
World Customs Organization

  • Declaration of the Council concerning promotion of Conventions and other international instruments designed to harmonize and standardize Customs laws and regulations and technical co-operation - Seoul Declaration (May 1984)

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning its role in the field of Customs enforcement - Brussels Declaration (June 1986)

  • Declaration of the Council for meeting the challenges of the year 2000 - Ottawa Declaration (June 1987)

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning harmonization/computerization of Customs procedures and a strategy for the 21stcentury - Washington Declaration (July 1989)

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council on the further national development of Memoranda of Understanding between Customs and the trading community aimed at co-operation to prevent drug smuggling - MOU Declaration (June 1992)

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning good Governance and Integrity in Customs - The Revised Arusha Declaration [ar] (June 2003)

  • Declaration of the World Customs Organization on transnational organized crime - Budapest Declaration (June 1997)

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council on the improvement of Customs co-operation and mutual administrative assistance - Cyprus Declaration (June 2000)

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning e-commerce - Baku Declaration (June 2001) [ar]*

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council on the illicit traffic in drugs - Brussels Declaration (June 2003)

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council on the illegal wildlife trade (June 2014) [es]

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council concerning its role to fight terrorism and strengthen the security - Luxor Declaration (December 2017)

  • Declaration of the World Customs Organization on cross-border e-Commerce - Beijing Declaration (February 2018)

  • Declaration of the Customs Co-operation Council on Gender Equality and Diversity in Customs (December 2020) [ar] [es] [ru[ch]

*Provided by Saudi Customs