessel", adding that she was somewhat rebuilt after the war. In 1960 her Håhjem motor was replaced by a 130 Hp Heimdal. She was condemned in 1971, but taken over by Sunnmøre Museum that same year, and is to be preserved as a typical representative of the fishing fleet in the period 1930-1960, and as a representative of the Shetland Busses.

Departed Bergen on July 5-1941 with 3 people, and arrived Lerwick on the 8th. Skipper and owner was Helmik Wallem from Bergen. Left Hitsøy on Aug. 27-1941 with 32 people and arrived Lerwick on the 29th.

These came along:
Skipper and owner Nils Hitsøy and his 16 year old son Leif. Several of the passengers had the last name Hitsøy as follows (5 of these were the skipper's brothers): Didrik, Halvard, Hans Lillebø, Herman Lønøy, Hjalmar, Jens Olsen, Kristoffer, Mathias, Olaf, and Tomas Pedersen Hitsøy. On board were also Hagbart Hansen (born 1923), Jenny Hansen (1913), Lilly Marie Hansen (born 1939), Harry Haugjord, Anna Nilsen Landro, Berny Midttveit, Nils Olsen Midttveit, Lars Nipen, Ingvald Onstad, Ingvard Selstø, Gunvald Storesund, Per Gerhard Syltøy, Anna Telle, Arne Telle, Malfred Telle, Johannes Trengereid (died in 2002), Arne Øvretveit, Hans Hansen Øvretveit, Mons Øvretveit, and Leonard Hansen Åse. The vast majority of the men were fishermen.

Departed Lepsøy in Os on Aug. 30-1944 with 5 people, arriving Lerwick on Sept. 2.

On board were:
Skipper Hardy Pedersen from Nordland, Borger Rustad, Olaf Sjursether, Mikal Tønjum, and Finn Våganes.

Left Ulsteinvik on Aug. 26-1941 with about 20 people but never reached her destination. Possibly bombed and sunk by a patrolling aircraft. Some of the passengers were to have sailed with Hugin earlier that month (listed further down on this page), but did not arrive in time. I've marked them with *. They had instead left with M/B Luna, which had developed motor trouble and had to return to the coast, anchoring at Ulsteinfjord, where the group embarked Hod the same evening.

Among others, these were on board:
Marcelle Aubert, Kåre Barsten* and his brother Sverre Barsten*, Johan Farstad* and his son Perry Farstad*, Helge Kjell Hansen, Hans Malvin Hernes, Sverre Seeberg Johannesen, Hilda Kristiansen, Sigurd Leira, Anton Magnussen, Haakon Heyerdahl Næss, Arne Skytterholm*, Ewald Olsen Smådal, Birger Stensrud, Konrad Strand, Trygve Svindland and Gerhard Øverland.

Left Bø in Vesterålen on Aug. 18-1941. Skipper and owner was Martin Steffensen, Klakksfjord. Crew consisted of Gunnar Jakobsen, Arne Albrigsten and Svein Johansen. After having picked up 4 passengers, 1 of whom was Olav Sætran, they left Norway on Aug. 23, and arrived Reykjavik on the 31st. Those who had been on board were initially arrested and remained at a camp for 2 weeks, before being sent to Glasgow with Leopoldville, still as prisoners. After having been interrogated in Glasgow, they were taken by train to London under escort by Scotland Yard. Interned at a school in London for 7 weeks, then moved to another school. Following further, extensive interrogations they were eventually freed and moved to a hotel.

G. Jakobsen and A. Albrigsten subsequently trained to be gunners at Dumbarton in Scotland, both joining Kongshavn in Jan.-1942, while S. Johansen became an able seaman (ship not known). The skipper worked for the Norwegian Army in London for a while, but later served as a mate on Agnes, before taking over as skipper on Hornfjell again until the end of the war (the vessel appears to have remained at Reykjavik). G. Jakobsen later served on B. P. Newton, Carrier and Austvangen, and returned to Norway after the war with Thorshammer.

Hornfjell returned to Norway after the war, still with M. Steffensen as skipper, and was extensively repaired and modernized, also lengthened to 65' (from about 60'), and used for fishing for many years.

(Source: Interview with Gunnar Jakobsen in the newspaper "Vesterålen", Jan. 21-2005 by Øistein Rysst).

Left Ålesund on Febr. 24-1941 with 12 people.

On board were:
Hans Gabriel Dedichen, Ole Eidsvik, Bernt Hauge, Severin Jansen (Leutenant *), Torleif Emil Justad, Kaare Poulsson, Gabriel Smith (Naval Captain*), Kristen Smith, Alfred Sortehaug, Kåre Sørensen, Andreas Tenfjord, and Roald Thommesen.

The 2 men denoted * belonged to a resistance group in Oslo that among other things were involved in helping officers get to Gt. Britain via Ålesund, where they were further assisted by the so-called "Torsvik Group".

Departed Ulsteinvik on Aug. 14-1941 with 10 people and arrived Lerwick on Aug. 17.

These came along:
Ansgar Brusdal, Alf Graven, Steinar Olav Hofseth, Anton Elias Kleven, Odd Kåre Meinseth, Harald Saunes, Johan Asbjørn Saunes, Leif Kaspar Skeide, Hans Storhaug, and Jørgen Ulvåen. See also the text under Hod further up on this page.

Left Larsnes in Rovde on Oct. 25-1940 with 2 people and arrived Baltasund on Oct. 27 after a crossing with heavy weather and motor trouble.

These were on board:
Alf Uri and J. Petter Åramnes (owner), both 20 years old.

Left Egersund on Sept. 20-1941 with 7 people, arriving Aberdeen on the 22nd.

These came along:
Skipper Alf Mong, Bernt Mong, Hans Nicolaysen Mong, Johan Mong, Kåre Mong, Thor Mong, and Halvdan Slettebø.

Left Førde in Sunnhordland on July 29-1941 and stopped at Uransvåg, Bremnes where the final plans for the crossing were made by people from the so-called "Bremnes Group". They departed Uransvåg on July 31, arriving Fraserburgh, Scotland on Aug. 3 after a very difficult voyage.

These were on board:
Arnfinn Bjørge, Sigurd Bjørge, Nils Larsen, Torleif Larsen, Kristian Simonsen, and Teodor Simonsen.