Xenotime-(Yb) Mineral Data
- ️Dave Barthelmy
General Xenotime-(Yb) Information

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Xenotime-(Yb) Crystallography

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Physical Properties of Xenotime-(Yb)

Optical Properties of Xenotime-(Yb)

KPDcalc= 0.2416,KC= 0.1227
Ncalc = 1.39

Calculated Properties of Xenotime-(Yb)

note: Specific Gravity of Xenotime-(Yb) =3.14 gm/cc.

Boson Index = 0.81

U=PEXenotime-(Yb) x relectron=1,801.53 barns/cc.

GRapi = 60,129.09 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Xenotime-(Yb) per GRapi unit = 16.63 (PPM)
Xenotime-(Yb) is Radioactive as defined in 49 CFR 173.403. Greater than 70 Bq / gram.
Estimated Maximum U.S. Postal Shipping Size
(10 mRem/hr limit, Unshielded 10 cm box)
505.86 ±126.46 grams of pure Xenotime-(Yb) .
Specimen Size Weight/Volume (Sphere) * |
Calculated Activity Becquerels (Bq) |
Calculated Activity Curies (Ci) |
Estimated Activity GR(api) |
Estimated Exposure (mRem**)/hr If Held in Hand For One Hour |
1000 gm / 8.47 cm | 1,446,243 | 3.91E-05 | 60,129.09 | 19.77 |
100 gm / 3.93 cm | 144,624 | 3.91E-06 | 6,012.91 | 1.98 |
10 gm / 1.83 cm | 14,462 | 3.91E-07 | 601.29 | 0.20 |
1 gm / 8.47 mm | 1,446 | 3.91E-08 | 60.13 | 0.02 |
0.1 gm / 3.93 mm | 145 | 3.91E-09 | 6.01 | 0.00 |
0.01 gm / 1.83 mm | 14 | 3.91E-10 | 0.60 | 0.00 |
0.001 gm / 0.85 mm | 1 | 3.91E-11 | 0.06 | 0.00 |
Weight of pure Xenotime-(Yb) in grams (gm) and Calculated Diameter of a Sphere with a Density of 3.14 gm/cc.*
Goverment Estimate of Average Annual Exposure ( 360 mRem) **
Note: 10 microsieverts/hr = 1 mRem/hr **
Max Permissable Adult Dose 50,000 mRem/yr (hands), 15,000 mRem/yr (eyes)
Lethal Dose LD(50) Exposure 400,000 to 500,000 mRem
Estimated Thorium Activity ( 3.23 % Th) From Sum REE Elements (64.56 % REE)
Xenotime-(Yb) Classification

Other Xenotime-(Yb) Information

1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - GeoScienceWorld
4 - Google Images
5 - Google Scholar
6 - MinDAT
7 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
8 - Online Mineral Museum
9 - QUT Mineral Atlas
10 - Ruff.Info
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A Bijoux Google Search for Xenotime-(Yb)Adam's Minerals Google Search for Xenotime-(Yb)
Cape Minerals Google Search for Xenotime-(Yb)
Dakota Matrix Minerals Google Search for Xenotime-(Yb)
Excalibur Mineral Corp. Google Search for Xenotime-(Yb)
Exceptional Minerals Google Search for Xenotime-(Yb)
John Betts Fine Minerals Search for Xenotime-(Yb)
McDougall Minerals Google Search for Xenotime-(Yb)
Mineral News Website Link
Rock and Mineral Shows Google Search for Xenotime-(Yb)
Weinrich Minerals, Inc. Google Search for Xenotime-(Yb)
Ask about Xenotime-(Yb) here :
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Mindat.org's Discussion Groups
Original Rockhounds Discussion Group
Rockhounds Discussion Group on Yahoo Groups
Mineral Discussion Forum from Fabre Minerals - also available in
Print or Cut-and-Paste your Xenotime-(Yb) Specimen Label here :
YbPO4Dana No: Strunz No: 08.AD.35