
M/S Molda - Norwegian Merchant Fleet 1939-1945

M/S Molda
Updated June 19-2010

To Molda on the "Ships starting with M" page.

(County Line) - Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.
More pictures are available on this external page (click in them to enlarge).

Manager: A/S J. Ludwig Mowinckels Rederi, Bergen
5137 gt

Delivered in Oct.-1937 from Deschimag Werk Weser, Bremen (916) as Molda to A/S J. Ludwig Mowinckels Rederi, Bergen. 5137 gt, 2981 net, 8425 tdwt, 435.2' x 55.8' x 25.2', 2 x 6 cyl. 2T DM (MAN AG, Augsburg), 3600 bhp.

Her voyages are listed on these original images from the Norwegian National Archives:
Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5

Please compare the above voyages with Arnold Hague's Voyage Record below.

  Voyage Record
From Dec.-1941 to Oct.-1945:  

(Received from Don Kindell - His source: The late Arnold Hague's database).

Follow the convoy links provided for more information on each.

Departure From To Arrival Convoy Remarks
1941 Dec. 27 St Thomas Rio Jan. 9-1942 Independent Earlier voyages:
Page 1, Page 2 & Page 3
1942 Jan. 12 Rio Santos Jan. 13 Independent
Jan. 16 Santos Montevideo Jan. 19 Independent
Jan. 20 Montevideo Buenos Aires Jan. 21 Independent
Jan. 31 Buenos Aires Santos Febr. 5 Independent
Febr. 7 Santos Boston Febr. 28 Independent
March 7 Boston New York City Independent
March 10 New York City Philadelphia March 11 Independent
March 16 Philadelphia New York City March 16 Independent
Apr. 30 New York City Trinidad May 10 Independent
May 15 Trinidad Montevideo June 1 Independent
June 6 Montevideo Buenos Aires June 7 Independent
June 22 Beunos Aires Trinidad July 11 Independent
July 15 Trinidad Key West July 23 TAW 5 Convoy available at TAW convoys
(external link)
July 27 Key West Hampton Roads July 31 KN 124 Convoy available at KN convoys
(external link)
Later arrived New York, Aug. 3
(Page 3)
Aug. 23 New York City Boston Aug. 24 Independent
Aug. 28 Boston Halifax Aug. 30 BX 35B Convoy available at BX convoys
(external link)
Aug. 30 Halifax Liverpool Sept. 11 HX 205 1 Passenger
Sept. 25 Liverpool New York City Oct. 11 ON 133 Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
Nov. 3 New York City Liverpool Nov. 18 HX 214 See also narrative below
Dec. 3 Liverpool New York City Dec. 23 ON 151 Via Belfast Lough - Page 3.
Convoy will be added.
See link above
1943 Jan. 6 New York City Liverpool Jan. 22 HX 222
Febr. 11 Liverpool New York City March 3 ON 166
March 18 New York City Liverpool Apr. 2 HX 230 Convoy will be added.
See ships in HX convoys
Apr. 18 Liverpool New York City May 6 ON 179 Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
May 25 New York City Clyde June 10 HX 241 See also narrative below and Page 4
July 1 Clyde New York City July 15 ON 191 Convoy will be added.
See link above
July 30 New York City Belfast Lough Aug. 12 HX 250
Aug. 12 Belfast Lough Swansea Aug. 13 BB 316 Convoy available at BB convoys
(external link)
Aug. 25 Swansea Milford Haven Aug. 25 Independent
Aug. 26 Milford Haven New York City Sept. 9 ON 199 Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
Sept. 22 New York City Liverpool Oct. 6 HX 258 Convoy will be added.
See ships in HX convoys
Oct. 18 Liverpool New York City Nov. 4 ON 207 Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
Nov. 19 New York City Liverpool Dec. 3 HX 267 Convoy will be added.
See ships in HX convoys
Dec. 16 Liverpool New York City Jan. 3-1944 ON 216 Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
1944 Jan. 22 New York City Clyde Febr. 7 HX 276 Again, see also Page 4
Febr. 14 Clyde New York City March 2 ON 224
March 21 New York City Liverpool Apr. 6 HX 284
Apr. 26 Liverpool New York City May 11 ON 234 Convoy will be added.
See link above
May 27 New York City Liverpool June 9 HX 293
June 25 Liverpool New York City July 11 ON 242 Convoy will be added.
See link above
July 25 New York City Liverpool Aug. 8 HX 301
Aug. 24 Liverpool Portland, Maine Sept. 7 ON 250 Convoy will be added.
See link above
Sept. 19 Portland, Maine Boston Sept. 20 Independent
Sept. 20 Boston Halifax Sept. 22 BX 126 Convoy available at BX convoys
(external link)
Sept. 23 Halifax Liverpool Oct. 5 HX 310
Oct. 16 Liverpool Halifax? Oct. 30 ON 260 See also Page 4
Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
Oct. 31 From ON 260 Boston?* Nov. 1 XB 132 Convoy available at XB convoys
(external link)
*Arrived New York, Nov. 2
(Page 5)
Nov. 19 New York City London Dec. 7 HX 321
Dec. 24 Downs New York City Jan. 8-1945 ON 274 Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
1945 Jan. 28 New York City Downs Febr. 10 HX 335 Again, see Page 5 above
(as well as narrative)
Febr. 13 Southend Tyne Febr. 14 FN 1632 Convoy available at FN convoys
(external link)
March 2 Tyne Southend March 4 FS 1744 Convoy available at FS convoys
(external link)
March 8 Downs New York City March 25 ON 289 Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
Apr. 16 New York City NG 502 Detached Apr. 19.
Convoy available at NG convoys
(external link)
Apr. 19 Detached from NG 502 Rio May 5 Independent
May 14 Rio Santos May 15 Independent
May 29 Santos Montevideo June 1 Independent
June 9 Montevideo Buenos Aires June 10 Independent
June 12 Buenos Aires Trinidad June 29 Independent Sailing date estimated
June 30 Trinidad New York City July 10 Independent
Aug. 2 New York City Rio Aug. 19 Independent
Aug. 24 Rio Bahia Independent
Aug. 26 Bahia Santos Independent
Sept. 5 Santos Montevideo Sept. 8 Independent
Sept. 14 Montevideo Buenos Aires Sept. 15 Independent
Sept. 29 Buenos Aires Boston Independent
Oct. 27 Boston New York City Oct. 28 Independent Further voyages, Page 5

For information on voyages made in between those mentioned here, please see the documents received from the National Archives of Norway and A. Hague's Voyage Record above. Follow the convoy links provided for further details; the Commodore's notes are also available for some of them and several Norwegian ships took part.

As can be seen when going to Page 1 of the archive documents, Molda was in New York when war broke out in Norway on Apr. 9-1940, departing that day for Philadelphia. Her 1941 voyages also start on this document and continue on Page 2 and Page 3. The latter page also shows her 1942 voyages. It'll be noticed that she spent quite a long time in New York that year. She had arrived there from Philadelphia on March 16 and departure is given as Apr. 30, when she proceeded to Trinidad, where she arrived May 10.

As can be seen, she didn't go to the U.K. at all until Aug. 30-1942, when she's listed, with a general cargo for Mersey, in station 105 of Convoy HX 205 from Halifax, arriving Liverpool on Sept. 11, and from then on she went back and forth across the Atlantic on a regular basis until Apr.-1945. (Acanthus, Eglantine, Montbretia and Potentilla are named among the escorts for HX 205. See also the Commodore's suggestions for improvement of the convoy system).

She's now listed, along with Anna Knudsen, Athos, Bello, Brimanger, Emma Bakke, Garonne, Grey County, Kosmos II, Minerva, Noreg, Nueva Granada, Petter II (returned), Polarsol, Polartank, Sandanger, Skandinavia, Thorshavet, Thorshov and the Panamanian Norbris (Norwegian managers and included under the N's on this website), in the westbound North Atlantic Convoy ON 133*, which left Liverpool on Sept. 25-1942 and arrived New York Oct. 11. Molda was scheduled to return with Convoy HX 213 from New York on Oct. 26, but instead joined the next convoy on Nov. 3, HX 214, general cargo for Liverpool, station 71. Her last Trans-Atlantic voyage that year was made in Convoy ON 151*, departing Liverpool on Dec. 3, arriving New York on the 23rd; see also Page 3. The Norwegian Atlantic, Brasil, Brimanger, Gefion, Geisha (Commodore Vessel), Kaia Knudsen, Skandinavia, Stigstad and Thorshov are also listed.

Early in the new year, on Jan. 6-1943, she can be found in Convoy HX 222 from New York, general cargo for Liverpool, where she arrived Jan. 22 (Vestfold was sunk - follow the link for details). Molda headed back to New York on Febr. 11 with Convoy ON 166, in which several ships were sunk, including the Norwegian Stigstad, Ingria, N. T. Nielsen-Alonso and Glittre - follow the links for more info. Other Norwegian ships in this convoy were Tropic Star, Skandinavia, Tai Shan and Brasil. Molda arrived New York on March 3, and according to Arnold Hague, she subsequently returned to the U.K. in Convoy HX 230*, departing New York on March 18, arriving Liverpool Apr. 2 (again, see also Page 3). As usual, she had been in the company of other Norwegian ships, namely Høyanger, Kong Haakon VII, O. B. Sørensen, Skjelbred and Tai Shan. Molda went back in the other direction again on Apr. 18, joining Convoy ON 179*, which arrived New York on May 6 and also had Athos, Boreas (returned to port), Buenos Aires, Høyanger, Katy, Mosdale, Norheim, President de Vogue and Tai Shan in its ranks.

Molda was scheduled for Convoy HX 240 on May 19, but instead joined the next convoy on May 25, HX 241, general cargo for Glasgow, station 73, arriving Glasgow on June 10 (see Page 4). Early the following month we find her, together with Heranger, Kronprinsessen, Oregon Express, Salamis, Spinanger and the Panamanian Norbris, in the westbound Convoy ON 191*, originating in Liverpool on July 1 (Molda sailed from Clyde that day), arriving New York July 15, and at the end of that month, she shows up in Convoy HX 250, bound for Swansea with general cargo. She arrived her destination on Aug. 13, having stopped at Belfast Lough the day before. A couple of weeks later, she's listed in the westbound Convoy ON 199*, which sailed from Liverpool on Aug. 26 and also included Cypria, Haakon Hauan (returned), Høyanger, Kaldfonn, Kronprinsessen, Norma, Solsten, Spinanger and Stiklestad. Molda arrived New York on Sept. 9/10 (having started out from Milford Haven Aug. 26).

According to Arnold Hague she subsequently headed back across the Atlantic on Sept. 22 in Convoy HX 258*, which arrived Liverpool Oct. 6. Haakon Hauan, Idefjord, Norheim, Roald Amundsen and San Andres are also listed. Together with Idefjord and San Andres, Molda now joined Convoy ON 207*, departing Liverpool for New York on Oct. 18, and the following month A. Hague has her, with a general cargo and explosives, in station 42 of Convoy HX 267*, departing New York on Nov. 19, arriving Liverpool Dec. 3. Ferncourt and San Andres are also included. Molda left again for New York on Dec. 16, arriving her destination on Jan. 3-1944, having sailed in Convoy ON 216*, along with Ferncourt, Fernwood and Skiensfjord - Fagerfjell also joined, but returned to port. Molda's voyages in this period are shown on Page 4.

She commenced her voyage back to the U.K. on Jan. 22-1944 in Convoy HX 276 from New York, for which Abraham Lincoln served as Commodore Vessel. Molda was again bound for Glasgow with general cargo, arriving there on Febr. 7, then returned to the U.S. with Convoy ON 224, which originated in Liverpool on Febr. 14 and arrived New York on March 2 (Molda had joined from Clyde). The Norwegian Fernmoor, Skaraas, Pan Scandia, Samuel Bakke and Vanja are also listed, some of which, including Molda, headed back to the U.K. on March 21 with Convoy HX 284, which arrived Liverpool on Apr. 6 and again had Abraham Lincoln as Commodore Ship. Later that month Molda joined Convoy ON 234* (from Liverpool Apr. 26), along with Estrella, Abraham Lincoln, Fagerfjell, Fernmoor, Garonne, Geisha, Kaldfonn, Leiv Eiriksson, Lista, Petter, Romulus, Samuel Bakke, Skiensfjord, Solfonn, Strinda and Vinland, as well as the Panamanian Norlys (Norwegian managers).

On May 27 we find her in Convoy HX 293 from New York, general cargo for Liverpool, where she arrived June 10 (according to Page 4) - this time, Samuel Bakke served as Commodore Vessel. Molda now returned to New York again, having joined Convoy ON 242*, departing Liverpool June 25, arriving New York July 11. Ferncliff, Fernmoor, Fjordheim, Havkong, Marit II, Peik, Samuel Bakke (Vice Commodore), Skiensfjord, Solstad, Solsten, Stirlingville, Tercero, Thorshov and Vera are also listed, some of which, including Molda, went back across the Atlantic in Convoy HX 301 from New York on July 25. Commodore was in Reinholt, Vice Commodore in Samuel Bakke. Molda was again bound for Liverpool with general cargo, arriving there on Aug. 8.

She later joined Convoy ON 250*, again with several other Norwegian ships, namely Fridtjof Nansen, Haakon Hauan, Havkong, Pan Scandia, Samuel Bakke (Commodore Vessel) and Thorshov as well as the Panamanian Norlys. This convoy left Liverpool on Aug. 24-1944 and arrived New York Sept. 7; Molda arrived Portland, Maine that day. From Portland, she made a voyage to Boston (Page 4), then on to Halifax in order to join the Halifax portion of Convoy HX 310, general cargo for Liverpool, where she arrived on Oct. 6. This convoy had started out in New York on Sept. 21; Molda had sailed from Halifax on the 23rd - Commodore was again in Reinholt, while the Norwegian Høyanger served as the Vice Commodore's ship. Acanthus, Buttercup, Rose and Tunsberg Castle are named among the escorts (see HX convoy escorts), but please note that Buttercup did not come under the Norwegian flag until after the loss of Tunsberg Castle (my page about this ship has more info).

With Høyanger (Commodore Vessel), Skiensfjord (returned), Strinda and Thorhild, Molda subsequently joined the westbound Convoy ON 260*, departing Liverpool Oct. 16 - Rose (sunk - follow the link to my page about Rose above), Buttercup and Tunsberg Castle are again mentioned among the escorts (see ON convoy escorts). Via Cape Cod Canal, Molda arrived New York on Nov. 2, then on the 19th of that month she's listed in Convoy HX 321, general cargo for London; she arrived Gravesend on Dec. 7 (Buttercup escorted for a while). Before that year was over, she went back across the Atlantic with Convoy ON 274* and arrived New York on Jan. 8-1945 - see Page 5. Marathon, Høyanger, Kristianiafjord, Kronprinsessen, Laurits Swenson, Samuel Bakke (Commodore Vessel), Solør, Sophocles and Velma are also included.

Molda was scheduled for the New York-U.K. Convoy HX 334 on Jan. 23-1945 (Commodore in Samuel Bakke), but instead joined the next convoy on Jan. 28, HX 335, general cargo for Newcastle. She arrived North Shields on Febr. 14, remaining there for quite some time. Her last Trans-Atlantic voyage was made in Convoy ON 289*, arriving New York on March 25. Brasil, Dalfonn, Havprins, Høyanger, John Bakke and Polarsol, and again the Panamanian Norlys, as well as Norvinn also took part. The rest of her voyages are shown on Page 5 (to Apr.-1946).

* The ON convoys will be added to individual pages in my Convoys section in due course, with more information on each; in the meantime, the ships sailing in them (and escorts) are named in the section listing ships in all ON convoys. Note also that the entire HX series will eventually be updated and completed, including the already existing convoys (some have already been updated) but for now, see ships in all HX convoys.

More details on the other Norwegian ships mentioned on this page can be found with the help of the alphabet index below, or go to the Master Ship Index.

Renamed Molda County in 1959 (not sold). Renamed Molda in 1961 (not sold). Sold in 1963 to K/S A/S Ocean Transport & Co. and D/S A/S Fro (August Kjerland & Co A/S), Bergen, renamed Fana. Renamed Captain Leonidas in 1966, having been sold in Dec.-1965 to Astronuevo Cia. Nav. S/A (Marine Star Shipping Agencies Inc., New York), Panama. Grounded in Canal Messier on Apr. 7-1968 while on a voyage from Santos to Valparaiso with sugar and became a total loss.

Back to Molda on the "Ships starting with M" page.

Other ships by this name: This company used the name Molda again for a tanker delivered to them in Dec.-1966, built at Kiel, 75 494 gt. Broken up in 1979. Another Molda was delivered to the company in June-1979, built in Japan, 24 999 gt. Renamed Condor Arrow in 1991 for Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Skipsrederi A/S, Bergen - still in service. Yet another Molda was delivered in Apr.-1994, also built in Japan, 52 157 gt. Still in service, managed by Vista Ship Management A/S, Bergen.
























