Colophon - The Web Standards Project
The site is written in XHTML Strict with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and delivered using WordPress.
The Web Standards Project website was designed by Andy Clarke. The logo was designed by Peter Fielding. Code optimization and WordPress integration by Kimberly Blessing, with the assistance of Chris Casciano. Scripting by Chris Kaminski. WordPress upgrade assistance by Jeff Smith.
Other members of the Web Standards Project contributed the site content.
Note that there is only one version of the site; there are no fancy backend tricks that deliver one site to one browser, and another site to another browser. What you get is what everyone gets. It’s up to your browser to decide what to do with it, which is the way that the Web is supposed to work.
You may see the original version of this website (1998-2001) at
WaSPs come in many types and sizes. Although they have a bad reputation because of their painful sting, they also destroy pest insects and provide a minor role in pollination. They generally are not aggressive unless roused up.
The Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.