
D/S Tore Jarl - Norwegian Merchant Fleet 1939-1945

D/S Tore Jarl
Updated Oct. 3-2012

To Tore Jarl on the "Ships starting with T" page.

Source: Bjørn Milde's postcard collection.

Manager: Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim
1514 gt, 886 net, 2470 dwt.
Dimensions: 243' (lpp) x 39' 3" x 19' 3".
Machinery: Triple exp. steam engine by yard, 850 ihp.
Service Speed: 10 knots.

Delivered from Fredriksstad Mek. Verksted as Tore Jarl (234) to Det Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab, Trondheim on Jan. 12-1920. Cargo liner for the Mediterranean service.

Her voyages are listed on these original images from the Norwegian National Archives:
Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7

Please compare the above voyages with Arnold Hague's Voyage Record below.

  Voyage Record
From March-1940 to June-1945:  

(Received from Don Kindell - His source: The late Arnold Hague's database).

Follow the convoy links provided for more information on each (where the "Convoy" column is left blank, it means that convoy is not known).

Errors may exist, and some voyages are missing.

Departure From To Arrival Convoy Remarks
1940 March 14 Norwegian Waters Methil March 17 HN 19
March 18 Methil Blyth March 19 MT 33 Convoy available via this page
(external link)
Apr. 27 Blyth Tyne Apr. 27
May 3 Tyne Downs May 5 FS 161 Convoy available at FS convoys
(external link)
May 5 Downs Rouen May 6 Independent
May 10 Rouen Brest May 13 Independent
May 13 Brest 44 B Dispersed.
Convoy available at 44 B
(external link)
May 16 Dispersed from 44B Salonika Independent See also Page 1
June 1 Salonika Gibraltar June 10 Independent
June 16 Gibraltar Weymouth Bay June 26 HG 34
July 9 Weymouth Bay London July 10 Independent (See also Page 1).
Aug. 1 Southend Tyne Aug. 2 FN 239 Convoy available at FN convoys
(external link)
Aug. 3 Tyne Methil Aug. 3 FN 239 Convoy available at link above
Aug. 5 Methil OA 194 Dispersed Aug. 9.
Convoy available at OA 194
(external link)
Aug. 9 Dispersed from OA 194 Sydney, C.B. Aug. 16 Independent
Aug. 17 Sydney, C.B. Halifax Aug. 19 Independent
Sept. 7 Halifax Sydney, C.B. Sept. 8 Independent
Sept. 10 Sydney, C.B. Preston Sept. 29 SC 4
Oct. 11 Preston Cardiff Oct. 12 Independent
Oct. 26 Cardiff Milford Haven Oct. 27 Independent
Oct. 28 Milford Haven OB 236 For Levis.
Dispersed Nov. 2.
Convoy available at OB 236
(external link)
Nov. 2 Dispersed from OB 236 Mt Louis Nov. 10 Independent (See also narrative below)
Nov. 23 Mt Louis Halifax Dec. 4 Independent A. Hague says:
Arrived Halifax in tow, lost rudder
1941 June 10 Halifax Loch Ewe June 26 HX 132
June 29 Loch Ewe Methil July 1 WN 146 Convoy available at WN convoys
(external link)
July 1 Methil Grimsby July 3 FS 530 Convoy available at FS convoys
(external link)
July 15 Grimsby Loch Ewe July 19 EC 46 Convoy available at EC convoys
(external link)
July 23 Loch Ewe OB 349 For St. John, N.B.
Dispersed 50N 49W, Aug. 1.
Convoy available at OB 349
(external link)
Aug. 1 Dispersed from OB 349 St. John, N.B. Aug. 6 Independent
Aug. 17 St. John, N.B. Hampton Roads Aug. 21 Independent
Aug. 21 Hampton Roads Bathurst Sept. 16 Independent
Oct. 1 Bathurst Freetown Oct. 4 Independent
Oct. 20 Freetown Freetown Oct. 26 Independent A. Hague says:
Voyage data unknown
(Page 2 indicates Sherbro).
Nov. 6 Freetown Freetown Nov. 7 SL 92 Returned.
Convoy available at SL 92
(external link)
See also narrative.
Nov. 24 Freetown St Thomas Dec. 13 Independent (See also Page 2).
Dec. 17 St Thomas Hampton Roads Dec. 28 Independent
1942 Jan. 5 Hampton Roads Halifax Jan. 10 Independent
Jan. 17 Halifax Halifax Jan. 19 SC 65 Put back
Jan. 30 Halifax Halifax Jan. 30 SC 67 Put back
(see also narrative below).
Febr. 10 Halifax Loch Ewe Febr. 26 SC 69
Febr. 28 Loch Ewe Methil March 2 WN 251 Convoy available at WN convoys
(external link)
March 2 Methil Middlesbrough March 3 FS 740 Convoy available at FS convoys
(external link)
March 4 Middlesbrough Hull March 7 Left Hul March 21
(Page 2).
March 23 Spurn Methil March 24 FN 662 Convoy available at FN convoys
(external link)
March 24 Methil Loch Ewe March 26 EN 63 Convoy available at EN convoys
(external link)
March 27 Loch Ewe Halifax Apr. 15 ON 80 For Halifax.
Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
Apr. 16 Halifax St. John, N.B. Apr. 18 XB 10 For St. John, N.B.
Convoy available at XB convoys
(external link)
Apr. 24 St. John, N.B. Halifax Apr. 25 BX 10 Convoy available at BX convoys
(external link)
Apr. 30 Halifax Preston May 16 SC 82
May 31 Preston Liverpool June 1 Independent Notional dates
June 2 Liverpool Sydney, C.B. June 16 ON 100 Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
June 17 Sydney, C.B. Halifax June 20 SH 15 Convoy available at SH convoys
(external link)
June 23 Halifax Sydney, C.B. June 25 HS 16 Convoy available at HS convoys
(external link)
June 26 Sydney, C.B. Belfast Lough July 10 SC 89
July 11 Belfast Lough Swansea Bay July 12 BB 197 Convoy available at BB convoys
(external link)
July 13 Swansea Bay Southampton July 15 WP 186 See also Page 2
Convoy available at WP convoys
(external link)
Left Southampton July 21.
July 22 Solent Falmouth July 23 PW 190 Convoy available via this page
(external link)
July 24 Falmouth Swansea July 25 PW 191 Convoy available via link above
July 29 Swansea Milford Haven July 30 Independent
July 31 Milford Haven Halifax Aug. 18 ON 118 For Halifax
(via Belfast Lough - Page 3).
Convoy will be added.
See ships in ON convoys
Sept. 12 Halifax Loch Ewe Sept. 28 SC 100 See also narrative below
Sept. 30 Loch Ewe Methil Oct. 2 WN 343 Convoy available at WN convoys
(external link)
Oct. 2 Methil Grimsby Oct. 4 FS 923 Convoy available at FS convoys
(external link)
Oct. 14 Grimsby Immingham Oct. 14
Oct. 25 Immingham Blyth Oct. 27 FN 848 Convoy available at FN convoys
(external link)
Nov. 1 Blyth Methil Nov. 2 FN 853 Convoy available at link above
Nov. 4 Methil Oban Nov. 7 EN 158 Convoy available at EN convoys
(external link)
Nov. 8 Oban Loch Ewe Nov. 8 Independent
Nov. 10 Loch Ewe Reykjavik Nov. 16 UR 49 Convoy available at UR convoys
(external link)
See also Page 3
Nov. 26 Reykjavik Loch Ewe Dec. 1 RU 50 Convoy available at RU convoys
(external link)
Dec. 3 Loch Ewe Methil Dec. 6 WN 368 Convoy available at WN convoys
(external link)
Dec. 6 Methil Blyth Dec. 7 FS 979 Convoy available at FS convoys
(external link)
Dec. 17 Blyth Methil Dec. 18 FN 893 Convoy available at FN convoys
(external link)
Dec. 19 Methil Loch Ewe Dec. 21 EN 175 Convoy available at EN convoys
(external link)
Dec. 24 Loch Ewe Reykjavik Dec. 29 UR 55 Convoy available at UR convoys
(external link)
On to Hvalfjord
(Page 3).
1943 Jan. 19 Reykjavik Oban Jan. 27 RU 58 Convoy available at RU convoys
(external link)
Left Oban same day
(Page 3)
Jan. 28 Belfast Lough Mumbles Jan. 30 BB 257 Convoy available at BB convoys
(external link)
Jan. 31 Mumbles Barry Febr. 1 Independent
Febr. 25 Barry Liverpool Febr. 27 Independent
March 1 Liverpool Cardiff March 5 Independent See also Page 4
March 13 Cardiff Liverpool March 14 Independent On to Manchester
(Page 4)
March 17 Liverpool Cardiff March 19 Independent Again, see also Page 4.
March 27 Cardiff Clyde March 29 Independent
March 31 Clyde Passed Gibraltar Apr. 12 KMS 12G Page 4 gives arrival Bougie Apr. 15.
Convoy will be added.
See ships in KMS convoys
Apr. 23 Bougie Algiers Apr. 24 MKS 12 Bougie to Algiers.
Convoy will be added.
See ships in MKS convoys
Apr. 28 Algiers Philippeville Apr. 29 KMS 13 A. Hague says:
Oran to Philippeville
(probably means Algiers to P'ville,
Oran not mentioned, Page 4).
Convoy will be added.
See ships in KMS convoys
May 10 Philippeville Algiers May 11 ET 20 Convoy available via this page
(external link)
May 17 Algiers Bougie May 17
May 20 Bougie Bizerta May 22 See also narrative below
May 25 Bizerta Philippeville May 28
May 28 Philippeville Bougie May 29
June 1 Bougie Algiers June 2
June 24 Algiers Bizerta June 29 GTX 3 Convoy available via link above
Aug. 6 Bizerta Syracuse Aug. 10
Sept. 4 Syracuse Augusta Sept. 4 Notional sailing date.
Sept. 11 Augusta Malta Sept. 12 Notional sailing date.
Sept. 14 Malta Bizerta Sept. 19 Notional sailing date
(Page 4 gives Sept. 15).
Sept. 20 Bizerta Bougie Sept. 21 MKS 25 Bizerta to Bougie
Sept. 27 Bougie Algiers Sept. 28
Nov. 26 Algiers Gibraltar Nov. 29 GUS 22 Algiers to Gibraltar.
Convoy available at GUS convoys
(external link)
Dec. 23 Gibraltar Milford Haven Jan. 3-1944 XK 13 Convoy available via this page
(external link)
1944 Jan. 4 Milford Haven Sharpness Jan. 5 Independent
March 20 Sharpness Milford Haven March 21 Independent Page 5 gives arrival Belfast Lough, March 23, left March 24.
March 22 Milford Haven* OS 72/KMS 46 *Milford Haven not mentioned, Page 5.
For Taranto.
11 tons potatoes.
Convoy split Apr. 5.
Available at OS 72/KMS 46
(external link)
Apr. 5 Convoy split Gibraltar Apr. 6 KMS 46G For Augusta.
Convoy will be added.
See ships in KMS convoys
Apr. 9 Gibraltar Philippeville Apr. 15 UGS 37 Gibraltar to Philippeville via Algiers
(see Page 5).
Convoy available at UGS convoys
(external link)
Apr. 16 Philippeville Augusta Apr. 19 Notional sailing date.
Apr. 22 Augusta Torre Annunzio Apr. 23 VN 34A Again, see also Page 5.
Convoy available at VN convoys
(external link)
Apr. 27 Torre Annunziata Naples
May 7 Naples Augusta May 8 NV 37 Convoy available at NV convoys
(external link)
Missing movements, Page 5
May 12 Augusta Naples May 14 VN 39A Convoy available at VN convoys
(external link)
Missing movements, Page 5
May 17 Naples Augusta May 18 NV 39 Did not sail.
Convoy available at NV convoys
(external link)
May 22 Naples Augusta May 23 NV 40 Convoy available at link above
May 24 Augusta Bizerta May 26 MKS 50 Convoy will be added.
See ships in MKS convoys
May 31 Bizerta Augusta June 2
June 3 Augusta Taranto June 4 AH 47 Convoy available at AH convoys
(external link)
June 10 Taranto Augusta June 12 HA 48 Convoy available at HA convoys
(external link)
June 13 Augusta Bizerta June 15 MKS 52 Augusta to Bizerta.
Convoy will be added.
See ships in MKS convoys
June 23 Bizerta Augusta
June 25 Augusta Taranto June 26 AH 51 Convoy available at AH convoys
(external link)
July 2 Taranto Crotone July 4 HA 52 Convoy available at HA convoys
(external link)
July 8 Crotone Augusta July 10 Notional sailing date.
July 11 Augusta Licata July 11
July 17 Malta Augusta July 19
July 31 Augusta Barletta Aug. 2 AH 58 Convoy available at AH convoys
(external link)
Aug. 14 Bari Augusta Aug. 16 Escorted
Aug. 19 Augusta Naples Aug. 20 Escorted
Aug. 21 Naples Piombino Aug. 22* VN 60A *Page 5 gives arrival Aug. 24.
Convoy available at VN convoys
(external link)
Aug. 26 Piombino Naples Aug. 27
Sept. 11 Naples Augusta Sept. 12
Sept. 14 Augusta Brindisi Sept. 16 Escorted
Sept. 26 Barletta Ancona Sept. 28 Escorted
Oct. 2 Ancona Brindisi Oct. 4 Escorted
Oct. 13 Barletta Ancona Oct. 14 Escorted
Oct. 17 Ancona Bari Oct. 19
Oct. 21* Bari Brindisi Oct. 21 *Page 6 gives departure Oct. 19.
Oct. 23 Brindisi Syracuse Oct. 25
Nov. 1 Syracuse Taranto Nov. 3 Independent Via Augusta
(see Page 6).
Nov. 3 Taranto Brindisi Nov. 4 Independent
Nov. 6 Brindisi Barletta Nov. 7 Independent Again, see also Page 6.
Nov. 9 Barletta Ancona Nov. 11
Nov. 15 Ancona Brindisi
Nov. 18 Brindisi Bizerta Nov. 24 Independent
1945 Febr. 5 Bizerta Bone Febr. 6 Independent
Febr. 7 Bona Philippeville Febr. 8 Independent A. Hague says:
Then coastal traffic central Med.
See Page 6
June 5 Leghorn Genoa June 5 Escorted Subsequent voyages:
Page 6 above & Page 7

For information on voyages made in between those mentioned here, please see the documents received from the National Archives of Norway and A. Hague's Voyage Record above. Please follow the convoy links provided for more details; the Commodore's notes are also available for some of them and several Norwegian ships took part.

Tore Jarl is listed as sailing in Convoy HN 19 from Norway to the U.K. in March-1940, bound for Blyth in ballast. She arrived her destination on March 19, having sailed from Bergen on the 13th, according to Page 1 of the archive documents. She subsequently remained in Blyth for several weeks.

In May that year, she made a voyage to Rouen and Brest, and a French visitor to my website has told me that she sailed from Brest on May 13-1940 in convoy 44 B under French escort, to Casablanca or Oran (the archive document gives departure Brest as May 14, with destination Greece; Casablanca and Oran are not mentioned). Torfinn Jarl was also in this convoy, which is available via the external link provided within the Voyage Record above. In June, we find her in Convoy HG 34 from Gibraltar to the U.K., cargo of manganesite for Portland, then London, where she arrived July 9.

The following month she's listed, along with Atle Jarl, in Convoy OA 194, which departed Methil on Aug. 5 and dispersed on the 9th. Her destination is not given, but from Page 1, we learn that she arrived Sydney, C.B. on Aug. 16, heading back to the U.K. on Sept. 10 with Convoy SC 4. Tore Jarl was bound for Preston with a cargo of lumber on that occasion and arrived there on Sept. 29. With Boreas, Ingerfire and Olaf Fostenes (Commodore Vessel), she later appears in Convoy OB 236, originating in Liverpool on Oct. 29, dispersed Nov. 2, Tore Jarl arriving Mont Luis on Nov. 10 (having started out from Milford Haven on Oct. 28). See the external links provided in the table above for more information on the OA and OB convoys mentioned here (though it'll be noticed that the listings are incomplete). She was scheduled for Convoy SC 13 from Sydney, C.B. to the U.K. on Nov. 22, but did not sail (she was still at Mont Luis on that date).

As can be seen when going back to Page 1, there's now a long gap in her voyages; According to A. Hague, she had arrived Halifax from Mont Luis in tow on Dec. 4-1940, having lost her rudder. She did not leave again until June 10-1941, when she's listed in Convoy HX 132, bound for Grimsby with a cargo of lumber, arriving that destination, via Loch Ewe and Methil, on July 3. With Benwood, Gallia, Gard, Lise, Thode Fagelund and Vav, she later joined Convoy OB 349, which originated in Liverpool on July 21 and dispersed Aug. 1 (link in table above). This time, she was bound for St. John, N.B., arriving there on Aug. 6 (having sailed from Loch Ewe July 23). From St. John, she subsequently proceeded to Hampton Roads, then on to Bathurst and Freetown. Her voyages in this period are shown on Page 2. Arnold Hague mentions her, along with Lynghaug (see also Montbretia) in Convoy SL 92, departing Freetown on Nov. 6 (link in Voyage Record), but she returned to port the next day, agreeing with the information found on the archive document. According to the external website that I've linked to at the end of this page, she was scheduled for Convoy SL 93 from Freetown on Nov. 19, but did not sail (her captain's name is given as O. Harfjord). She eventually left Freetown on Nov. 24, arriving St. Lucia on Dec. 13, and it looks like she made this voyage independently. On Dec. 17, she headed back to Hampton Roads, with arrival Dec. 28, later proceeding to Halifax on Jan. 5-1942 in order to join a convoy to the U.K.

With a cargo of palm nuts for Hull, we now find her in the slow Convoy SC 65 from Halifax on Jan. 17-1942. However, she returned to port, subsequently joining Convoy SC 67 on Jan. 30, but returned again (Heina was sunk - follow link for details). It looks like she may have been scheduled for Convoy SC 68 on Febr. 4 but finally got away on Febr. 10 with Convoy SC 69 and arrived Hull, via Loch Ewe, Methil and Middlesbrough, on March 7. She returned to Halifax again with Convoy ON 80*, departing Liverpool on March 27, arriving Halifax Apr. 15 (Tore Jarl had sailed from Loch Ewe, March 27). Novasli and Para are also listed. At the end of that month, she can be found in Convoy SC 82 back to the U.K., and in June she's listed, together with Borgfred, Kirsten B (joined from Halifax) and Rio Branco (returned), in the westbound North Atlantic Convoy ON 100*, which left Liverpool on June 2. No destination is given for Tore Jarl, but from Page 2, we learn that she arrived Sydney, C.B. on June 16, heading back to the U.K. on June 26 in the slow Convoy SC 89, cargo of wood pulp. She arrived Southampton, via various other ports, on July 15.

Together with with Dux, Evanger (Commodore Vessel), Nea, Norvarg, Rio Verde and Spero, she later joined the westbound Convoy ON 118*, originating in Liverpool on Aug. 1-1942. Tore Jarl arrived Halifax on Aug. 18 (she had started out from Milford Haven on July 31). With lumber for London, she was scheduled for Convoy SC 97 a few days later (in which Bronxville was sunk; follow the link for more info - Vice Commodore was in Bonneville), but did not sail, and was also cancelled from the next convoy, SC 98. According to Arnold Hague, she joined Convoy SC 100 on Sept. 12. Her subsequent voyages are shown on Page 3 and Page 4 - convoy information for some of these can be found in the Voyage Record above.

Skipping now to March-1943, when she's listed in Convoy KMS 12*, departing Clyde on March 31, arriving Bone Apr. 15 - her destination is not given, but according to Page 4 above, she arrived Bougie that day. She left Bougie again on Apr. 23 and arrived Algiers on the 24th, having sailed in Convoy MKS 12*. On Apr. 28, she left Algiers for Philippeville, joining Convoy KMS 13* (which had sailed from Gibraltar on Apr. 26) and arrived her destination on Apr. 29.

She's said to have shot down an enemy aircraft while in Convoy KM 11(?) on the coast between Bougie and Philippeville on May 21-1943. This convoy designation (from "Nortraships flåte") does not make sense, but I'm not sure which convoy she was in. Gunners were Rolf Caspersen and Viktor Solberg, and 2nd mate E. Olifsen also took part in the defence against the attacker. The aircarft fell in the sea about 100 yards behind Tore Jarl, and it appears the pilots of the downed plane were picked up from the water by a corvette. At that time, she was on her way from Bougie to Bizerta, having left Bougie on May 20, arriving Bizerta May 22 (according to A. Hague).

Together with Bruse Jarl, she's said to have had the honour of being the first merchant ship to arrive Bizerta after the allied landings there.

In Sept.-1943, she made a voyage from Bizerta to Bougie with Convoy MKS 25 - scroll down to the second table on my page about this convoy. She had departed Bizerta on Sept. 20 and arrived her destination the next day. As can be seen, when going back to Page 4, she proceeded to Algiers a few days later, remaining there for a long time and also had a long stay in Gibraltar, before returning to the U.K. (convoy details in the table above). Page 5 shows another long stay in Sharpness at the beginning of 1944.

In March-1944, Tore Jarl is listed in Convoy OS 72/KMS 46, voyaging from Belfast to Taranto with general cargo in station 31 (A. Hague gives her cargo as 11 tons potatoes). This convoy left Liverpool on March 23 and split up on Apr. 5, the Gibraltar portion (KMS 46*, in which Tore Jarl took part) arriving there on Apr. 6, while the OS convoy continued to Freetown. Follow the link provided within the Voyage Record for more convoy details; Bosphorus (Commodore Vessel), Mathilda and Troubadour are also named. According to Page 5, Tore Jarl had sailed from Belfast Lough on March 24 (initially bound for Taranto), and from Gibraltar, she proceeded to Algiers and Philippeville, then on to Augusta and Naples. Convoy info for some of her subsequent voyages can be found in the table above.

In May that same year she's listed in Convoy MKS 50*, originating in Port Said on May 19, arriving Gibraltar May 31; Tore Jarl, however, was on a voyage from Augusta to Bizerta, where she arrived May 26, having left Augusta on May 24. Having made another voyage to Augusta and on to Taranto, she returned to Augusta, leaving on June 13, joining Convoy MKS 52*, which had started out from Port Said on June 8 and arrived Gibraltar June 20, but Tore Jarl's destination was again Bizerta, where she arrived June 15. Again, please see Page 5 for a listing of her subsequent voyages, with convoy information for some of them in the Voyage Record.

Her 1945 voyages start on Page 6 (as can be seen, she had had a long stay in Bizerta), while the rest are listed on Page 7. The latter document also shows that she went home to Norway in Oct.-1945.

* The ON convoys will be added to individual pages in my Convoys section in due course, along with further details on each. In the meantime, the ships sailing in them (and escorts) are named in the section listing ships in all ON convoys. The MKS and KMS convoys will also be added, but for now, see ships in all MKS convoys and ships in all KMS convoys.

More info on the other Norwegian ships mentioned here is available via the alphabet index at the end of this page, or go to the Master Ship Index.

Tore Jarl was in for repairs and modernizing in Nov.-1945, completed in July 1946 (possibly in Haugesund? Again, see Page 7). Sold in Jan.-1950 to Nivaldi & Giacomini S.A.L., Transport Maritimi & Terresti, Genoa, Italy and renamed Valgardena, delivered on March 17. Sold again in 1953 to Ligure Veneta di Navigatione S.A., Genoa. Sold in 1956 to Captain Salvatore Lofaro, Naples, Italy. Broken up in Italy in 1972.

Back to Tore Jarl on the "Ships starting with T" page.

Other ships by this name: The company's first Tore Jarl (ex Narbonne?) was built in 1903, 1256 gt, purchased by Nordenfjeldske in 1911 - torpedoed and sunk by the German UC-49 on May-7-1917 southwest of Sumburgh Head on a voyage Tyne-Trondheim with a cargo of coal and general, as well as 27 passengers, 1 died. The survivors were taken to Lerwick by an English trawler. See also this thread on my Ship Forum. Nordenfjeldske also had a 3rd Tore Jarl, built 1956, 839 gt (later lengthened and became 969 gt). Sold several times between 1976 and 1989, and had the names George Z, North Star, North Sky; still in service as North Sky in 1999 (Roger Smith International, Takoradi).

The text on this page was compiled with the help of: "Nortraships flåte", J. R. Hegland, Det Nordenfjeldske D/S fleet list, Finn R. Hansen, and misc. (ref. My sources).